Road Cycling

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If I worked at home and lived at work that would have been a belting tailwind.

Aye. Much slower afternoon spin.

Switched the wheel over to fixie mode full on hipster style this afternoon. Was a bit of a giggle. Stopping is kinda fun but I'm not convinced on a safety point of view commuting fixed!!
Aye. Much slower afternoon spin.

Switched the wheel over to fixie mode full on hipster style this afternoon. Was a bit of a giggle. Stopping is kinda fun but I'm not convinced on a safety point of view commuting fixed!!

No, I'm not sure I'd be confident riding fixed!

I have to say I'm not overly impressed with the brakes, but that's long reach calipers and stock pads for you. I'll definitely be changing the pads in short order.
A chap I know who is just getting into cycling and worried about getting his first puncture on the road was told that what he needed was an old tyre and to run that inside the other one :confused:

Firstly is this or was this ever a thing? Secondly... how the heck do you shove one tyre (and inner tube) inside another and get the thing on the rim?

He asked me if I'd ever heard of it and I told him it was a new one for me :p
You slice the sidewalls off an old tyre and fit the centre section inside another tyre. Could also do it by slicing open an old tube and fitting the new tube inside it.

I've never tried either, seems like a lot of hassle and I dont get punctures too often anyway*.

*I've jinxed it now, havn't I?!?
Decided to really push myself in preparation for June's sportive so I've got a 72 miler planned for tomorrow. If it goes as well as expected then I'd just like to say it has been a pleasure knowing you all :p
So after relentlessly trying to thread shifting cables through my SRAM double tap shifters it turns out the cables I was using from Jagwire were 1.2mm which I've always used with Shimano, whereas SRAM needs 1.1mm?!

I have jagwire on mine and no dramas. Even said on the front SRAM/Shimano.

To be fair I did manage the rear derailleur shifter after a bit of faffing, but the front derailler wasn't having it, so hopefully the new cables on order do the trick...
No riding for me for the next couple of weeks unfortunately :( The good news is that I will be spending the next couple of weeks in the Seychelles :cool: Got to be carefull not to spoil the 1.5stone I lost this year so far. :o
You slice the sidewalls off an old tyre and fit the centre section inside another tyre. Could also do it by slicing open an old tube and fitting the new tube inside it.

I've never tried either, seems like a lot of hassle and I dont get punctures too often anyway*.

*I've jinxed it now, havn't I?!?

Ah, that makes more sense :p Oh and I meant to post that in the road cycling thread but I haven't passed my internet usage test yet :o
An hour of Zwift fun today, held the green and the polka dot jerseys.

I think it will help me racing as all the segments on there are 15 seconds to 2 minutes of just smashing it.
darn summer cyclists...!!! grrr

slow, sweaty, fat, wobbly red light jumping plums! never mind taking up all the space in the garage which results in me heaving to come in 25 mins early to get a space.


either cycle all year or go home.
Our cycle racks are a wasteland of old locks. I'm hoping that a decent warm day doesn't result in an influx of noobs wanting to lock their rusty one-day-a-year special next to my beautiful year round bike.
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