Road Cycling

See this is the weird thing. They have some pretty high end stuff in their shop, albeit think they more cater to the mtb scene.

It's a strange mix of bikes around here. There's either the local Spaniards on old 90's steel road bikes which look superb or rich foreigners riding Pinarellos/Colnagos etc.... and then me with a cheap Chinese carbon road bike and a weird Trek frankenbike :D
Annoyingly this stock of energy stuff turned up today which i'd ordered ahead of the ride and to get me through summer. This place seems to be a Spanish brand but is really cheap. First time buying gel in bulk and using a soft flask

Some great stuff. 45g carb gels for €1 and this bottle of 600g carbs for a tenner including the flash
You'll love it and have a great day, doesn't matter if he comes along or not! Just have zero expectations and just ride it for your own reasons, enjoy it for what it is! :D

Where is it? If not a million miles from me and they do late entry I might be tempted! You're in north/east Bristol aren't you? If it's above Bristol I'm only 1.5 hours away from Avonmouth/Stroud/Cirencester :cool:

Ha, he was my lift to and from the event!
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