Pretty sure yeah. 25mm tyre and there's about 2mm above the tyre and a few mm either side.
I had to stop on a climb before because a leave got stuck to the tyre and was making a noise every rotation between tyre and caliper.
Mine aren't no.Are those direct mount brakes?
More clearance than in that photo? Well the wheel is slightly out of true so only tend to hear it when I get out the saddle or as I move off but quite annoying!weird - I've got Ultegra brakes and Zonda's with 25mm contis on and zero clearance issues
Like the current 105 & Ultegra then really...!there will be basically nothing to choose between centaur and potenza apart from tiny bits of weight difference here and there and maybe the quality of the parts.
Have to agree and most of you are right about the SCS system being a bit of a nightmare for owners and Specialized themselves. I was aware of it when buying my Diverge, many others were not...!Makes more sense than the SCS solution, I reckon. I'd rather be limited by chainsets than wheelsets.
I've seen 6870 DI2 shifters already going for not that high prices on the 'bay...As for the next Ultegra, now than Shimano offer the control/battery/firmware upgrade for 6870 Di2 (see here), I'd buy 6870 when it gets reduced to make way for the new one.
Don't worry too much about it... All it takes is a dodgy PWM offset ride and all of generic Strava power data will be screwed anyway! Doh! 100%+ intensity while commuting at @15mph lolYour strava link shows 96% for me? Don't think you need update them.
Intensity based on your power data which Strava derives from your FTP (1 hour thresold power). So for a 1hr 16min ride @ 96% intensity you averaged under your perceived FTP.
Massively generalising and it is Strava data so would not worry too much or over-think it.
TOIGHT!I had to stop on a climb before because a leave got stuck to the tyre and was making a noise every rotation between tyre and caliper.
weird - I've got Ultegra brakes and Zonda's with 25mm contis on and zero clearance issues
Not necessary no. Apps like Strava will just ignore it anyway and use your GPS speed. It can be useful for things like mtbing where GPS can go a bit funny inside the trees.I'm looking to buy the Wahoo Elemnt Bolt Bundle.... wth is a RPM speed sensor for? Surely the cadence sensor would give you rpm and hence RPM speed?
EDIT: Derp derp derp. Thought it was a sensor for your cadence speed. It's just a speed sensor. Are these even necessary when riding with GPS?
I'm looking to buy the Wahoo Elemnt Bolt Bundle.... wth is a RPM speed sensor for? Surely the cadence sensor would give you rpm and hence RPM speed?
EDIT: Derp derp derp. Thought it was a sensor for your cadence speed. It's just a speed sensor. Are these even necessary when riding with GPS?
Bit demoralising, too! *Beep* AUTO PAUSED. Yeah? Screw you, Garmin, you want to have a go at it?I've found using GPS for speed can sometimes result in auto-pausing if you are grinding up a tree-covered steep climb. Not the end of the world but can affect your segment time if you're trying to PB!
I have never been going THAT slow that my Garmin auto-pauses.... Possibly because it is not brave enough to unleash such humiliation on me and have itself bounced down the road
I have never been going THAT slow that my Garmin auto-pauses.... Possibly because it is not brave enough to unleash such humiliation on me and have itself bounced down the road
I'll bet you were...According to my Garmin I was doing 2mph whilst sat in bed the other night.