Road Cycling

Got back yesterday lunchtime from Mallorca and was immediately challenged to bang out 50 today in exchange for 2 beers at Kwaremont at Flanders.

So I did 61 so there was no doubt. Worth it but im totally exhausted; strong wings and hail didn't help today.
I could honestly never ride a bike again after today!

Mixed king kebab for dinner the night before,porridge and a black coffee for breakfast isn't enough to ride a hard 100 miler :o

Not the best day to try out the bars for the first time, tingly hands for about 30 miles before I took my outer gloves off to give more movement. Like them in one way but not in others so we'll see if they end up on ebay :D
didn't end up installing the power meter on my bike. just realised i dont have a new gear cable and i was planning to move from 50T to 52T and front mech cable is too short to allow the front mech to move upwards.... but i can confirm at least it's not totally dead, as soon i picked it up from the box, my garmin picked up the signal. :D
I realllllllllly like the look of the blue fade on the 7.0 but they don't do it on the 8.0 which does in fact have a lovely silver but I can MyO an Orbea to be quite similar.

I'm not sold on my new bars as yet, they slipped when I tested them against a speed bump even though I set them to 5nm....will mess about until I find a happy position.
Yeah but who likes Orbeas?! ;)

To be fair they're a brand which largely flies under the radar, have always been a very traditional 'boring' kinda shape - although I've always thought the Orca M30 Team does stand out as one of the prettier aero frames. The newer Propel and Venge now also looking very similar.

argh, I don't need a garmin but I really want one and halfords have the 820 for £175! do they really offer more over a phone?
Yes, so much more. Although that can depend on what you're using on the phone. I would say things on a phone are a compromise compared to a dedicated head unit, but it's been several years since I used the Strava and ipbike apps.

Also make sure you need all the functionality of the 820. I previously had an 810 but the amount of times I used the mapping features which where not available on the lower units where very few and far between. It was a waste of money. Even more so when it died less than 2 years later. Wahooligan convert here.

Just getting back from Mallorca now, I foolishly left my 820 at home and replaced with a wahoo bolt while out there.

Message me if mine would be of interest to you. Will be cheaper than Halfords.
Selling the 820 & keeping the BOLT? Another convert!? Welcome! :D

didn't end up installing the power meter on my bike. just realised i dont have a new gear cable and i was planning to move from 50T to 52T and front mech cable is too short to allow the front mech to move upwards.... but i can confirm at least it's not totally dead, as soon i picked it up from the box, my garmin picked up the signal. :D
Not sure mine even detected that quickly - was usually a turn or two of the cranks before it woke up. Mine's the opposite to yours then - all boxed up dead and ready to send for service.

Feels weird going back to 50/34 from 52/36. Shouldn't be much in it but I'm sure I can 'feel' the difference! :rolleyes:

In other news - no riding at all for me this weekend, still trying to shift this chesty phlegm and cough. Annoying as hell, but aiming on putting a good stint in next weekend as it's my turn to go out on the club ride. Can't wait! :D
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Yeah but who likes Orbeas?! ;)
Yes, so much more. Although that can depend on what you're using on the phone. I would say things on a phone are a compromise compared to a dedicated head unit, but it's been several years since I used the Strava and ipbike apps.

Selling the 820 & keeping the BOLT? Another convert!? Welcome! :D

Yea, it's a pretty big leap forward in progress in my opinion. Garmin need to release an urgent app update to include the same functionality on their devices. The Wahoo setup couldn't have been easier. I also have confidence in the platform whereas I was always expecting the Garmin to get a bug and crash out mid-ride. Unless they announce something soon or I realise there was some feature that I forgot I needed; there is no reason to go back now. Plus I got a special edition version which is in red and not just pure black, match the bike yo!

For a stand-in device so I could record my holiday rides, it has made a big impact.
In other news - no riding at all for me this weekend, still trying to shift this chesty phlegm and cough. Annoying as hell, but aiming on putting a good stint in next weekend as it's my turn to go out on the club ride. Can't wait! :D

Last week's cold has morphed into a chesty cough for me as well. Really frustrating as I felt I was doing well on the TT sessions and I'd hoped to put some hard work in before going away next week.
Yea, it's a pretty big leap forward in progress in my opinion. Garmin need to release an urgent app update to include the same functionality on their devices. The Wahoo setup couldn't have been easier. I also have confidence in the platform whereas I was always expecting the Garmin to get a bug and crash out mid-ride. Unless they announce something soon or I realise there was some feature that I forgot I needed; there is no reason to go back now. Plus I got a special edition version which is in red and not just pure black, match the bike yo!
Wahoo setup? Don't remember doing one myself ;) - it was just that good out of the box. A breath of fresh air considering the fiddling of profiles, wheel sizes and such on the Garmin. To be honest there's things the Garmins do well - live mapping, the maps themselves and the screens are superb. It's just the general 'it just works' on the Wahoo devices which are a huge plus. The reliability and 'no need to configure/tweak it' is a huge advance on how you get used to 'living with a Garmin'. Obvious I'm biased as had issues with my 810. But to me it really shows up the Garmin OS as being so out-dated and clunky. Also shows how some of the plus' on the Garmin really are just 'nice to haves' and not essential - things like touchscreens and colour screens. Although to be fair I do miss having bike profiles. One of the few things I used quite a bit.

Don't forget about how aero your Bolt is! Well done for going with red too... Everyone knows red ones go faster.

Last week's cold has morphed into a chesty cough for me as well. Really frustrating as I felt I was doing well on the TT sessions and I'd hoped to put some hard work in before going away next week.
Damn. Hope it's not the same one as me - just can't shift it! I have a virus the first week which knocked me for 6, then a cold/flu kinda thing afterwards in weeks 2 & 3, just about over that and then this head cold developed into a tickly cough and really congested chest into this the 4th week. I think they where 3 different things, just 1 after the other. I felt better weekend before last and turbo'd but that combined with a few cold/wet mornings fixing fence panels and riding in the rain made things worse. Body & legs have been good for 2 weeks, just no lung capacity and any real efforts bringing on a coughing fit.
Wahoo setup? Don't remember doing one myself ;) - it was just that good out of the box. A breath of fresh air considering the fiddling of profiles, wheel sizes and such on the Garmin. To be honest there's things the Garmins do well - live mapping, the maps themselves and the screens are superb. It's just the general 'it just works' on the Wahoo devices which are a huge plus. The reliability and 'no need to configure/tweak it' is a huge advance on how you get used to 'living with a Garmin'. Obvious I'm biased as had issues with my 810. But to me it really shows up the Garmin OS as being so out-dated and clunky. Also shows how some of the plus' on the Garmin really are just 'nice to haves' and not essential - things like touchscreens and colour screens. Although to be fair I do miss having bike profiles. One of the few things I used quite a bit.

Don't forget about how aero your Bolt is! Well done for going with red too... Everyone knows red ones go faster.

Red is always faster and yep, a full Garmin GUI/OS overhaul is needed. Hopefully Wahoo has given them a kick to the nuts to start doing so. I dont recall seeing any Garmin GUI development other than adding features.
I had the option for the Garmin 130 or the bolt last week. I had a little play with the 130 yesterday in Evans and im so glad that I didn't go for that one.
Also what torque generally on chainring bolts do people use? @Jonny ///M @Saytan

Googling I found Shimano recommendation for 8-10 nM, so I did mine at 10 nM but had a few creaks this morning. Did grease the rings & spider, then loctite on the bolt threads themselves. Hopefully it's just settling down. I fitted the Powertap C1 at 8nM 26 months ago and it never creaked once! :D
I just wang them on. I don't use a torque wrench on bikes, though I'm not currently working with any carbon

Tight's tight as my grandad used to say.
8-10 on Rotor bolts with medium strength thread lock.
Thanks, only have blue loctite which I think is generally the medium/recommended anyways.

I just wang them on. I don't use a torque wrench on bikes, though I'm not currently working with any carbon

Tight's tight as my grandad used to say.
I've stripped threads and broken bolts before as my 'man-tight' is obviously a little too much for these generally flimsy aluminum parts. I blame my farm upbringing! ;)

One day I'll buy a PM.:o
Without one you're obviously power doping. Wut. :o

In other news. Had to drive today as broke a crown eating peanuts so off to the dentist I go. Even less cycling, ffs! Producing snot rockets almost the colour of Bianchi Celeste this morning. Hope that's progress and it's clearing.
Very quiet in here! I know @Shamrock and @Lethal` are away (very jealous guys) but surely the rest of you are riding in the better weather this week?! :D

The stars have almost aligned and it looks like I'm allowed out on the club ride this saturday. Weather looks good. My cold/cough is slow progress, so will have not done any serious riding for almost 2 weeks! Thankfully my legs have felt pretty good through-out. Part of me is hoping to also do a Zwift ride on the sunday morning to really get some volume in and pick things back up, but sounds like 'she' has other plans (WM Safari Park)...
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No outside riding for me at the moment. Time crunched so still on the trainer but that’s going OK. Didn’t feel it at the weekend so stayed in bed longer.
Very quiet in here! I know @Shamrock and @Lethal` away (very jealous guys) but surely the rest of you are riding in the better weather this week?! :D

The stars have almost aligned and it looks like I'm allowed out on the club ride this saturday. Weather looks good. My cold/cough is slow progress, so will not done any serious riding for almost 2 weeks! Thankfully my legs have felt pretty good through-out. Part of me is hoping to also do a Zwift ride on the sunday morning to really get some volume in and pick things back up, but sounds like 'she' has other plans (WM Safari Park)...

If your lurgy is what went around here, you will have an on/off lurgy for ~5 weeks, I had to carefully judge how easy to ride from mid Jan to mid Feb, before then gradually pushing towards and just over FTP.

Sod's law, I caught something milder last weekend, bit of muscle fatigue; sore throat; the sniffles. Was planning to taper training down anyway this week, but this meant I've been more cautious, in the hope I feel quite fresh to tackle a hilly Mendips ride on the road bike... If several stars fall into alignment! Failing all else, I'll be hitting the cat3/4s around Longleat on a hire mountain/hybrid bike like last May.

Whatever happens next week, it's going to be nice to finally do some non-commute outdoor hilly riding for the first time as since around January, the hill workouts on the turbo are starting to feel a bit too samey.
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