Road Rage: How do you deal with it?

31 Mar 2004
London, UK
I was subjected to racial abuse (verbal) earlier today, granted I was nearly as bad by exchanging foul language but racial abuse seems like a different level to me. The driver in front decided to stop in the middle of the road with no signal for half a minute doing nothing and gets worked up when I give her a little "beep" to get her moving. After the first corner, she stops, gets out and starts throwing verbal abuse at me. After a minute or so of verbal abuse being exchanged, we both drove off. For me, it's just another ordinary day with an extra event :rolleyes: but it has got me thinking, what if that person decided to get physical?

Road Rage isn't something we come across often, usually verbal abuse is thrown around though I've seen fists being thrown, the worse I've witness was a metal pole drawn out :eek: Most people don't bother me if they get are moody and feel like taking it out on you, we've all had our moody days but how do you go around handling road rage, especially when it gets more than words being exchanged?
The only times I've been out of my car the others have got back in, except once when his mate talked me out of smacking the driver of the other car.

Never had a woman give me verbal, and if I did I'd give her verbal back and get on with my day.
I dont see why racial abuse is any worse, abuse is abuse...we can all do without it but its not gonna kill us.

Thankfully I have not been subjected to physical roadrage, altho i have been on the recieving (and giving) end of verbal road rage; one particually memorable time was when an oldish man was parked blocking the road while he just sat in his car, i waited and nothing, so i bibbed (a small polite bib)...he didnt move but i waited another 5 mins and bibbed again, he moved 2 ft forward, still blocking the road and again i waited then bibbed twice (starting to get angry now)....this is when he gets out the car, slams the door and turns to come and give me a pieceof his mind and the rest...that is til he saw i was in a bloody great landrover and was considerably bigger and angrer than him. I didnt get out, but as soon as he saw me he got back in and moved :p
Just after passing my test I *almost* pulled out on someone....but didn't. They got upset. Chased me for about 30 miles....I stopped to fill up with petrol - he got out and slapped me. **** :mad: I followed him...he went somewhere....A few nails, lovingly lodged against his tyres later.....4 new tyres for him.

He deserved it.
I've not had any serious cases as yet, have made the odd rude hand signal if someone has been particularly rude/ignorant/stupid.

Its not something I'd rise to tbh, I'm not a huge fan of confrontation.
Probably bad of me but I like roadrage.

Many stories to tell, but one of the "better" was when i gave chase (about 20 miles) to a newish astra at night. I've forgot what he did now, but to put it bluntly he crapped himself to the extent of driving down unlit country roads with no lights on:D . Also we got to a red light, both stood there and I opened the door and he sh@t himself and drove through it lol.

Ohters include blocking the road so they cant get past then getting out of the car, scaring them to reverse up the road :D
Originally posted by Im Back
Probably bad of me but I like roadrage.

Many stories to tell, but one of the "better" was when i gave chase (about 20 miles) to a newish astra at night. I've forgot what he did now, but to put it bluntly he crapped himself to the extent of driving down unlit country roads with no lights on:D . Also we got to a red light, both stood there and I opened the door and he sh@t himself and drove through it lol.

Ohters include blocking the road so they cant get past then getting out of the car, scaring them to reverse up the road :D
You're a toilet.
Originally posted by Im Back
Probably bad of me but I like roadrage.

Many stories to tell, but one of the "better" was when i gave chase (about 20 miles) to a newish astra at night. I've forgot what he did now, but to put it bluntly he crapped himself to the extent of driving down unlit country roads with no lights on:D . Also we got to a red light, both stood there and I opened the door and he sh@t himself and drove through it lol.

Ohters include blocking the road so they cant get past then getting out of the car, scaring them to reverse up the road :D

I cant WAIT for you to meet your match :) hopefully it'll be a nice stay in hospital for a few months..
I can have a laugh as and when. Find it quite easy when there's something funny said.

Are you implying that you weren't serious before? Or that you aren't a toilet if you were serious?
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