Road Rage: How do you deal with it?

13 Jan 2003
Originally posted by Conanius
theres allways someone bigger than you....

Not unless you're the tallest person in the world or the fattest lol.

Was in the car with Dad a few weeks ago and on the road to the university where i live two lanes eventually go into one and all drivers expect you to let them in even though they know the road. well Dad had just been stuck in traffic for almost 30mins and was in a bad mood as it was and some idiot didn't look when they were pulling into the lane we were in luckily we were going slow so dad could stop but if he didn't the driver would have went in to the side of us of course the other driver had to beep his horn as if to say it was my dads fault so dad started to beep the horn and shout at the driver calling him all sorts then once we got out of the traffic the driver kept going really slow to **** my dad off so at the next set of traffic lights dad revved the engine a bit and acelerated forward a lot quicker than usual scaring the crap out of the other driver who quickly went at normal speed and turned in the next street, dad followed him and he pulled over so we slowed down to a stop just infront of the other driver, his face was priceless:D. Think he thought dad was going to kill him lol so we just drove on.
18 Oct 2002
I've never lost my temper with anyone on the road - plenty have annoyed me but it just aint worth it. Just be my luck to pick on a guy who turns out to be a 7ft kickboxer, you cant really tell when they're in the car.

I do carry a baseball bat in my car (i know i shouldnt) purely for protection cos there's a lot of car jacking going on with scoobs.
18 Oct 2002
Originally posted by merlin
I've never lost my temper with anyone on the road - plenty have annoyed me but it just aint worth it. Just be my luck to pick on a guy who turns out to be a 7ft kickboxer, you cant really tell when they're in the car.

I do carry a baseball bat in my car (i know i shouldnt) purely for protection cos there's a lot of car jacking going on with scoobs.

all ill say to that mate.. the cars insured, if they are stupid enough to steal your wheels, god knows what they are on, carrying etc... its not worth it buddy :(
19 Oct 2002
I dont really get road rage, and if i do get annoyed with the driver in front of me for any reason, ill just wait until a safe spot, and over take.
25 Oct 2004
Bonnie Scotland
Woah there's some heat in this thread:(

Terrorising people is not much of a laugh for anyone. Not for them 'cos they're petrified and then not for you 'cos your day will come and you'll park across the road in front of some nutter with a pistol or shotgun or just big hairy hands and you'll regret it man

It could even be someone on this very forum:D

You are a bad bad man Im Back - can't emphasise enough, someones gonna get you!
18 Oct 2002
Depends on a few things for me really.The severity of the incident in question would be one and also how aggresive the person/persons involved were.

I am far more chilled today but if the wrong buttons are pushed i would get out and want to say my bit every single time.
I also can't stand those moments where someone else is 100% in the wrong, but **** you off for it.
I would follow those people to the ends of the earth if i had to because it bugs me.Stupid? probably, but far more satisfying for me personaly to of said my bit.

Just one example of what i mean would be the time i had to stamp on my brakes (was only doing 30mph) because a motorcyclist pulled out of a junction about 10 feet in front of me. After avoiding him by about half an inch and calming down from the shock waves surging through my body, he then gave me the special blend and roast gesture and rode off.
I didn't have time to turn around really so just followed him in reverse as fast as my car would go ( i think only dogs would have heard the high pitched whine it was making) before spinning around, blocking him off and having a quiet word with him.

However, i am not stupid enough to think i am always in the right or that everything is so truly terrible or personal that it requires action to be taken.I sit firmly in the middle in the road rage stakes.I appreciate they are just cars, i don't take things personaly etc, but as in other real life situations, there are always times a line is crossed and they are nearly always by angry idiots who no doubt get away with similar things day in day out.
Even when i was a rather hot headed youngster i still knew what was deemed road rage worthy or not if that makes sense.

I can honestly say hand on heart any incidents (and there have been a few including physical stuff) i have been involved in were down to other idiotic or angry drivers and nothing to do with me being even slightly in the wrong.Sure some will say i am in the wrong to act apon such situations, but to be honest i don't really care.I was also told it was stupid to throw drunk teenagers out of an off licence once while they were abusing the woman behind the counter, but that felt great aswell.Maybe i just enjoy doing what many would think is the right thing to do or something they themselves would like to do but never would, i dunno.

I certainly never get out with a view to having a punch up anyway and i never scream and shout, i am always totaly calm but just get my point across.
An example to show what i mean by that would be the time a classic car was being driven like a loon and missed me by a few inches twice in an overtaking attempt.Twice i was the one who had to avoid a collision yet i got a look of death from the driver as he passed.
I flashed him, indicated, he pulled over and i simply asked "what a lovely car mate, did you do all the work yourself?"
looking a bit bemused he said he had done all the work himself, so i then simply suggested what a total waste of time it was if he was now going to smash it up by driving like a punt.
Another time i tapped on a window of a guys car and told him he needed to remove the child on board sticker from his window because he was going to kill his kid driving in such a manner.

If people ever do stop (sometimes i actually prey they will because often they never do and it makes a change!) you can pretty much assume they are angry drivers or people having a bad day.In that case, if they decide to get physical i will do what i have to do and hope for the best.Something that has left me laying in the road before now looking up at the stars and finaly waking up to realise my clothes were out of fashion! : p

As Gilly says though, most times, people who have been super heros all the time they know they are nice and safe and going in the opposite direction etc will never get out if confronted.Or they will jump back in and drive off.

So as chilled as i am and as forgiving for genuine silly errors (let's face it, some people look for excuses to have a row on the roads :/) if something happens that leaves me shaking my head in disbelief or puts me in danger i will often react.

On the other hand, as of yet i have never (not once) caused a road rage incident that i know of so i can't comment on what would happen if i was approached.
A few times i have made an error i have just held my hands up and mouthed the words "sorry!".

Long boring post over, it is safe to come out now :)
18 Oct 2002
South Central L.A.
I bet "Im Back" is really just a 12 year old. What would be funny is if he tries his luck on an unmarked police car or the local drug dealer and get his ass blown apart:)

Merlin, you are aware you can get in serious trouble if you get pulled over and searched? Even if you carry a baseball with you too and said you were playing....


I actually had a case where I was driving up this one way road to see a taxi parked in the street but to the left side of the road, enough for me to pass slowly. Next thing a stupid cow in the back opens the door, nearly making me drive into it and ripping it off, so I stopped and a bit peeved I beeped a couple of times and then drove off passed. The taxi driver comes racing up behind me and trys to cut me up at the traffic lights going onto this dual carriageway, anyway my mate who was with me just wound down his window and explained to him it was the stupid munt who opened the door without looking and all was fine.
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8 Aug 2003
Originally posted by Im Back
Probably bad of me but I like roadrage.

Many stories to tell, but one of the "better" was when i gave chase (about 20 miles) to a newish astra at night. I've forgot what he did now, but to put it bluntly he crapped himself to the extent of driving down unlit country roads with no lights on:D . Also we got to a red light, both stood there and I opened the door and he sh@t himself and drove through it lol.

Ohters include blocking the road so they cant get past then getting out of the car, scaring them to reverse up the road :D

Good luck to you. I’ve witnessed a couple of road rage incidents where the perpetrator could have got his ass handed to him on a plate if the other driver (and passengers) hadn’t decided to take the civilised approach.

Personally I just leave people to it glad that for the most part they are in front of me so I can avoid them if I need to.
6 Nov 2004
Originally posted by Im Back
Probably bad of me but I like roadrage.

Many stories to tell, but one of the "better" was when i gave chase (about 20 miles) to a newish astra at night. I've forgot what he did now, but to put it bluntly he crapped himself to the extent of driving down unlit country roads with no lights on:D . Also we got to a red light, both stood there and I opened the door and he sh@t himself and drove through it lol.

Ohters include blocking the road so they cant get past then getting out of the car, scaring them to reverse up the road :D
wow one of the worst posts i have ever seen on this forum :rolleyes:
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
I've never experienced road rage in a very physical manner. I've had people swear at me, and cut me up and block me - but I do try to keep as calm as possible, and if anything be antagonisingly polite and curteous. That usually winds them up though :o

I've hooted and flashed at a couple of idiots that really put my life in danger, and they insited on shadowing my every move, and then letting me over take and follow me everywhere I went. That was disconcerting - I can take care of myself but still when you're alone and you've got a loon with goodness knows what intentions even my mad streak is not enough to want to fight a lunatic like that. I went to a police station and parked outside it and he drove off. It did give me the creeps a little I have to say. The thing is if I get into a fight I just see red and I don't stop hitting till it stops moving which is not good :(

I try to keep clear of idiots that want to cause trouble - I let them go and do their own thing and hopefully they'll get done by the cops or kill themselves without injuring any body else. I hate being bullied and refuse to and generally don't stand for it, but in such a trivial issue as long as I'm not put in danger I let it slide really.

Im Back - you need to grow up.
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