Road Rage: How do you deal with it?

11 Nov 2004
Couvains, France
I posted about this sometime ago, had some idiot trying to run me off the road coz I undertook him...

I had just let him overtake a lorry where he was struggling, but he then presumed to own the outside lane (as you would expect from a golf driver (stereotype)) even when the other 2 lanes were empty...

Anyway, I just ditched him, you cant race a Honda Accord 2.4 in a clapped out G-Reg golf, and with those odds I didnt wanna be around when he tried to hard...

Mind you found my cars top speed.... 153

I'm back, do you drive a G-Reg golf????

21 Oct 2003
Back with a Vengeance.
most road ragers are no different to keyboard warriors.
bravery behind an unbreachable shield,either the insular nature of their car or the anonymity of their net connection.

seen it all before too often now though.
the only way id respond is if someone got out there car and threatened me physically.
other than that i let them go no matter how stupid theyre behaving.
i dont feel the need to "put the wrong doer in their place"
it doesnt make them drive any differently anyway.
21 Oct 2003
Back with a Vengeance.
Originally posted by gurdas
Next thing a stupid cow in the back opens the door, nearly making me drive into it and ripping it off, so I stopped and a bit peeved I beeped a couple of times and then drove off passed.
im reading this wrong i think.
you ripped a door off and only stopped to sound the horn and not to exchange details?
surely not?
9 Dec 2003
"I'm Back", if I'm reading your location correctly, please stop giving the rest of us from across the pond such a bad name!!

If you really are from Phillidelphia, STAY THERE!! Because if you act and drive like you post, you'd get killed around here. Very quickly. Most likely by the police.
18 Oct 2002
Originally posted by Mickey_D
"I'm Back", if I'm reading your location correctly, please stop giving the rest of us from across the pond such a bad name!!

If you really are from Phillidelphia, STAY THERE!! Because if you act and drive like you post, you'd get killed around here. Very quickly. Most likely by the police.

XD !!!!!!!!

mickey_d, i knew you were a sound bloke, but you also proove the rule there are some cool blokes over the pond, come over for the RR day, bring your van :p :D

sadly, ive just checked his info, and unless he's here on some kind of visa or some such, he's a brit, and goes to uni at The University of Huddersfield :eek:
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9 Dec 2003
As for dealing with road rage? I've had a couple incidents, one involved the other driver having to be persuaded by my friend Colt to just back down, it's not worth it.

I was still in the military at the time, and it was recommended that I carry at all times (this was around the time of the L.A. riots and I was stationed in L.A.).

Moron tailgating me in my Jeep with a Volvo sedan. 6 lane freeway, I'm in lane 2 (to allow on and off ramp drivers easy access), it's almost 2 AM, road is clear of other traffic.

I can no longer see his headlights in my mirror he's so close. I'm rapped out at my 62.5 mph redline. I click on the 4-way emergency flashers to hint to him to go around. He blares the horn and flashes high beams and gets CLOSER!!

I slowed down to the 55 limit to entice him to go around (remember he has 4 lanes with which to safely pass me).

I didn't realise there was any more room for him to get closer, but I can no longer see his windshield wipers in my mirror (please remember my Jeep was lifted 6 inches).

"**** this, I've had enough".....

Pulled the manual choke to full, engine starts bucking and snorting and throwing a full-fledged smoke screen out the back. Pushed the choke back in as I was slowing down too much and the stupid engine backfires through the exhaust.

Cue all the unburned petrol that's collected in the mufflers igniting!!


I about **** myself as it sounded like a 5 inch naval gun going off in my ear.

He backs off for a second because he now has a non-factory tinted windscreen and a slightly mis-shapen hood ornament.

He then gets enraged and screams up alongside me making a gun-shape with his hand and flipping my half the peace sign.

He then starts moving his car towards my Jeep like he's going to push me off the road.

Cue me pointing Mr Colt at his front tyre as I've had more than enough.

Cue idiot locking all four tyres (I think he might have tried to use the spare if it would have done him any good).

I think he sat there in the middle of a 6 lane freeway for almost 30 seconds until I disappeared over the horizon.

Now to those that say I should have pulled off the freeway, maybe that might have worked, maybe it might have put me right in the middle of his home turf where I could have been hauled out of my open-topped Jeep. At least on the freeway I had lots of lighting and open space to maneuver and see what he was up to.
18 Oct 2002
Oh how I wish I had a friend called Colt :D

I have only commited real road rage once, I was going along an A road at 60ish and some bloke turning right from a side road pulled into the middle island thing and waited till I was about 20ft away before pulling out :rolleyes: I locked up and still to this day do not know how I managed to not hit him!

I was driving for about a mile flashing and beeping at him till we got to a dual carridgeway when i shot past him then proceeded to do 10mph, was going to stop but calmed myself down and carried on going at 70 - the bloke kept going slow until I was out of sight.

The standard of driving at the moment is so poor from some people that I really need to bite my lip else I would be shouting at everyone all the time!



9 Dec 2002
I'm gonna start carrying tacks in my car to throw out the window......

i usually shout at people, lean on the horn, flash lights etc etc or my gf does that while i'm driving.... :)
18 Oct 2002
Originally posted by gurdas

Merlin, you are aware you can get in serious trouble if you get pulled over and searched? Even if you carry a baseball with you too and said you were playing....

G, that's a risk i'm prepared to take.

A guy in Kidderminster got stabbed in the side of his head for his scoob 18 months ago. Thats not too far from me.

Then in Dudley a lad nicked a scoob off a forecourt and ran the owner over killing him.

Then some other chap in Quinton i think got stabbed in the eye in a tussle for his scoob too.

If i thought i had the chance - the bat would come out, it's tucked away on velcro. If i didnt have time to get it i'd happily walk away and let them have the car, i've got a fiance and a baby to think about.
25 Feb 2004
Where The Streets Have No Name
Originally posted by Conanius
sadly, ive just checked his info, and unless he's here on some kind of visa or some such, he's a brit, and goes to uni at The University of Huddersfield :eek:
thats a correcto, bravo. up until recently I was in one of their departments, lets just say I wasn't a student ;) and im sure all that go there will remember my gsxr 750 parked accross on the car parks :)

what this has to do with road rage I have no idea lol. But whoop de doo, great:)

[EDIT] and if you need any more info, just ask, theres no point in snooping around :) I dont bite. lol
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17 Mar 2004
A friend of mine going back a few years was travelling down the M4 heading out of London. A 4x4 with blacked out windows overtook him, and from what he described cut in sharpish after passing him. Not happy with this he then decided to do the same in his VW Polo. Next thing this 4x4 is booming down on his and shoots out his back window. Shacken up by all this, it turned out that a air gun had been used. But I grew up in bournemouth, and every since moving to London, some drivers, are shocking. First month of driving up here, I was driving down my road which only has room for 1 car as there are parked cars on either side of the road. I had some impatient idiot behind me expecting me to munter down the road at mach 1, was wieving in and out behind. Got to the end of the road he became parallel with my passenger side and just stared at both myself and my g/f in a menacing way. Another coming down the M1 to brent cross, I overtook someone who obviously was not happy with this so passed me at speed and slammed his brakes on. Both times my g/f has been in the car, if they have problem with the driver, dont endanger the life of any passengers. get out of your car and sort it man to man you pussys!:D
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