Road to recovery

No, I am not. I've not seen one really since I've left hospital.

No need for one at all anymore. I have no pain and if I feel discomfort doing something I stop. If things feel a little too tight or there's a niggle I'll take a few days off or a week depending on how long I've been training.
Pleased with all the increases except my shoulder press. I was expecting at least a full set at 12 reps, only managed 8 at 25kg per arm.

I also started my course to become a certified Personal Trainer recently. Not really doing it for employment, just for myself. After which I want to do the Master Trainer course, focusing on people with disabilities and injuries, one major part being back injuries.

It should be very beneficial for me.

Gym back and shoulders*
Crosstrainer 10 mins
Random hill setting
Base resistance 12

Chin ups
Bw x5

Standing dumbbell shoulder press
6.8kg x10 15lbs
11.27kg x5 25lbs
14kg x3
18kg x2
20kg x2
25kg x8*
22.5kg x12 4 sets

Lat pull down*
Wide grip
127kg (280lbs) x10 3 sets
120kg (260lbs) x10 2 sets

Cable rows, from lower cable fly machine with handles
68kg x12 5 sets + 2 20lbs dumbbells

Side later raises
11.27kg (25lbs) *x10 3 sets
9kg (20lbs) x10 2 sets

Dips Narrow grip
BW x 5
+30kg x10 5 sets

Tricep cable Rope push downs
35kg x10 2 sets
32.5kg x10 1 set
30kg x10 2 sets

Seated leg raises
+10lbs/4.5kg x12 5 sets

Stretches + foam rolling
Cereal and some eggs is not nearly good enough for breakfast. I had hunger pangs while training today even with a nice lunch :mad:

I also missed out on five full sets on the chest press, not happy about that at all.

Gym chest
Crosstrainer 10 mins
Random hill setting
Base resistance 12

Chest press
(seat height 2nd notch)
70kg x10
90kg x5
110kg x2
130kg x2
145kg x10 4 sets
145kg x9 FAIL
80kg x10

Chest cable flys
Handles from ground
12.5kg x10 4 sets
10kg x10 1 sets

Handles from top
12.5kg x10 4 sets
10kg x10 1 sets

Barbell bicep curls
5foot Olympic bar 12kg

Wide grip
27kg x10 5 sets

Reverse barbell curls
22kg x5 5 sets

Forearms curls per arm
25lbs x12 3 sets
20lbs x12 2 sets

Seated leg raises
+10lbs / 4.5kg
X 12 5 sets*


Decided to Change from narrow grip curls to reverse curls. Strangely the two 1.25kg plates were missing today. Had to do a little lower weight.
Another wet and rainy day and another bit of cardio done.
Time to get some dinner and try and study.

Gym cardio
Cross trainer*
Random interval setting
base Resistance 13

5 minutes
Incline 13 speed 6
5 minutes
Incline 13 speed 4.5

15 mins
Random interval setting
base Resistence 13

5 minutes
Incline 13 speed 6
5 minutes
Incline 13*speed 4.5

Cool down
Treadmill 5 mins
Incline 6 speed 4

No problems today at all. I'll slowly be increasing my working reps on the leg press to 15 per set. Afterwards I'll add some weight again slowly. I'll most likely have to rely goblet squats and lunges in two months though. The college gym doesn't have a plate loaded leg press and squatting isn't an option anymore.

I also dropped the weight on the leg extensions, due to increased weight and reps on the leg press, I couldn't do full sets at high weight on leg extensions. No problem, as that'll slowly be increased again as well.

Gym legs
5 mins crosstrainer*
Random hill setting
Resistance 13

Leg press plate loaded
70kg x5
90kg x10
110kg x5
130kg x3
150kg x2
170kg x2
180kg x13 5*sets
Drop sets
120kg x20*
100kg x20

Seated hamstring curler
136kg x12 5 sets (300lbs) 15

Leg extensions
90kg x12 5 sets (200lbs)

Leg press/ calve toe presses
140kg x20 5 sets

After toe presses
Leg press*
140kg x20*

It helps to take the pressure off my lumbar at high weight, works grand.
Especially since the seat is a little bent to the side and puts a slight twist in your torso.
Very happy with my shoulder pressing today.
The dips were a struggle, especially those extra two reps on the sets but they'll be fine by next week.

Gym back and shoulders*
Crosstrainer 10 mins
Random hill setting
Base resistance 13

Chin ups
Bw x5

Standing dumbbell shoulder press
6.8kg x10 15lbs
11.27kg x5 25lbs
14kg x3
18kg x2
20kg x2
25kg x12 2 sets
22.5kg x12 3 sets

Lat pull down*
Wide grip
127kg (280lbs) x10 4 sets
120kg (260lbs) x10 1 sets

Cable rows, from lower cable fly machine with handles
72kg x12 3 sets + 2 25lbs dumbbells

68kg x12 2 sets +2 20lbs*

Side later raises
11.27kg (25lbs) *x10 3 sets
9kg (20lbs) x10 2 sets

Dips Narrow grip
BW x 5
+30kg x12 5 sets

Tricep cable Rope push downs
30kg x10 5 sets

Seated leg raises
+10lbs/4.5kg x12 5 sets

Stretches + foam rolling
Increased the incline on the chest press a bit along with widening the grip on my arm work. I'm really happy with the result of today.
Got everything done, although it took a bit longer than usual for me.

Gym chest
Crosstrainer 10 mins
Random hill setting
Base resistance 13

Chest press
Increased incline
73kg x10
90kg x5
100kg x2
118kg x2
136kg x10 4 sets. 300lbs
136kg x9*

Chest cable flys
Handles from ground
12.5kg x10 4 sets
10kg x10 1 sets

Handles from top
12.5kg x10 5 sets

Barbell bicep curls
5foot Olympic bar 12kg

Increased Wide grip
29.5kg x10 3 sets
27kg x10 2 sets

Reverse barbell curls
22kg x8 5 sets

Rope cable pull downs
20kg x15 5 sets

Seated leg raises
+12lbs / 5.4kg
X 12 5 sets*

Cardio today, upped the incline yet again. The treadmill maxes out at 15 so in two weeks I'll try and slowly increase the speed and see how that affects my back.

Gym cardio
Cross trainer
Random interval setting
base Resistance 13

5 minutes
Incline 14 speed 6
5 minutes
Incline 14 speed 4.5

15 mins
Random interval setting
base Resistence 13

5 minutes
Incline 14 speed 6
5 minutes
Incline 14 speed 4.5

Cool down
Treadmill 5 mins
Incline 6 speed 4

I can't seem to get a break. Feels like sprained something in my sternum. Most likely my costal cartilage of the top right rib.

It's not sore when idle, but I get an ache even a stretch like sting feeling when I stretch or tense my chest.
Even more so when I push my chest out, or do a bench press like motion with my arms; like in an incline position.

I can feel a little bump, and it's a tad tender.
Well got my biofreeze on, took some ibuprofen for the inflammation and it's ice pack time.

Guess pushing the chest too hard on the chest press the past 2 weeks didn't help.
Especially after those heavy dips with increased reps.

No weight on Friday so, hopefully it'll settle soon. Would be a shame to regress in my advances just over 3 months of being back at it all.

Gym legs
5 mins crosstrainer*
Random hill setting
Resistance 13

Leg press plate loaded

70kg x5
90kg x10
110kg x5
130kg x3
150kg x2
170kg x2
180kg x14 5*sets
Drop sets
120kg x20*
100kg x20

Seated hamstring curler
136kg x12 5 sets (300lbs)

Leg extensions
100kg x12 5 sets (220lbs)

Leg press/ calve toe presses
150kg x20 5 sets


Besides my little chest issue, which was most likely in the working since I felt that little pop/crack in my sternum just over 2 weeks ago. Everything is going well.

It's a shame I won't be able to see if I can get three or four sets at 25kg on the shoulder press.
Part of my wants to say screw it and go and do it all anyway. Yet I know I should take it easy. :(
Did all my cardio today along with using the smiths with light weight and cable flies to help stretch my chest and it's affected area. Worked amazingly well.

Gym cardio
Cross trainer
Random interval setting
base Resistance 13

5 minutes
Incline 14 speed 6
5 minutes
Incline 14 speed 4.5

Smith's machine chest

Flat bench, Bar x 10
Wide grip - Narrow all slow and controlled stopping at my chest for 3 seconds.

Incline bench, Bar x 10
Wide grip - Narrow all slow and controlled stopping at my chest for 3 seconds.

Flat bench, 30kg x 10
Wide grip - Narrow all slow and controlled stopping at my chest for 3 seconds.

Incline bench, 30kg x 10
Wide grip - Narrow all slow and controlled stopping at my chest for 3 seconds.

Cable flies from bottom
2.5kg x10 very slow and controlled
5kg x10 very slow and controlled

Cable flies from top
2.5kg x10 very slow and controlled
5kg x10 very slow and controlled

15 mins
Random interval setting
base Resistence 13

5 minutes
Incline 14 speed 6
5 minutes
Incline 14 speed 4.5

Cool down
Treadmill 5 mins
Incline 6 speed 4


I did try some side lateral raises and standing dumbbell presses with 12lbs but it caused some discomfort so I stopped those and did some more stretching instead.
I didn't do too much today, just some very light weights to see what affects my little injury.

Strangely dips and leg raises really made it stung so I stopped those right away.
Other than that it's coming along very nicely, there's a little tingly after applying some compressing around the area along the peck to the frontol deltoid but that's rather nice. :)

Gym back and shoulders*
Crosstrainer 10 mins
Random hill setting
Base resistance 13

Pull ups
Bw x5

Standing dumbbell shoulder press
6.8kg x10 15lbs
11.27kg x5 25lbs
14kg x3
18kg x5 5 sets

Lat pull down*
Wide grip
90kg (200lbs) x10 5*sets

Cable rows, from lower cable fly machine with handles
25kg x10*
35kg x10
45kg x10
50kg x10

Flat bench, Bar x 10
Wide grip - Narrow all slow and controlled stopping at my chest for 3 seconds.

Incline bench, Bar x 10
Wide grip - Narrow all slow and controlled stopping at my chest for 3 seconds.

Flat bench, 30kg x 10
Wide grip - Narrow all slow and controlled stopping at my chest for 3 seconds.

Incline bench, 30kg x 10
Wide grip - Narrow all slow and controlled stopping at my chest for 3 seconds

Flat bench, 40kg x 10
Wide grip - Narrow all slow and controlled stopping at my chest for 3 seconds.

Incline bench, 40kg x 10
Wide grip - Narrow all slow and controlled stopping at my chest for 3 seconds.

Side later raises
6.8kg (15lbs) *x10 5 sets

Dips Narrow grip
BW x 10

Tricep cable Rope push downs
30kg x10*
25kg x10

Seated leg raises
+12lbs/4.5kg x12 2 sets

Stretches + foam rolling
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I love my dips :(

Then again it's not a proper dip/pull up setup, it's one of those terrible graviton machine with the knee pad thing and weights.

I've two days off, I might do some light chest work on Monday depending on how it feels.
Had a very light day because of the ole sternum.
Went rather well, no pressure anymore or any real discomfort.

Tried to triple set on the core and my back didn't like the idea of side bends at all. Even with just a little 20lbs dumbell. Will have to see what else I can add in there that won't affect the ole lumbar too much.

Gym Light Chest
Crosstrainer 10 mins
Random hill setting
Base resistance 13

Smith bench press
Incline wide grip
Bar x10
40kg x5
60kg x5
70kg x12 5 sets

Chest cable flys
Handles from ground
10kg x10 5 sets

Handles from top
10kg x10 5 sets

Barbell bicep curls
5foot Olympic bar 12kg

Increased Wide grip
29.5kg x10 4 sets
29.5kg x5
27kg x5

Reverse barbell curls
24.5kg x8 2 sets
22kg x8 3 sets

Rope cable pull downs
20kg x15 3 sets

Triple set

Seated leg raises
+12lbs / 5.4kg
X 12 5 sets*

Jack knives*
X15 5 sets

Side bends 20lbs
X15 2 sets

Maxed out the incline on the treadmill yesterday, not much but it does feel nice.

Gym cardio
Cross trainer
Random interval setting
base Resistance 13

5 minutes
Incline 14 speed 6
5 minutes
Incline 14 speed 4.5

15 mins
Random interval setting
base Resistence 13

5 minutes
Incline 14 speed 6
5 minutes
Incline 14 speed 4.5

Cool down
Treadmill 5 mins
Incline 6 speed 4

Ugh, just one of those days where you have no energy.
Broke a terrible sweat just warming up on the crosstrainer and working up the weight till 170kg on the leg press.

Managed only 3 sets at 180kg for 15 reps :(

Tried some dumbell lunges and I was completely out of breath with just 16kg each hand at 10 reps for 3 sets as well.

Might have picked up a little bug the last few days at the gym.
Taking tomorrow off from cardio and then seeing how I feel on Friday.

My back and chest have little aches in them today. :/
Well what ever bug I had last week certainly did a number on my strength. What was supposed to be a light day to get back into things was atrociously difficult. I had to drop the weight on exercises and it seems side bends just don't agree with me. My back doesn't like them and they managed to set off my sternum again after it was fine.

They're going to be dropped anyway.
Gym Light Chest
Crosstrainer 10 mins
Random hill setting
Base resistance 14

Smith bench press
Incline wide grip
Bar x10
40kg x5
60kg x5
80kg x3
70kg x12 3 sets
60kg x12 2 sets

Chest cable flys
Handles from ground
10kg x10 5 sets

Handles from top
10kg x10 5 sets

Barbell bicep curls
5foot Olympic bar 12kg

Increased Wide grip
24.5kg x10 5*sets

Reverse barbell curls
22kg x8 5 sets

Rope cable pull downs
20kg x15 5 sets

Triple set

Seated leg raises
+12lbs / 5.4kg
X 12 5 sets*

Jack knives*
X15 5*sets

Side bends 20lbs
X15 3*sets

Stretches + foam rolling
Planks don't get on well with me. I might actually give the standard pallof press a try on Friday. I completely forgot about it.

Pity I can't touch ab wheel rollouts anymore, I loved doing those.
I tried normal planks two weeks ago and it didn't go too well really. It's all quite frustrating that I'm very limited in some exercises.

I'll certainly give them a shot on Friday along with the pallof presses, if they go well I shall add them to my training. Monday for Legraises and jack knives and friday for the rest.

First things first, I need to sort out this inflammation in my costalcartilage and avoid anything that aggrivates it. Strangely benchpressing helps it really well, with that lovely stretch as the bar is just a cm or two from the chest. Even cable flyes help.
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