Decided to take a break from normal benchpresses, squats and deadlifts for a while. At least until I can get my core up to a decent level again. Plus today I was doing squats and we hard a click/cracking sound, followed by some deferred lower back pain into my left hip. Not nice, it's mostly gone away a bit, but I'm wary of it.
I've been told plenty of times not to bother with squats and deadlifts anymore, but I shall give them a try again in a month or two.
Gym Chest
Crosstrainer 5 mins
Random hill setting
Base resistance 11 incline 10
Bnch press
wide grip
Bar x10
40kg x10
60kg x5
70kg x3
80kg x10 3 sets
Incline dumbbell press
25kg x8
20kg x10 3 sets
Wide grip pull ups
BW x10
Deadbugs 1
X10 5 sets per side
Chest cable flys
Handles from ground
22.5kg x10 5 sets
Barbell bicep curls
Wide grip
30kg x10 3 sets
25kg x10 2 sets
Reverse barbell curls
25kg x10 3 sets
20kg x10 2 sets
+10kg X10 5 sets
Stretches + foam rolling
My first time trying dumbbell bench since my injury, and it's so much easier on my back. Mostly because it's at an incline. Plus my stabilisers are pathetically weak it seems. Time to work on that.
Gym legs
5 mins crosstrainer
Resistance 11 incline 10
Goblet squats
8kg x10
16kg x10
20kg x10 2 sets
16kg x10 2 sets
Leg press single leg
110lbs x12 5 sets
Hip adductors
110lbs x10
Hip abductors
120lbs x10
Leg extensions
170lbs x10
Lying down hamstring curls
120lbs x10
Deferred lower backpain into left hip
Stretches + foam rolling
I've also decided to give CBL a try. Starting tomorrow I'm going to start cutting carbs to <30 for the next few days as the prep for it.
It's going to be extremely tough I think. I'm so use to having my 100grams of oats in the morning 30 minutes after waking up. I'm actually going to have to try and drink coffee again, I haven't done so in years to cut down on caffeine. Now it seems it actually has a very good use for me.
Need to try and get some coconut oil as well, I've been looking for it around town, but places don't seem to sell it.
It seems that some of my main meals won't change at all, I've preferred to have proteins and lots of veg the majority of the time, now I just need to cut out the fruit and carbs that go with them.
I've also decided to learn how to skip, and got a €4 skipping rope from Argos. Now I just need to get it done in the mornings. That along with cutting breakfast sounds extremely daunting to me. Essentially I'll be forgoing breakfast for a larger lunch of chicken/beef/fish and veg.
It's going to be an interesting phase, and I wonder if i can hack it. If I can for prep days, I can finally indulge my sweet tooth at night after training.
Only thing is, tomorrow is going to suck. I have no caffeine in the house, or coffee for "breakfast".