Road to the BNBF Welsh Qualifiers 2011 - Progess Journal

4 May 2007
West Midlands
To be fair, have you been negelcting her in BB pursuits? Are you both the same people/wanting the same things?

Sounds like you're wanting to better yourself and she wants to stay plain :p. Solution: Move on and cut contact.

Squatting may help ease the pain... Or give you other pain to be more concerned about :p.
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
I've never neglected her for this. Infact I said I'd only ever go through with it if I had her blessing.

I've suspected she might suffer with depression these past few months. One minute she's happy as ever, talking about our future and what not, next minute it's doom and gloom and she's not sure she wants a relationship

Like you say though, bro's before ho's
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
Take it out on the iron. Turn the sadness into anger and then beat it out of the weights in the gym. Not that I suffer from huge bouts of rage or anything ;), but the gym is a great "leveller" to ones emotions when you approach it in the right way. Also it may sound obvious but make sure you keep moving around with positivity. No slumping in chairs or any sunken or sullen body language is allowed what so ever.

Bottom line: from the sound of things she doesn't sound like she was on the same page as you (attitude, beliefs, etc.) and so she probably isn't someone to pay a great deal of attention to when she insults you.

Chin up chap, and go eat some chicken :cool:
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
I found some Taurine I used to use at my dads yesterday, about a year old. Thought with not sleeping very well this because, I'll try some of that as I remember it used to knock me out cold

Now I don't know if it was the 2 glasses of wine I had in the evening as well that mixed with it, but that Taurine gave me some very "sexual" dreams :eek: I slept like a baby but man, some of the dreams :eek:

Felt so much better this morning though, 10 hours sleep :)
25 Sep 2006
Now I don't know if it was the 2 glasses of wine I had in the evening as well that mixed with it, but that Taurine gave me some very "sexual" dreams :eek: I slept like a baby but man, some of the dreams :eek:

I can vouch for this.

At uni I'm not sure why this one time it affected me so but that's the only wet dream I've ever had ever. Not complaining though sometimes I wish I didn't wake up :p
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Words cannot begin to describe the pain I've been in for the last hour

Legs day with Rob, and I think I must have annoyed him or something, because he put me through absolute agony

Leg Extensions 1x12, 1x15, 1x50 (30kg, 40kg, 25kg)
Back Squats 3x8 (50kg, 60kg, 60kg)
Front Squats 3x8 (50kg, 50kg, 50kg)
Leg Press 3x8 (160kg, 180kg, 200kg)
Leg Press Wide 1x8 (180kg)
Straight Leg Dead Lifts 1x8 (28kg) - Couldn't do this, my legs would collapse on themselves every time as he told me I need to bend my legs ever so slightly
Lunges 2x25

I still had hamstring curls to do, but I couldn't move, I actually couldn't get up. My legs were throbbing so bad, I've never experienced pain like it. It felt like insane cramp. So gutted I couldn't finish the work out, but I wouldn't have been able to give a good go at anything else. I know compared to some of the guys on here, the volume isn't much and the weights are quite low. But it's the constant pushing to keep form 100% perfect even when you're struggling that gets me and kills me

The leg press doesn't sound like much weight, but it's the first time I've used a leg press where you've been pushing almost upwards, the one in the gym I most train at is almost flat.
And he makes you come all the way back down until you're heels are pretty much touching your bum, and you're not allowed to lock out at the top so it's always tense

I felt so sick, lightheaded and everything. And I've got it all to look forward to next week :(
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13 May 2010
Imo your friends taking you the wrong way. Stop bulking up so much to fast, your natural your not going to any great amount of muscle fast, most likely your weight soaring will be mostly water and fat. I live by the rule have abs all year round!. I have visible abs, not ripped to shreds but visible and lean. I stick by this and add size on.

Im not dieting for a competition and don't plan to tbh, but it's a wise move for your case. And I have a pro friend who lives by this as well and he is HUGE but stays in shape all year round whilst gaining. I don't believe in these huge bulk ups, it's just an excuse to gain excess fat and eat all the crap you want. Alough your diet may be clean you may be over spilling with the calories. From your pics you will have a good base but I'd personally cut back as you'd make the journey for cutting body fat off an absolute pain in the ass and a horrible journey, as if dieting for competition wasn't hard enough! and since your natural your using no aides so you will be in a world of pain.

Now just to enlighten you, really before people go "your a genetic god" etccc, it's nothing much to do with that, genetics help but same rules go for everyone. Simples really, I eat roughly what I want fair play but I eat clean and healthy and I always have because I need to for my stomach etc. As long as your progressing in gym i.e. lifts are increasing, and you have a good balance in your diet you will gain. Theres no need in these huge surplus of carbs/proteins or even fats. Reason I've posted before I eat excess protein is because my stomachs wrecked and I crap half of it out, and I need the repair aid not just for muscle but stomach etc. Find a base, stick to it, if your not gaining up the calories ever so slightly. If your gaining to fast and water/fat then cut back or up the cardio.

See my mate, heres a bad example, he eats everything and is natural and lifts a lot yeah hes up to 17+ stone but bloated, puffy, fat etc obviously theres some muscle under there but he looks a god damned mess, and to cut all that rubbish off will take a lot of work. Some people need to realize that naturally your not going to gain a great deal of muscle fast, most pro naturals have been at it for YEARS and YEARS and thats why they have developed such a physique.
25 Sep 2006
Sounds like a good workout.

Some serious pre-exhaustion there with 50 reps of extensions!

I know what you mean about not being able to stop your legs bending backwards at the knee when doing SLDL with really fatigued quads. It's a horrible feeling, one of the reasons I train quads & hamstring seperatley now.

Good effort though, enjoy the DOMS :cool:

BIC3P does make sense however I can't recall Steedies weight/composition/diet before starting training. I also don't know what Steedie's friends entire plan is or what he has instore for him so can't really comment.

Edit: What's your current weight now Steedie? Was 90KG in your opening post, how much have you gained since then?

Your diet imo doesn't seem bad at all infact almost spot on. Possibly a little high on carbs and low on fats for my liking but you're training quite intensely which explains the extra carbs, plus if I recall have a little cardio each workout too.
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13 May 2010
^Personally to many carbs, I don't even take that and im sitting at about 101kg or so lol.
Diet is pretty spot on in terms of lay out lol. Im the opposite, just eat when I feel like eating, first meal around 11am when I get up out of bed. Alough he hasn't got much variety of protein sources tbh. Tuna is pretty crap tbh. I eat a lot of salmon, haddock, steak and chicken. Still carbs are a little high for training only 3 days per week.

For reference I train 6 days. 4-5 days weights, and 3 days cardio. Usually take the sunday off.
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Cheers B1C3P, trouble is I'm not actually putting on that much fat, I've never been below about 15% BF and always eaten a higher than maintenance diet so my body hasn't changed that much. The only thing I have noticed is my belly just seems a bit more bloated and I'm holding a bit more water.

I know that's the carbs, but I'm making really good gains from this diet and the macros set up how they are. I'm going to keep going with it until at least Christmas then maybe drop it for the 2-3 months in preparation for the contest diet

I was 90kg when I started, I'm now 92.5kg after 2 months, so not a massive difference. If I get to 95kg before Christmas, alarm bells will be ringing trust me, I don't want to give myself too hard a task with the fat loss
25 Sep 2006
Sounds alright then to me about 5-6lbs gain in two months. Accounting for water and glycogen storage bla bla bla ;)

Could always swap the chicken for turkey :) and get a bit of mackerel in there for some variety.

'If it ain't broke, don't fix it'.

Consult Rob before you tweak anything as you don't want to **** up his plan because people in the internet told you to :p
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
tbh it seems like Rob has you on the right track. That seems like an almost ideal gain in 2 months. Like Benny says, if its working don't change it - including after Christmas.

Good work on the legs btw, sounds horrible :D
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Monday 22nd November - Shoulders/Traps
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Seated BB Shoulder Press 5x8 (20kg, 30kg, 50kg, 50kg, 30kg)
Seated Side Raises 3x12 (12kg, 12kg, 12kg)
Standing Lateral Raise 3x12 (8kg, 12kg, 12kg)
Seated Barbell Press Behind Head 4x10 (BW, 40kg, 50kg, 50kg)
Lying DB Rear Delt Raises 3x8 (12.5kg, 12.5k, 12.5kg)
DB Shrugs 4x15 (30kg, 30kg, 30kg, 30kg) Superset
Smith Shrugs 2x10 underhand 2x10 overhand (60kg, 70kg, 70kg, 70kg)

Tuesday 23rd November - Legs
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
eg Extensions 1x12, 1x15, 1x50 (30kg, 40kg, 25kg)
Back Squats 3x8 (50kg, 60kg, 60kg)
Front Squats 3x8 (50kg, 50kg, 50kg)
Leg Press 3x8 (160kg, 180kg, 200kg)
Leg Press Wide 1x8 (180kg)
Straight Leg Dead Lifts 1x8 (28kg)
Lunges 2x25

Thursday 25th November - Chest/Tris
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Incline DB Press 5x10 (18kg, 24kg, 28kg, 26kg, 26kg)
High Incline BB Press 4x8 (BW, 40kg, 50kg, 50kg)
Bench Press Flat 3x10 (70kg, 70kg, 70kg)
Incline Flies 3x10 (12kg, 16kg, 16kg)
Dips 2x6 (BW, BW)
Cable Pushdowns 5x8 (25kg, 30kg, 35kg, 35kg, 25kg)
Kickbacks 2x10 (14kg, 14kg)

Friday 26th November - Back/Bis
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
5 minute bike
Bent Overrows on bench Overhand grip 2x8 (50kg, 50kg)
Bent Overrows on bench Underhand grip 1x8 (50kg)
Deadlifts 4x10 (60kg, 60kg, 70kg, 70kg)
One Arm Rows 3x6 (16kg, 24kg, 24kg)
T Bar Rows 4x8 (60kg, 70kg, 70kg, 70kg)
Standing Alternate Curls 3x8 (10kg, 12kg, 12kg)
Seated Hammer Curls 2x12 (14kg, 14kg)
Bar Curls with no rest period 3x20 (20kg, 15kg, 12.5kg)
Bar Curls with no rest period 3x15 (pausing after 5) (20kg, 15kg, 12.5kg)

Week with Rob, and it was awesome. Already reported on legs, that was the toughest day. Wednesday I almost asked for a wheelchair the doms were insane.

Monday and Thursday were good too, really pushed me and my pressing movements are improving massively. He's diagnosed I have very limited movement in my rotary cuff which is why I've struggled before doing a lot of shoulder exercises. But he said it's improved a lot since we've strengthened up areas that were previously lagging behind.

Back day was horrible, it was a great workout but my lower back was in such pain all the way through that it made all the other exercises really difficult to keep good form, especially T-Bar rows. As my back always wants to arch out rather than flatten
The bar curls at the end, doing a set of 60, as that's essentially what I was doing with no rest, finish with one weight he'd pass the next, never has 12.5kg felt so close to a tonne. The pump was immense though, but even now my arms feel huge

Also we decided to drop my carbs from 320g to 290g. Try and ease the bloated belly look. Other than that diet remains the same.

I've booked a legs day with him next week, god knows why I want to go through that again but I did. And then another full week with him the week after. December is full steam ahead all the way

Ain't nuttin' but a peanut!
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