Road to the BNBF Welsh Qualifiers 2011 - Progess Journal

Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
I'm using it until my cut :)

I asked on a few message boards and apparently it's ok as long as you're not taking it up until the day of the competition. And it's not even a listed banned ingredient anymore so who knows what's going on?
7 Mar 2003
Krispy Kreme drive thru
I do rate it mate :)

I've been taking it since and I missed it on Monday this week as I just totally forgot. And I definitely missed that intensity. It's a weird feeling, you're not fidgety and hyper but you just feel like in between sets you don't need as long as you normally would and you just want to jump straight back into it, because you have that much energy

I did try Ultimate NOX, which was from the gym I trained at and that was insane, far more intense than Jack3d but not in a good way, heart racing, light headedness and it made things uncomfortable at times. But Jack3d is a perfect balance

I'm on 2 scoops now, I did try 3 once and it was a bit intense haha

Cool! So where can I find this? Best site for it?
I'll give it a go :)
13 May 2010
bnbf make me laugh, they ban all these random ingredients, they banned that red mist by boditronics, a lot of it's all politics imo. Thats why I find natural shows a lot of kack personally, I mean who makes up half these rules. They ban natural ingredients randomly, it's like well technically creatine isn't natural as your supplementing with creatine, just like your supplementing with testosterone. Different scale technically but just trying to make a point of example.

Also if you've already taken it then your technically a dirty roider no? because if they test you and are like yeah you taken this product on the lie detector and you fail? pml.
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
My diet as of the 31st January


For breakfast thats a scoop of whey or the eggs. It's only a 500 or so calorie drop to start off with, but the carbs slowly drop week by week

Cardio for an hour in the morning as well
25 Sep 2006
Looks good. I was going to say carbs looked a little high but your tapering them off so that's good.

Are you going to vary the meats, for example maybe have some fish with the rice or beef/turkey to the same macro break down?
13 May 2010
Why no red meats, out of interest?

x2. Imo red meats are pretty crucial, I usually eat steak EVERY day. In excess it isn't the "healthiest" due to digestion rate + fats etc. But imo the benefits outweigh the risks.... I eat chicken, fish and steak every single day without fail...
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Yeah I'm prepared for it to be boring. And Rob has tried to explain everytime just how hard it's going to be. Especially when you're out with friends or at the families when they try and feed you up

The worst bit will be people not understanding why I can't eat certain foods or why I have to take food with me if I'm going out somewhere. I've kind of written off these next 5 months in terms of not being able to do things like weekends away, unless I can guarantee I'll be able to get my diet in, or holidays or weekend binges etc but im prepared to do it as im not going to fail this, if I'm going to do this it's going to be 100%

I'm not even going to do cheat meals. I know the benefits of it, but for me it would be too tempting to have "just one more" that week or slip up.

I've always said this is a one time thing for me, I'm going to enter this show and the finals if I win, then that's it. No more. But because I'm doing that, it's easier for me to be willing to make sacrifices and be so strict as I know it's a one time thing
13 May 2010
I'd get bored eating chicken and rice every day let alone several times per day! Some smoked mackerel would go down nicely :)

It is boring, and the body actually starts to build up an allergy to it (constant brown rice for long time). To many people have these diets of high prot/low carb, Everythings plain chicken this plain chicken that.

I like to use everything to my expense. I eat steaks, fish, chicken every day. Lots of veggies and even home made sauces I make, prawns avocado etc etc. People need variety and variety is where the muscle building comes into play, building size isn't just about how much protein, chicken and rice you can eat. It's revolving around the nutritionally best options imo, And chicken isn't nutritionally the best thing in the world.

There so many people who just eat anything that has protein weather it be a mcdonalds or tuna or whatever. Protein isn't just protein. Aminos and quality of protein count. Tuna isn't the best protein source at all, I'd much rather a large fillet steak. And im the most least prepared guy when it comes to diet I count NOTHING. I just cook up meals based on knowledge and how my body reacts.
25 Sep 2006
Yeah I'm prepared for it to be boring. And Rob has tried to explain everytime just how hard it's going to be. Especially when you're out with friends or at the families when they try and feed you up

The worst bit will be people not understanding why I can't eat certain foods or why I have to take food with me if I'm going out somewhere. I've kind of written off these next 5 months in terms of not being able to do things like weekends away, unless I can guarantee I'll be able to get my diet in, or holidays or weekend binges etc but im prepared to do it as im not going to fail this, if I'm going to do this it's going to be 100%

I'm not even going to do cheat meals. I know the benefits of it, but for me it would be too tempting to have "just one more" that week or slip up.

I've always said this is a one time thing for me, I'm going to enter this show and the finals if I win, then that's it. No more. But because I'm doing that, it's easier for me to be willing to make sacrifices and be so strict as I know it's a one time thing

That's fair enough mate and unlike most people you'll encounter I can understand that you're in preparation for a show so every little helps.

Turkey would do you well if you ever decide a slight change from Chicken.

Explaining what's in a shake and why I drink it is hard enough let alone having to go into detail about calorie defecits and explain my whole diet to somebody who has already made up their mind. I'll usually just make a joke about what i'm eating to avoid having to explain what I'm eating and why.
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Yeah that's why I love talking about it on here as you guys all understand and in most cases have a lot more experience than me in diets and stuff so I can come here for advice as well as just to jot stuff down

I must say my biggest fear about this diet is losing muscle mass. That's why I've always hated cutting and never really done it for that long :(
25 Sep 2006
Yeah that's why I love talking about it on here as you guys all understand and in most cases have a lot more experience than me in diets and stuff so I can come here for advice as well as just to jot stuff down

I must say my biggest fear about this diet is losing muscle mass. That's why I've always hated cutting and never really done it for that long :(

I don't think you really should worry about loosing mass if you've got Rob mentoring you.

I was though very suprised how much smaller I found myself after my cut though I was carrying much more water & fat than I had allowed myself to believe. Though now with IF, HST & BCAA's being the only supp. I currently use I've found myself leaning out without dropping much size.

The dismorphia side of things will be hard to accept intially (thinking you're just loosing muscle from not training) but once you start to get more defined and more shape comes through you'll stop being concerned with loosing mass and focusing more on other aspects of the cut/diet.

Out of interest how is your training going to differ now you're cutting?
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Cheers Benny :)

Well he said a lot of people like to lift lighter for more reps when in pre contest mode. But he said and has always trained the same way. Heavy as you normally would with the same rep range. Making sure to try and keep the same intensity. I will be adding a session on Wednesdays as well rather than having it off for cardio and abs work

It's different for everyone though, but he said he always looks less full if he drops the weight and ups the reps.

I'm going to going BCAA mad. 10g morning, 10g pre-workout and 10g post. And then finally 10g before bed. That might be massively overkill :p but if it helps with maintaining size especially towards the end then it's worth it
25 Sep 2006
I'm going to going BCAA mad. 10g morning, 10g pre-workout and 10g post. And then finally 10g before bed. That might be massively overkill :p but if it helps with maintaining size especially towards the end then it's worth it

I used EAA's on my last cut but am using BCAA's as of my start of HST. Carefuly though at 10grams on an empty stomach and fasted training saw me bring them back up an hour later :p

Good shout on the rep ranges. I figured when I was cutting not having the surplus to support hypertrophy that to train for strength was the most logical thing to do.
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Had a rough night last night, I accidentally had 4 scoops of Jack3d, was talking as I was pouring it out. Realised I did it but thought it will be ok...

Felt so dodgy all day, like I was really lightheaded. And then at night my temperature was all over the place and it was horrible :(

Day off from it today I think
25 Sep 2006
I did similar stuff with my other N.O. supps before. I'd just tip it out the shaker back into the tub and start again, more logical ;)
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