Road to the BNBF Welsh Qualifiers 2011 - Progess Journal

Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Got it from when it was on offer. It's full price again now, but even then it's £23.99 with free delivery so still well worth it
Man of Honour
6 Apr 2007
I'm still loving Jack3d, makes the car journey to the gym interesting with the music up :D probably look like total chavs considering the gym clothes as well.

I have noticed that it can make me slightly more quick tempered if I'm already in a bad mood. Also, it seems to have a significant effect on my body temperature which is awesome when training outside for whatever reason.

I have no knowledge of dieting or weight classes at the level you want, probably best to have a chat with Rob really.
25 Sep 2006
Apart from the energy it gives you, is there really any benefit in these pump supplments?

Jack3d isn't a 'pump' supplement as such. It's basically a performance/focus enhancer. If you skim the supplements thread you'll see as BIC3P mentions it a lot.

The benefit of a pump supplement is the greater volume of blood in the muscle which can stretch muscle fascias which can restrict muscle growth. Also the higher volume of blood the more nutrients that are delivered to the muscle.

Both try to maximise the effectiveness and potential of each workout.
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Yeah it's by no means a dedicated pump supplement, but just due to the nature of the ingredients it does give that effect, although no where near as strong as say Gaspari Superpump

I'd say the energy and focus it gives you are reason alone to get a supplement like this if you're looking to add that little bit extra to your workouts. I got it as it's my last month of my off season so wanted to get the absolute maximum I could out of these last few weeks, and I can see it helping to do that
28 Apr 2009
My brother has the lemon lime flavour and I can't stand it. I've got bubblegum grape, much nicer IMO :). Do try higher doses when you can, following the instructions of course :), if for no other reason than to satisfy curiosity. I would advise to take it slow though cause the jump from 1.75 to 2 scoops snuck up on me, BIG difference for me.

Keep it up Steedie!
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Monday 3rd January - Shoulders/Traps
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Seated DB Shoulder Press 5x8 (22kg, 22kg, 24kg, 24kg, 26kg)
Seated Side Raises 3x12 (12kg, 12kg, 14kg)
Standing Lateral Raise 3x12 (10kg, 10kg, 12kg)
Seated Barbell Press Behind Head 4x10 (40kg, 40kg, 40kg, 45kg)
Lying DB Rear Delt Raises 3x8 (12.5kg, 12.5kg, 12.5kg)
Standing DB Shrugs 4x12 (35kg, 35kg, 35kg, 35kg) Superset

Tuesday 4th January - Legs
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Back Squats 4x8 (110kg, 110kg, 110kg)
Front Squats 3x7 (70kg, 70kg, 70kg)
Leg Press 3x12 (200kg, 200kg, 200kg)
Leg Extension 4x12 (45g, 45kg, 50kg, 50kg)
Hamstring Curls 2x12, 2x20 (25kg, 25kg, 30kg, 30kg)
Lunges 2x25

Thursday 6th January - Chest/Tris
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Incline DB Press 5x10 (24kg, 24kg, 28kg, 26kg, 30kg)
Flat Bench Press 4x8 (60kg, 70kg, 70kg, 70kg)
Pec Deck 3x10 (55kg, 55kg, 57.5kg)
Cable Crossovers 2x10 (50kg, 50kg)
Dips 3x8 (BW, BW)
Skullcrushers 3x10 (25kg, 25kg, 25kg)
Cable Pushdowns 5x8 (25kg, 30kg, 30kg, 30kg, 30kg)

Friday 7th January - Back/Bis
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
5 minute bike
Bent Overrows on bench Overhand grip 4x10 (50kg, 50kg, 60kg, 65kg)
Bent Overrows on bench Underhand grip 1x8 (60kg)
Deadlifts 5x5 (100kg, 110kg, 110kg, 110kg, 110kg)
T Bar Rows 5x10 (60kg, 65kg, 65kg, 65kg, 70kg)
Lat Pulldowns 4x8 (60kg, 60kg, 65kg, 70kg, 70kg)
Preacher Curls 1x5 2x8 (18kg, 14kg, 14kg)
Seated Alternate Curls 3x8 (12kg, 12kg, 12kg)
Bar Curls with no rest period 3x15 (pausing after 5) (25kg, 22.5kg, 20kg)

First week back this week and everything went well. I was worried I'd have to have a week to get back into the swing of things which I don't really want, but luckily I jumped straight back into it from where I left off.

Monday started off with a packed gym which wasn't great but managed to get everything done with a few longer than planned rest periods because of waiting, but the rest of the week was quiet. Maybe they all gave up after 1 day

The best thing about this week is the DOMS, been hurting so much all week. Had a great leg session Tuesday with lots of volume and even now my legs are still hurting. Wednesday and Thursday I could barely walk, but I love that, it shows I didn't waste my time

Friday was my first day with Jack3d and I can't wait for the full week next week with it. Back training with Rob for 2 weeks in a row from Monday so should be good, then 1 week left and that's it. Dieting all the way for 20/24 weeks. I'm secretly looking forward to it, just to see what I've achieved in this off season and because it's my clothes might fit again :p

Will also talk with Rob about the category issue this week, thanks for your advice on the matter guys :)
Man of Honour
26 Dec 2003
Just seen Jack3d contains an ingredient banned by the BNBF, one of the stimulant ingredients. So will stop taking that then!

Is that the geranium oil? from what I've seen its banned in a lot of things but due to the massive amount of names for it and various spellings of the same name a lot of people don't realise.
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Monday 10th January - Shoulders/Traps
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Seated DB Shoulder Press 5x8 (22kg, 22kg, 26kg, 32kg, 32kg)
Cable Side Raises 3x12 1x10 (15kg, 15kg, 20kg, 10kg)
Seated Barbell Press Behind Head 4x10 (40kg, 50kg, 50kg, 40kg)
Lying DB Rear Delt Raises 3x8 (14kg, 14kg, 16kg)
Lying Front Raise 3x12 (15kg, 20kg, 15kg) Superset
Upright Row 3x10 (20kg, 20kg, 20kg) Superset
Standing Lateral Raise 5x12 (14kg, 12kg, 10kg, 8kg, 6kg)

Tuesday 11th January - Legs
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Leg Extension 1x12 2x25 (40g, 35kg, 35kg)
Back Squats 4x8 1x12 (20kg, 80kg, 80kg, 90kg, 80kg)
Leg Press 3x10 (200kg, 300kg, 300kg) Superset
Scissor Squats 3x12 (BW, BW, BW) Superset
SL Deadlifts 3x10 (20kg, 40kg, 40kg)
Hamstring Curls 3x12 (40kg, 40kg, 40kg)
Barbell Lunges 2x20 (20kg, 40kg, 40kg)

Thursday 13th January - Chest/Tris
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
High Incline BB Press 5x10 (20kg, 60kg, 80kg, 80kg, 80kg)
Incline Smith Press 4x8 (40kg, 60kg, 60kg, 60kg)
DB Flies 3x10 (10kg, 14kg, 14kg)
Cable Flies 2x8 1x10 (20kg, 20kg, 10kg)
High Incline Tricep Extensions 2x25 (24kg, 24kg)
Cable Pushdowns 3x15 (25kg, 25kg, 25kg)
Dips 3x6 (BW, BW, BW)

Friday 14th January - Back/Bis
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
5 minute bike
One Arm Rows 3x10 (18kg, 34kg, 34kg)
Deadlifts 5x8 (60kg, 100kg, 100kg, 110kg, 110kg)
Bent Overrows on bench Underhand grip 2x8 (60kg, 60kg)
Lat Pulldowns 3x10 (65kg, 65kg, 65kg)
Incline DB Curls 3x10 1x8 (10kg, 14kg, 14kg, 10kg)
Lying Hammer Curls 3x8 (12kg, 12kg, 12kg) Superset
Preacher Curls 3x10 1x8 (25kg, 25kg, 25kg, 10kg) Superset
Bar Curls 2x12 (20kg, 30kg)

Big week this week with Rob. Lots of supersetting and dropsetting

Started off with a massive shoulder workout, lots and lots of volume. Cable side raises are immense for bringing on a pump, I love them and will definitely be using them more often when not training with Rob.

Legs was good, back to free weight squats. Scissor squats was the new one, I had a lot of trouble getting the form right on these just because supersetting with leg pressing, my legs were so tired and lower back so painful it was hard to get it right, but I got better towards the end and they are really good. Barbell lunges were horrible, I was so out of breath and so lightheaded, could have so easily stopped if Rob was there, but he made me carry on and I'm glad he did as they felt good after. Jack3d did nothing to help this workout ha

Chest was brilliant, really good pump. Again first time I tried a new exercise in cable flies, and the contraction you get at the top is good, it's different as DB flies the easiest part of the movement is the top, with cable flies, that's the hardest part. Really good variation doing both

Finally back, used straps for my deadlifts and a belt. I know it wasn't that heavy but Rob wanted me to try and use straps as he thinks I should be aiming to go heavier so wanting me to get used to them now. They did help massively obviously and the strain it takes off your forearms is great. Supersetting hammer curls with preacher curls was painful, really painful, but you get a lot of blood rushing to your biceps during it and it looks good when you check yourself out in the mirror

2 weeks left of my off season the it's cutting all the way for 20 weeks!

Plus it's my birthday on Monday next week, and I'm training with Rob. My birthday present from him is a heavy shoulder workout
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Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Monday 17th January - Shoulders/Traps
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Standing Lateral Raise 2x50 (4kg, 4kg)
Seated Barbell Press 2x10 1x8 (40kg, 45kg, 45kg)
Single Arm Side Raises 3x12 (8kg, 8kg, 8kg) Superset 1
Arnold Press 3x8 (10kg, 14kg, 14kg) Superset 1
Lying DB Rear Delt Raises 3x10 (10kg, 10kg, 10kg) Superset 2
Lying Front Raise 3x12 (6kg, 6kg, 6kg) Superset 2
Seated Front Raises 3x12 (14kg, 14kg, 14kg) Superset 3
DB Shrugs 3x12 (20kg, 20kg, 20kg) Superset 3
BB Shrugs 3x12 (60kg, 60kg, 60kg)

Ouch! Lower weights today but a lot of supersets. Starting with 2 sets of of 50 reps of lateral raises was horrible as the pump you had meant my shoulders felt so tight :(

Felt really good though

But what a birthday present! ha

Got some good pre workout stuff to try tomorrow, Rob gave me some stuff as a present so looking forward to trying it :) NOX by UKmuscle :)
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Tuesday 18th January - Legs
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Leg Extension 2x12 (25g, 35kg)
Back Squats 2x10 3x6 (20kg, 80kg, 100kg, 100kg, 100kg)
Leg Press 3x10 1x15 (200kg, 300kg, 300kg, 120)
SL Deadlifts 3x8 (40kg, 40kg, 40kg)
Bench Hamstring Curls 3x12 (14kg, 14kg, 14kg)
Bench Lunges 3x10 (BW, 20kg, 20kg)

Horrible today, that ultimate NOX stuff was just too much. Heart was racing so much the whole workout I constantly felt I was going to be sick

And by the time I got to Bench Lunges I was really suffering with constant lower back spasms every time I went into the lunge. Meant I couldn't balance properly as the pain threw me off.

Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Thursday 20th January - Chest/Tris
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
High Incline DB Press 3x10 2x6 (18kg, 24kg, 34kg, 34kg, 34kg)
Incline Smith Pause Press 4x8 (60kg, 60kg, 60kg, 60kg)
Flat Bench Press 3x8 (60kg, 60kg, 60kg)
DB Flies 3x10 (10kg, 14kg, 18kg)
Cable Pushdowns 4x12 (25kg, 35kg, 35kg, 35kg)
Dips 3x6 (BW, BW, BW)
Skull Crushers 2x25 (20kg, 20kg) Superset
Closegrip Bench Press 2x25 (20kg, 20kg)

Friday 21st January - Back/Bis
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
5 minute bike
Bench Rows 4x10 (14kg, 30kg, 30kg, 30kg)
Deadlifts 2x8 1x6 1x4 (60kg, 100kg, 140kg, 140kg)
Bent Overrows 3x8 (BW, 60kg, 60kg)
Lat Pulldowns 3x10 (45kg, 45kg, 45kg) Superset
Straight Arm Pulldowns 3x10 (25kg, 25kg, 25kg) Superset
Incline DB Curls 2x50 (6kg, 6kg)
Standing Alternate Curls 2x6 (14kg, 14kg, 14kg)
High Cable Curls 2x15 1x15 1x15 (40kg, 40kg, 30kg, 25kg)

Last 2 days training with Rob, he's moving onto a new job next week, so it means my last week of off season training by myself before starting the new diet which he gave me today

Chest workout was good, pause presses are so much tougher than a standard bench press. You may bench press 80-100kg, but I guarentee you'll struggle to do 3 sets at 60kg. Just stopping for half a second at the bottom, resting it on the catchers. Epic pump from the tricep superset at the end of the day

I was really chuffed today as I deadlifted 140kg for 2 sets of reps, so will no doubt feel that tomorrow, but it was good. Was a massive struggle last set and I had to use a belt but was good.
2 sets of 50 curls, even with 6kg is so tough as he makes you keep strict form throughout, so even when it hurts you can't just chuck them out, but it gets the blood in the muscle for the rest of the exercises
7 Mar 2003
Krispy Kreme drive thru
Pump: 8/10 Not as great as I'd read but my arms feel huge right now, I have the old "can't answer the phone" problem which means a good pump. I even have some vascularity, which at my bf right now is pretty good.

Energy 10/10 This stuff is insane. About 20 minutes after taking it I started feeling really fidgety and hyper. Like I didn't want to just sit down, I wanted to be walking about doing stuff. By the time I'd got to the gym, I was buzzing. No jitters or anything bad like that but just sheer energy. After every set I felt like I could go straight away. I did my deadlifts and was just churning out the reps and although short of breath in between sets, still felt like I wanted to just jump straight into the next set. There's still a massive amount of energy left now I'm back at my desk, I feel like I've worked hard, but still feel like I could go for a run or something to use all this energy

Focus 9/10 Didn't want to do anything but my sets. No chatting, no checking out the TV, even when Rihanna was on the music channel :p Just pure determination to get it done

Strength 10/10 The weights just felt like I could up them, and I did on everything bar deadlifts. I can't describe the feeling, I felt like it was heavier than I'm used too but at the same time it felt like I'd be able to finish the set with no issues which I did. Really impressive stuff and probably helps with the pump

Taste 4/10 Lemon and lime tastes faintly of lemon and lime, but it's got a very unpleasant taste that dominates it. But like any supplement, I don't drink them to enjoy it, I just neck it and get it out the way

Overall 9/10 Only my first day, but what a first impression. I only took the minimum 1 scoop but that feels like it will be more than enough for a while. It's incredible value at £19.99, which if you stick to 1 scoop will last you 2 months or so. I used N.O Xplode for a few months before this and that wasn't as intense as this even on the first dose. And unlike N.O Xplode, I don't feel like I'm about to crap my guts out due to Jack3d having little to no magnesium in it.

Ok as its you I will take some interest in the results.

Would you really rate it? Too many BS reviews and idiots who have no idea about placebo out there for me to really care before.
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
I do rate it mate :)

I've been taking it since and I missed it on Monday this week as I just totally forgot. And I definitely missed that intensity. It's a weird feeling, you're not fidgety and hyper but you just feel like in between sets you don't need as long as you normally would and you just want to jump straight back into it, because you have that much energy

I did try Ultimate NOX, which was from the gym I trained at and that was insane, far more intense than Jack3d but not in a good way, heart racing, light headedness and it made things uncomfortable at times. But Jack3d is a perfect balance

I'm on 2 scoops now, I did try 3 once and it was a bit intense haha
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