Road to the BNBF Welsh Qualifiers 2011 - Progess Journal

Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Did free weight squats yesterday, for the first time ever

It felt so much more comfortable and a more natural movement. Just a shame I can only ever do them in Robs gym, mine has no rack, only a smith machine :(
25 Sep 2006
Sometimes you don't look for a keeper and you find one... Though I'm getting to the age now my parents want me to find someone to settle down with... I'm soooo not ready for that. Polygamy is the way forward! :D

Throw me your keepers then please :p All I seem to find is mind***** or total slags who only want me for my bodehhhh:o:p (joke) but I do find some *****.

Did free weight squats yesterday, for the first time ever

It felt so much more comfortable and a more natural movement. Just a shame I can only ever do them in Robs gym, mine has no rack, only a smith machine :(

Smiths aren't great but they're not all bad. As long as your feet are far enough foward you can get some decent ATG action going on without having to be concerned about your back rounding. Built my legs up for a year and a half on a smith before improvising with an olympic bench to squat free weight.

Feet together and out infront is mean on the lateral quad :D
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Monday 6th December - Shoulders/Traps
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Seated BB Shoulder Press 4x10 (30kg, 30kg, 50kg, 50kg)
Seated Side Raises 3x12 (12kg, 12kg, 12kg)
Standing Lateral Raise 3x12 (10kg, 12kg, 12kg)
Seated Barbell Press Behind Head 4x10 (40, 40kg, 50kg, 60kg)
Lying DB Rear Delt Raises 3x8 (12.5kg, 12.5k, 12.5kg)
Seated Shrugs 4x12 (24kg, 24kg, 24kg, 26kg) Superset
Smith Shrugs 2x10 underhand 2x10 overhand (70kg, 80kg, 70kg, 70kg)

Tuesday 7th December - Legs
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Hamstring Curls 2x12, 2x20 (25kg, 25kg, 30kg, 30kg)
Dunno what it's called but like a back hyperextension but using the hamstrings 3x15
Front Squats (Freeweight, first time ever) 3x12 (50kg, 50kg, 50kg)
Leg Press Single Leg 3x8 (120kg, 120kg, 140kg)
Leg Press 1x12 (200kg)
Lunges 2x25
Leg Extension 21's 2x (20kg, 20kg)

Thursday 9th December - Chest/Tris
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Incline DB Press 5x10 (24kg, 24kg, 24kg, 26kg, 26kg)
High Incline BB Press 4x8 (20kg, 40kg, 50kg, 50kg)
Bench Press Flat 3x10 (70kg, 70kg, 70kg)
Pec Deck 3x10 (55kg, 55kg, 57.5kg)
Dips 3x8 (BW, BW)
Cable Pushdowns 5x8 (25kg, 30kg, 30kg, 30kg, 30kg)
Skullcrushers 3x10 (25kg, 25kg, 25kg)

Friday 10th December - Back/Bis
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
5 minute bike
Deadlifts 5x5 (100kg, 110kg, 110kg, 100kg, 100kg)
Bent Overrows on bench Overhand grip 2x8 (50kg, 50kg)
Bent Overrows on bench Underhand grip 1x8 (50kg)
T Bar Rows 5x10 (60kg, 60kg, 60kg, 60kg, 70kg)
Lat Pulldowns 4x8 (60kg, 60kg, 65kg, 70kg, 70kg)
Standing Alternate Curls 3x8 (10kg, 12kg, 12kg)
Seated Hammer Curls 2x12 (14kg, 14kg)
Bar Curls with no rest period 3x20 (20kg, 15kg, 12.5kg)
Bar Curls with no rest period 3x15 (pausing after 5) (20kg, 15kg, 12.5kg)

Another good week, and really enjoying everything still. I think the best thing is my routine is never identical every week, something always changes so it's always a bit different which I like. And it keeps my body guessing too which is good

Only day I trained with Rob this week was Tuesday and it was a good day although I must admit, at the time my legs felt like they were going to explode and I could barely walk, next day I had barely any DOMS at all. I know DOMS is never a good sign but it does always worry me a bit when I don't feel it the next day that maybe I didn't work hard enough and it was a wasted workout

Comedy moment of the week was on Friday doing the 60 reps no rest with the curls, I did it right next to the rack so I could put one back and grab the next one. Trouble is, after about 30 reps, my face tends to go to gurning mode and my eyes are completely closed, finished the 60, look to my right and there is quite a hot girl just stood there looking at my in shock, looking absolutely horrified at the faces I was pulling, probably thinking I was a bit special. Grabbed the bar she wanted and backed off, it was quite embarrassing :D

But I wanted to ask what you guys want from this journal? I mean I don't want people to lose interest if its just workout journals, but I'm not sure what else people would be interested in reading. I don't want to post everything I do as I'm sure that will get equally as boring, but once a week updating feels like it means people lose interest
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Monday 13th December - Shoulders/Traps
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Seated DB Shoulder Press 4x10 (18kg, 24kg, 26kg, 28kg)
Seated Side Raises 3x12 (14kg, 14kg, 14kg)
Standing Lateral Raise 3x12 (12kg, 12kg, 12kg)
Seated Barbell Press Behind Head 4x10 (50kg, 50kg, 50kg, 60kg)
Lying DB Rear Delt Raises 3x8 (12.5kg, 12.5k, 12.5kg)
Seated Shrugs 4x12 (24kg, 26kg, 26kg, 26kg)

Tuesday 14th December - Legs
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Leg Extensions 2x12, 2x20 (25kg, 25kg, 45kg, 45kg)
Squats (Freeweight) 3x8 1x6 (80kg, 100kg, 100kg, 100kg)
Front Squats (Freeweight) 3x8 (60kg, 70kg, 70kg)
Leg Press 4x8 (200kg, 250kg, 280kg, 240kg)
Hamstring Curls 2x12, 2x20 (25kg, 25kg, 30kg, 30kg)
SL Deadlift 2x6 (50kg, 50kg)
Lunges (24kg, 24kg) 2x25

Thursday 16th December - Chest/Tris
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Incline DB Press 5x10 (24kg, 24kg, 28kg, 32kg, 32kg)
High Incline BB Press 3x10 (50kg, 50kg, 50kg)
Flies 2x10 (Low Incline) 2x10 (High Incline) (14kg, 14kg, 14kg, 14kg)
Close Grip Bench Press 4x8 (40kg, 50kg, 40kg, 50kg)
Cable Pushdowns 5x8 (25kg, 30kg, 30kg, 30kg, 30kg)
Rope Extensions 4x10 (15kg, 20kg, 15kg, 5kg)

Friday 17th December - Back/Bis
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
5 minute bike
Bent Overrows Overhand grip 2x8 (50kg, 50kg)
Bent Overrows Underhand grip 1x8 (50kg)
Deadlifts 4x8 (70kg, 100kg, 110kg, 110kg, 110kg)
Bench DB Pulls 4x10 (16kg, 16kg, 20kg, 20kg, 20kg)
Lat Pulldowns Underhand 4x8 (50kg, 50kg, 55kg, 55kg)
Seated Alternate Curls 3x10 (10kg, 12kg, 14kg)
Lying Cable Curls 4x10 1x8 Dropset (20kg, 25kg, 25kg, 25kg-15kg))
Bar Curls with 10 second pause mid tension every 5 reps 2x20 (20kg, 20kg)

This week was my last week training with Rob for the year so he mixed it up a bit. Monday was pretty similar but after that, legs day, I am still in pain today from Tuesdays work out.

I absolutely love freeweight squats and am determined not to go back to regular smith squats now unless I have too, they just feel so much better for me and my quads take much more of a beating. Following that up with front squats freeweight and while my legs were in agony, it was my lungs that just couldn't take it, I felt so exhausted.
But I didn't really have time as on the weight went for the leg press. Now the most weight I did was 280, which absolutely killed me, I was shouting like a madman every rep haha but it felt so satisfying pushing that weight. I loved it. I couldn't move after finishing the exercise but I loved that feeling of knowing I just did it
I managed the SL deadlift this time without collapsing on myself. Finished for the day I thought after that, little did I know I wasn't finished and I actually had two sets of lunges to do, with 2x24kg DBs to do!
Now usually I'd have struggled here as my legs were done already, but there was a super hot girl on the treadmills I had to do it past, so that motivated me to get it done haha

Anyone looking for a good exercise to do for their biceps that will totally exhaust them. Do bar curls, sets of 20, but after every 5 reps, just before half way down, hold it for 10 seconds then without pause do another 5 reps, rinse and repeat for 20.
It is so painful but man, the pump you get it is well worth it, and you certainly feel it the next day

I have one more week at the gym before I treat myself to a week off, I think I am definitely in need of that week now. My knees are starting to get a bit sore and I'm feeling so tired these days.
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
I think because before with the smith I was squatting much heavier, well not much, but upto and around 130kg for reps, I was capable of doing the weight with the free bar, and because I find the movement so much easier and find it feels a lot more natural, I'm able to lift a lot more for longer

I wouldn't be surprised if I'm passing 130 quite quickly with the free bar

But yeah leg days are horrible :( definitely seeing big improvements though
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Ordered some supplements for use in the new year. My last month before beginning the cut

So went for some Jack3d and Gaspari SizeOn

Will do a full write up when I get them
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Monday 20th December - Shoulders/Traps
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Seated DB Shoulder Press 4x10 (22kg, 22kg, 24kg, 26kg)
Seated Side Raises 3x12 (14kg, 14kg, 14kg)
Standing Lateral Raise 3x12 (10kg, 10kg, 12kg)
Seated Barbell Press Behind Head 4x10 (50kg, 50kg, 50kg, 60kg)
Lying DB Rear Delt Raises 3x8 (14kg, 14k, 14kg)
BB Shrugs 4x12 (80kg, 80kg, 90kg, 90kg)

Tuesday 21st December - Legs
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Squats 3x8 1x6 (90kg, 100kg, 100kg, 90kg)
Front Squats 3x8 (70kg, 70kg, 70kg)
Leg Extensions 2x12, 2x20 (25kg, 25kg, 45kg, 45kg)
Leg Press 4x8 (200kg, 200kg, 200kg, 200kg)
Hamstring Curls 2x12, 2x20 (25kg, 25kg, 30kg, 30kg)
Lunges (24kg, 24kg) 2x25

Thursday 23rd December - Chest/Tris
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
Incline DB Press 5x10 (24kg, 24kg, 28kg, 32kg, 32kg)
High Incline BB Press 3x10 (70kg, 70kg, 70kg)
Flies 2x10 (Low Incline) (14kg, 14kg, 14kg, 14kg)
Dips 3x8
Close Grip Bench Press 4x8 (40kg, 50kg, 40kg, 50kg)
Cable Pushdowns 5x8 (25kg, 30kg, 30kg, 30kg, 30kg)
Rope Extensions 4x10 (15kg, 20kg, 15kg, 5kg)

Friday 24th December - Back/Bis
Workout consisted of Sets Weight (if DB, weight of each DB) 10-20 second rest in between sets
5 minute bike
Bent Overrows Overhand grip 2x8 (50kg, 50kg)
Bent Overrows Underhand grip 1x8 (50kg)
Deadlifts 5x8 (100kg,100kg, 110kg, 110kg, 110kg)
Bench DB Pulls 4x10 (16kg, 16kg, 20kg, 20kg, 20kg)
Lat Pulldowns Underhand 4x8 (50kg, 50kg, 55kg, 55kg)
Seated Alternate Curls 3x10 (10kg, 12kg, 14kg)
Lying Cable Curls 4x10 1x8 Dropset (20kg, 25kg, 25kg, 25kg-15kg))
Bar Curls with 10 second pause mid tension every 5 reps 2x20 (20kg, 20kg)

My final week of 2010, and I'm surprised at how much I managed to keep my motivation, was a bit worried that because I wasn't training with Rob and because it was the last week, I might drop off a bit but didn't.

Only downer was going back to the smith machine for squats, just didn't feel right after 3 weeks of freeweight squats. And I think I messed up my knee as bending down or getting in the car really hurts now so thankfully it's my week off

Eaten like a trooper over the Christmas weekend (how much protein in a box of after eights?) but back to the normal diet as of today. I really want to hit the gym today but I'm fighting it as I think my body does need the week off

My end of year stats

Weight: 94kg
Bodyfat: 22.5% (lol sadface :()

Last month in January to put mass on, then it's dieting from February to contest date
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Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
I've struggled this week, not really stuck to any diet as such, just making sure I have a fresh protein source every 3-4 hours, other stuff I haven't really been worrying about so I feel a bit guilty

Will be nice to get in a routine again from Monday.

I'm so tempted to bring my cutting forward a couple of weeks, I'm starting get a bit podgy in certain places, not too bad but enough to make me feel conscious about it.
25 Sep 2006
You could always trim up a little and then bulk again for a short period. Only thing you don't want to do is 'peak' too soon, but I think this applies to more seasoned competitors.

I know what you mean, it doesn't feel good when you start seeing things wobbling that shouldn't be!
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
I'm thinking of doing that, but Rob is extremely worried about timings with me as it is, because he doesn't know how my body will react to the diet/plan, and I am a bit too.

I'm just worried that starting it now to bulk again even for a short while could completely throw everything off

I'm going to lower the carbs a bit this month, maybe take down the calories slowly more and more until the end of the month. And that should minimise any further fat gains
25 Sep 2006
From your last shots you seemed to hold your bf quite well, unless your 22.5% reading is way out?

I guess that's all you can do other than to increase cardio. One of those things where you just have to long it out until you start cutting.
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
It's my belly more than anything, it's just getting a bit too soft for my liking. It doesn't look fat it just feels it :p

And my bum :( but that's always been the place I seem to store fat
4 May 2007
West Midlands
If its annoying you just now I'd just start mildly cutting now, as long as you can manage to keep up the cutting diet for a longer period of time.

Having trouble fitting into jeans then :p? I know thats why I'm starting cutting now.
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Jeans have been a problem for a long while, I'm currently going between 2 pairs, the only 2 that still fit.

It's not so much my waist for the most part, I've only gone from a size 32 to 34 waist, and I always buy one size bigger for my jeans as I wear a belt. A lot of them don't fit round my thighs any more, or if they do, they make me look very Boy George

I've got some stretch marks around my inside thigh as well at the moment which is annoying :(
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Hey all,

I have a question which I'd appreciate your advice on, I'm yet to speak to Rob about it but your advice matters too

Basically, I've been pretty set on going into the lightweight class, but it's always been a worry that I might when I get down to conditioning, fall into the under 72kg requirements needed to get in the class. And I would probably not be competitive enough in the middleweight class on my first attempt

But I'm just reading the BNBF site now, and notice the novice class. Now I've seen this before but never paid much attention to it, but basically it's for anyone who has been entered a show before or placed 2nd or 1st. So there are no weight requirements

Trouble is, this means I could be going against someone who would normally compete in a heavyweight class, so a lot more mass, or someone with a few shows under their belt (that applies to the lightweight class too though)

So not sure what you guys think I should do? I'm leaning towards going for the lightweight class still, and then 2 weeks before which is the latest I can enter see if my weight will fall into the <72kg, and if not, go for the novices. Or do you think I should pick a category now and work for that?
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004

Finally turned up. Just took the first dose

Will report back after my back and bis workout :eek:
28 Apr 2009
Ha ha, I'd just like to say, now you are on jacked...

... It's been nice knowing you :D

Tried going up to two scoops a couple of sessions ago. It did bad things to me :o :). It's good stuff actually I like it, personally I won't go above 1.5 scoops, two just made me hyper like a 6 year old that's eaten its own weight in sugar :p, it didn't do much for performance for me.

Edit: [BRO TIMEZ]Might help bust out those danger reps when you are doing your curlz for the gurlz[/BRO TIMEZ]
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25 Sep 2006
I'd stick to the category that you think you'd do the best in. Obviously you want to enjoy the process. If you don't make the category you aimed for no harm done, it's only your first competition. You'll have gone much further than many others come this point so even if you don't place where you want you've still done incredibly well.

This is of course no excuse to slack off! :p Squatz and Oatz!
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Pump: 8/10 Not as great as I'd read but my arms feel huge right now, I have the old "can't answer the phone" problem which means a good pump. I even have some vascularity, which at my bf right now is pretty good.

Energy 10/10 This stuff is insane. About 20 minutes after taking it I started feeling really fidgety and hyper. Like I didn't want to just sit down, I wanted to be walking about doing stuff. By the time I'd got to the gym, I was buzzing. No jitters or anything bad like that but just sheer energy. After every set I felt like I could go straight away. I did my deadlifts and was just churning out the reps and although short of breath in between sets, still felt like I wanted to just jump straight into the next set. There's still a massive amount of energy left now I'm back at my desk, I feel like I've worked hard, but still feel like I could go for a run or something to use all this energy

Focus 9/10 Didn't want to do anything but my sets. No chatting, no checking out the TV, even when Rihanna was on the music channel :p Just pure determination to get it done

Strength 10/10 The weights just felt like I could up them, and I did on everything bar deadlifts. I can't describe the feeling, I felt like it was heavier than I'm used too but at the same time it felt like I'd be able to finish the set with no issues which I did. Really impressive stuff and probably helps with the pump

Taste 4/10 Lemon and lime tastes faintly of lemon and lime, but it's got a very unpleasant taste that dominates it. But like any supplement, I don't drink them to enjoy it, I just neck it and get it out the way

Overall 9/10 Only my first day, but what a first impression. I only took the minimum 1 scoop but that feels like it will be more than enough for a while. It's incredible value at £19.99, which if you stick to 1 scoop will last you 2 months or so. I used N.O Xplode for a few months before this and that wasn't as intense as this even on the first dose. And unlike N.O Xplode, I don't feel like I'm about to crap my guts out due to Jack3d having little to no magnesium in it.
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