Not sure how you can tell what girl is what.
Nynaeve is older and has bigger braided hair.
Not sure how you can tell what girl is what.
Oh dear, looks both expensively made and yet cheap. Ignoring the casting being ****, all the snippets from the showrunner and interviews with cast/crew that are coming out I fear the show direction will also be **** and pay little respect to what Jordan wrote.
Looks great - seems as if they've put a massive amount of emphasis on the Aes Sedai and female characters over the three boys, which should make for an excellent take on it.
Can't wait!
This is areal turn off for me. The books are great (mints the tedious middle four or five) with no need to change the main characters or plot. From the trailer it looks like a standard plastic, woke fantasy translation.
I imagine they've gone down this route in the first season to differentiate the show from the new LOTR series. I'd expect the next season to be a bit more balanced in terms of character arcs.
The actor playing Rand is not tall enough, Rosamund Pike would be a better Morgase not Moiraine, the actor playing Mat looks like a recovering meth addict. Perrin doesn't look like someone that's ever seen a blacksmithing hammer. The cast that's playing the female leads are all wrong, the less said about the actors they have cast to play Min and Siuan the better, just bloody awful. If the showrunners can't adhere to the little things then what's to stop them from changing major plot points? I can't see them having a bunch of women kneel to a male character (Dumai's Wells), even tho that's a major plot point in the dragon reborn prophesy...Why is the casting bad?
I've never got the obsession with height, it's such an irrelevance. Has anyone's enjoyment of an adaptation seriously been ruined because someone is too tall or too short?