Robert Jordan’s fantasy epic The Wheel of Time coming to TV

I will watch it, but it I found the entire series of books a huge letdown tbh very overated. I can see the entire woke brigade going mental on a key aspect of it as well.
Never read the books, no idea what to expect but the latest trailer gives me a mix of "Lord of the Rings vs Percy Jackson" vibes and I'm not sure thats a great combo but I like some of the cast so I'll give it a go for an episode or two, see how it pans out.
I have a new plan for this. Ignore it for the next 10 years. Then binge watch the entire series over 2 weeks fastforwarding over the really dull bit (Thats book 3-10).

Just make MAGICAN and be done with it.... Now who to play Macros the Black.
I will watch it, but it I found the entire series of books a huge letdown tbh very overated. I can see the entire woke brigade going mental on a key aspect of it as well.

I can't wait to see some seanchan race swapping with eerie similarities to current alt right
Yep the usual suspects will no doubt tear it apart with intellectual abandon complaining about (insert anything)
Judging from the little seen in the trailer Eamonds Field seems to lack any of the racial/ethnic groupings and culture suggested in the books. So it's a fair guess every kingdom will be a multi cult.
Ive read the entire series 4 or 5 times now and while books 7-9 are a real slog I genuinely enjoyed more of the books on subsequent readings than I did on the first outing. As for the TV series, Im approaching it with any other book conversion - no expectations. Take it as it is and judge it on its own merits, its very hard for hugely complex story lines to translate into TV simply due to time and budgets. Im hoping that if this is successful Amazon or Netflix will pick up and create the Malazan Book of the Fallen series.
Im hoping that if this is successful Amazon or Netflix will pick up and create the Malazan Book of the Fallen series.

I'd rather they didn't, I'd hate to see a live action butchering of that series. Maybe animated in the vein of castlevania could be decent.
I hope it's good and I hope it does well, half the books were semi-decent... but, it looks very cheap, like a Saturday evening BBC drama, à la Merlin.

Yes, I know, story should trump production, but this isn't made for the WoT fanboys and fangirls, this is made to make money from a general audience, who've probably never heard of the WoT. For those, that's a **** poor trailer.

But like I said, I really do hope it does well. We need more good sci-fi and fantasy on TV and in the cinemas.
Omg they are going to ruin it. New trailer shows for certain they have re written it and the dragon reborn can be a man or a woman. No idea how that is going to play out with some of the story lines. I can think of loads of things in the books which just doesn't work if the dragon reborn is a woman

I think they're just doing that to add in suspense and that the DR is going to be who it is anyway. It does change a few things, but I think they're relatively easy to explain or tweak later in the series.

Whilst I think that confusing the DR gender roles early on could very well create more plot issues than not, I think it's best to watch and then form an opinion rather than everyone chucking their toys out before it's been screened!
Hilarious that Jordan created a diverse world that had woman and minority empowerment EVERYWHERE, but since he based his story around a group that came out of 10+ generations of isolated breeding among paler skinned people, that also happens is a main motivator for the central characters development, all that gets thrown in the trash.

The script writers, casting crew and developers do a huge disservice to the world Jordan made, whether through ignorance or through only going on what Jordan's wife wants to be shown. If the show ever really planned on lasting long enough to do justice the actual story, there would no need for the main cast to be as diverse as they are because the world itself is very diverse and Jordan goes out of his way to describe the people and their cultures.

TLDR, producers have no understanding of the source material.
I do feel like it would have been better if they had made it more gritty looking, right now it looks a little too clean and bright.
I echo what toshj said - Im going to wait and see. Too many times Ive seen brilliant trailers and the actual show has been crap - all the best bits were in the trailer. I wont compare it to the books as almost every production falls short in comparison - so will judge it on its own merits.
I echo what toshj said - Im going to wait and see. Too many times Ive seen brilliant trailers and the actual show has been crap - all the best bits were in the trailer. I wont compare it to the books as almost every production falls short in comparison - so will judge it on its own merits.

I am certainly still going to watch it but feel uncomfortable with the Dragon Reborn can be a woman change. Its pretty fundamental to the entire 14 books. Nobody in Jordan's world ever felt the insecurity around a woman who wields the power that she then might be the Dragon Reborn and will break the world.

plus when you come across a man who can wield then he is either A) going to go mad or B) is one of the Forsaken but he may well be the Dragon Reborn and the saviour of the world. That uncertainty is gone if the Dragon Reborn might be a woman. To me it just forces so many changes to the whole series which aren't needed. its complicated enough with all the factions involved.
I think it's just bait for the trailer given that most viewers probably won't have read any of the books. It breaks the whole character structure to change it.

its now being mentioned 2 trailers and very deliberately stating the fact in the second one.
The male / woman divide in this series is pretty core, as is the mistrust of different cultures and regions etc. Can't see this being enjoyable.
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