Robocain - Robocop 2 robot

Done the little finger tips, quite had as the "pad" as I said is wider than the finger part


then drill everything 2mm or 1.7mm if its going to be taped to M2 thread. Each joint has a screw both sides except the ones with the hydraulic pipe fitting, so all screws had to be cut down accordingly.


then there was a big spark! and he's got me aaaaaaaaaghghhhhhhhh


..... it gets worse, he dives for the knife!


PUT THE KNIFE DOWN! it'll be ok. I manage to persude him to give up and let me trial fit to the shoulder.



Ok back to work, no where near finished yet im afraid, each finger section thats each one, needs a little protective cap. These are so small and fiddly I will have to use styrene, made a start on one.


more on Thursday.
Ok getting better with styrene now


easy to work the stuff as its so soft, but quite easy to make a mistake too


giving it all a blast with grey paint


not easy to file these like this by hand


now this looks good! :)


very proud of myself here

Finishing the arm off now, elbow covers



installed with the pipes under it


other cover was a bit more complicated



Now onto the big shoulder cover. Very hard to get the size right for this, had to look at a lot of pictures. It stands away from the shoulder so its hard to measure in the pics.

After about 40 minutes of drawing pictures and measuring I start with a block of delrin


work out the angles


I rough cut the curve out then used a rough sandpaper on a tube to file the curve smooth


hollowed the inside out and test fit


the little box that sticks out, again hard to imagine the shape to cut out as it sits on the curve


looking pretty good


got these tiny hex head screws through, perfect for this sort of thing, I had to drill a 1mm hole in the top so the wire can sit in it


this was very fiddly, felt like making a house of cards



all attached and sprayed grey so its easier to see the shape.

yet more work on the fingers. These little rivets have a 1mm head and a 0.5mm stalk. I bought a tiny variable speed drill for the job, using a 0.5mm drill bit.


and then painted over, done this on all the finger guards


something I had forgotten to do. Another lump of delrin.


fits in that quarter


had to file it by hand, not easy. Took me a while to work out what this reminded me off, then I got it! the apollo capsule! just imagine it with a parachute out the top splashing down in the Atlantic.


put the hardware on the other side, some meaty 5mm hydraulic fittings


added the tiny hex heads to the nuke bin


...and made a start ont he fittings on the other shoulder disc

what are u using to shape the plastic on pieces ?

epic work :cool:

the black delrin I machine on the mill, but all the shaping curves, detail etc I do by hand with a file.

I'm also looking into getting hold of a lathe after being inspired by this project :). I've always wanted to have a go at making a few custom air rifle silencers. Not 100% sure a cheap lathe would do the job though, so I have a bit of reading up to do first.

im no expert on the lathe, mine was £300 its a C2A.
Starting on arm 2 now, from the shoulder down. I already did the pivot joint, so onto the upper arm.




this goes on the back of the big claw/minigun dealy


I struggled with an idea of where to begin on this, when I look at the picture I try to break it down into its component pieces. Problem is this is quite complex and im almost at my limit of what I can imagine.

This is the real thing for reference:




so a lot to think about there.....ive started with a block


started as I usually do by drawing a naff picture and filling in a load of dimensions that I make up. From this I decide to start with the rod things on the back

I hope you don't sell it, it will be too awesome to sell :)

Hand crafted robot like this, seeing all the work you've put into it, I reckon it would be worth a few £k to the right person. It'll be a totally unique piece of awesomeness.

Thank you all again :)

I have had a lot of emails, some form people I have heard of and a few about buying the finished item, I will sell it if I get an offer in the region of 30k.

One of the problems with spending a year on a project like this, is by the end i'll be sick of the sight of it.
Got everything attached to this blck now, cut a slant on it too.


cut a piece for the end, curves, took a chunk out the thin end and put a slightly larger semi circle in. Held in place by my large hydraulic fitting.


this too ages, lots of work here and very small, so much so my camera cant focus on it! the tiny brass hex heads are about 2mm across


crap picture but you get the idea

Added the collars on the large rod, also a smaller collar and a spring thing.


turned this on the lathe


it sits on the back of the gun and is the drum of ammo. the basic shape was easy enough to turn then I had to mark out 8 segments and mill a half moon out of each section.


next bit, no idea what it is


careful milling here, I will in time buff out all the machine marks


after some thinking and another awesome diagram (this one actually quite legible) I started on the fist that houses the big claw. Using delrin for this shape and using what I like to call "precision guesswork"


bit more shaping and filing


carefully hollowing the inside out, very hard to clamp in the vice now for milling.


marking out where to drill for the studs.

have you got pics of what you've done so far all fitted together?

or are you far off that stage yet?

I havnt, it would take a while to fit everything together, time better spent working on new stuff in my mind. I will have to have a partial assembly after the gun arm is done. Im paranoid its all going to be out of proportion :(

i think the piece you're unsure about, this one:

is the mount that would allow the minigun to tilt on the Y Axis. it's either double sided (one on each side of the minigun) or single-sided, and also swivels in the X axis too :)

yeh........ i see that but it doesnt move in the film I dont think. Anyway its on there, there is only one on the outside.
Thanks guys :)

mounted the ammo wheel thing and made a checkered plate and another panel to go over the top


M2 was too small and the m3's were just a bit too big so I turned the heads down a bit, they look a bit funny because of the colour difference but im sure the size is correct now.


made 4 more fittings, 5mm and the tiny 4mm ont he right, this arm alone has something like 12 hydraulic fittings on it!


the 2 tiny ones attached, also the plate being held inplace by the tiny brass hex head bolts, 2 more to go in there.


mock up assembly next to the naff koto model arm!

Working on the claw now,


sits snug in here


pivot joint


with a swivel on it


very carefully cut these pieces, always a lot harder when you have to do 2 exaclty the same.


then trimmed the middle out.

Rounded these pieces off, drilled a 3mm hole and attached to the main... thing with a 3mm shaft.


drilled tiny 1.7mm holes in the sides of them, tapped to M2 and put little screws in the hold them against the shaft. I will use M2 grub screws, I have ordered some.


parts for the thumb


the 2 fingers


quite hard to make these, they are slanted on 4 sides so had to hold them in the vice with the peg that they pivot on and then rotate the vice to get the angles.

drilled them through and checked movement


and the little thumb, same process, all drilled and taped. Had to counter sink the finger screw slightly to get the right look


now spend best part of half an hour using fine grit paper to rub the machining marks off the ally to achive that satin finish, so they look smooth.

I dont often blow my own trumpet, but im very proud of this picture and the likeness to the real thing :)


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