Robot Wars returning to BBC2!

We're talking about spinning lumps of metal. It's not exactly cutting edge (pun aside).

The motors driving the spinning lump of metal, however, have come a long way in 15 years as has battery technology. Also, hasn't the weight limit gone up for the new series?
The motors driving the spinning lump of metal, however, have come a long way in 15 years as has battery technology. Also, hasn't the weight limit gone up for the new series?

Ok and, back to the beginning, why should we not be impressed by the results of said upgrade? (the point being it is much more destructive than Hypnodisc)

Behemoth was a tough, though limited, robot in the old days, handily dealing with arguably the most destructive robot of the first 5 or 6 series of the show. And now it gets cut to ribbons.
What a douche that Foxic guy was, you'd have thought he had designed Razer or something the way he was going on not a robot that would have been crap in Robot Wars first time round!
Thors driving control was it's strong point. Such a shame it went out.
It really was the most manoeuvrable robot I've seen.

Wondered why no one had developed a full chassis spinning disc. Shame it only properly worked one round
And a shame that first one went out
Problem with spinning discs seems to be time and robustness
Which the robot in episode one seemed to be ok on on both counts

And yes that fox guy was a douche! Wish that robot had have been destroyed.

Carbide will destroy the champion of today I feel
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Anyone else finding the house robots underwhelming?

They beefed them up massively and not as good as what I remember.

Sir Killalot used to cut throw robots and hold them aloft. Matilda used to throw robots out of the arena. Shunts axe used to give serious beatings. Dead metal was always a bit lame though.
That foxic robot was as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike, its one claim to fame was pushing one of the house robots and that was it.
An episode of robots not working. I guess the problem with this format if they are damaged in the first fight.

Yeah it looked like that spinner blade bot (squared whatever) was gonna run away with it, but it only functioned in the first fight, the rest of the time it never worked properly. =/
Anyone else finding the house robots underwhelming?

They beefed them up massively and not as good as what I remember.

Sir Killalot used to cut throw robots and hold them aloft. Matilda used to throw robots out of the arena. Shunts axe used to give serious beatings. Dead metal was always a bit lame though.

Yeah dead metal is my favourite looking but least destructive. The saw Could do with being heavier or a completely different weapon
They were some of the worst robots I've ever seen and the most boring matches.

Agree about the format as well, if you're damaged in any significant way then the 2 hour repair window before the head to heads isn't going to help you out.
I remember there being dud episodes from the original series, hopefully it will pick up again next week.

The foxic team were poor and annoying.

I was disappointed with the spinning disc which are my favourite type of robots. It seemed like a good idea but it always looked fragile with that many contact points for the weapon to run over.

I also agree that the pit should only come down in the last minute or so.

The format does favour the more professional teams because they are the ones more likely to be able to repair the bots in the short 2 hour windows they are given.

Both of the axe robots we have seen so far have had blunt looking weapons, is that part of the rules?
I thought it was another great episode, bar that crappy foxic one. They should make a rule that you have to have at least one destructive weapon to make it more entertaining.

Thor was an awesome robot, that axe was brutal. Shame it didn't get through though, would have made for some good battles later on :(. Could have given carbide a run for its money.
Shame for Thor, seemed a good robot... Foxic were rubbish and the feels seemed to have a bad attitude too, the first week that ridiculous robot ended up streaking the show as they were at least fun.
disanointing again, are these really the best robots about, most of them haven't learnt basic lessons from 15 years ago, and the format is just dire, how are destroyed robots meant to fight.
think that's it from me. Could be so much better and could even make it educational as well. have like an overview/building segment in each show about one aspect of the robot.
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