Robot Wars returning to BBC2!

It's 250 pounds which is about 113kg, you would have thought they could have got under if they wanted. Perhaps they weren't allowed by battlebots, copy right or something?
The pit gets used too frequently now, and the house robots are lame ducks this time round. They used to happily dive-in and finish off robots that had been damaged, now it seems like if you're taken a bit of damage and aren't doing well, you're left alone or just dumped in the pit.

Agree on both points.
Pit (as seems to be the consensus) should be last minute only at most.

Would rather a cpz that was actually a perimeter!
with razer vs warhead, it wouldn't surprise me if BBC insisted on having razer back given its iconic status, especially given they dumped it onto ep 1 as well.

anyone know if they are still going to sell razer btw?

I think in general we are seeing some issues with the limited time to prepare most teams had, more so than the format, some teams have the design and spares such that they seem plenty capable of rebuilding between fights, others like Mr Speed Squared seemed to lack any spare bearings which neutralised their weapon after the group fight.

I'm of the opinion that the BBC did this in order to force the veterans to dust off their iconic, and now hilariously out of date, bots, rather than build something new, but unknown. Hopefully if there is a season 2 things should be allowed to progress accordingly (another reason to hinder S1, gives S2 somewhere to actually go).
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If the pit is a case of a robot being driven well and controlling it's opponent into the pit then it's fine, but can get a bit ridiculous when a robot 'taps out' by driving in on purpose or something.
with razer vs warhead, it wouldn't surprise me if BBC insisted on having razer back given its iconic status, especially given they dumped it onto ep 1 as well.

anyone know if they are still going to sell razer btw?

I'm of the opinion that the BBC did this in order to force the veterans to dust off their iconic, and now hilariously out of date, bots, rather than build something new, but unknown. Hopefully if there is a season 2 things should be allowed to progress accordingly (another reason to hinder S1, gives S2 somewhere to actually go).

Perhaps, but has it worked? Memory may not be the best but other than Razer (which was at least tweaked, and was a hell of a robot when it worked properly) that's been it so far hasn't it? Yeah Shockwave and a couple of the other teams are 'old' teams but new robots. Obviously several episodes to go and not looked at the robot list recently.
The pit should only be activated by a house robot if it's a rubbish fight, or in the case of one 'fight' last week, 2 robots running away from each other.

Or the house robots could just come out of the CPZ and squish those wimpy robots.
The pit should only be activated by a house robot if it's a rubbish fight, or in the case of one 'fight' last week, 2 robots running away from each other.

That's certainly a much better idea than either having as it is now, or having it for the last minute of the match. If a contest is good, I wouldn't want the pit at all.

I think it should be activated by the judges if they feel there is a lack of urgency in the contest and they feel it's not going anywhere.
Agree with a lot of the other comments above.
Anyone know why the Razer team didnt use Warhead rather than Razer?

Razer is an awesomely destructive robot in its own right, while Warhead is another spinner. I was glad to see Razer back. Such a shame they pitted themselves in the group stages.
Pit should just be on a timer, opens up 30 secs from the end or something like that.
Pit should just be on a timer, opens up 30 secs from the end or something like that.

Didn't it used to be inactive until a certain period of time elapsed? I don't remember so many robots rushing to the pit release button as quick as this :(
Didn't it used to be inactive until a certain period of time elapsed? I don't remember so many robots rushing to the pit release button as quick as this :(

The crap robots just go for the pit release button as soon as the commentator announces activate. I agree with the comment above that it should only be activated by the judges if there is no contest or its too boring to watch.
Which is a major issue, their selection process. Which means we get lots of rubbish robots, but suppeaodly interesting and fun people
I actually don't mind the mini-league system as it gives teams a chance to progress and improve after one dodgy performance. The 2hr time limit is ridiculous though.

It'll be interesting to see how they handle a scenario if someone wins their bracket but can't be repaired in time for the next fight. Likewise, what if multiple robots die.... coin toss? :p
Group matches:
Pit not accessible

Head to Heads:
1 point for a pit victory
2 points for a judges decision after a time out
5 points for victory by destruction/imobilisation
5 Points for a flip out of arena
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