Robot Wars returning to BBC2!

They're very much in it. They're in on week 1 according to that website posted ^

I always thought their weakness was being flipped and their vulnerable wheels, but they did a lot to lower the ground clearance and protect the wheels so basically you need to smash it and push it (a la Tornado 2).

I'm sure years ago there were rumours that Razer would going to become a house robot. Maybe that was playground hype, but a larger version would do well and replace the awful ones like Cassius Chrome *shudder*

I remember Pussycat absolutely trashing Razer. It's owner Ian??? was none too pleased, at the end of the show he was banging on about them destroying it when it couldn't move :D
Pussycat, that was a pretty cool robot design. Even if it was a little hard to tell how much of it was control and how much was just random thrashing around :D
I remember Pussycat absolutely trashing Razer. It's owner Ian??? was none too pleased, at the end of the show he was banging on about them destroying it when it couldn't move :D

IIRC, Pussycat caught the wheelguard on Razer, causing it to bend onto the wheel, preventing it moving. Was a legit win, but somewhat fortunate.
Just read up the house robots and yeah they've certainly beefed them up considerably - Sir Killalot is now 741kg :o ... like twice the old models weight!!

I wonder why they've gone to such extremes to beef them all up?!
Just read up the house robots and yeah they've certainly beefed them up considerably - Sir Killalot is now 741kg :o ... like twice the old models weight!!

I wonder why they've gone to such extremes to beef them all up?!

I think it's to make sure they actually look intimidating as the contestants get better.

Think about the technology these days. The competing robots I think will be a lot better.


lol people getting excited about putting a robot in a hole.

I think it should be a pit of highly corrosive acid or something

Also anyone notice that Sergeant Bash is missing? If they get a hotter flamethrower I think it could be quite good.
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Used to like this show but the weaponry involved got incredibly repetitive, just about everyone used flippers, outside of hypno disc and razer i can't think of many others that did much damage through weapons outside of flippers.

The walker robots were hilarious, more like hoppers and far too slow to do much in the way of damage and for the most part their attacks were easily avoided.

Be interesting to see how the show goes tonight :)
Razer is on tonights show I believe, one of the few robots on the old series I always looked at and thought it looked professional and not built as a school project!

Also one of the few who actually had a weapon of genuine danger, if you got in its pincer you were toast!
Razer is on tonights show I believe, one of the few robots on the old series I always looked at and thought it looked professional and not built as a school project!

Also one of the few who actually had a weapon of genuine danger, if you got in its pincer you were toast!

Always liked the Hyno Disc spinner, i remember one robot it completely tore its outer shell off :eek:
Razer is on tonights show I believe, one of the few robots on the old series I always looked at and thought it looked professional and not built as a school project!

Also one of the few who actually had a weapon of genuine danger, if you got in its pincer you were toast!

Was it really? It was a pretty dramatic and scary looking weapon, I'll grant you that.

But the damage it did wasn't that bad. It was used more as a grabbing tool and then move the competitor around.
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