*** Rocket League *** Car Football

The community in this game is toxic.

I'm playing a lot of 2v2 ranked, which seems like the best format to play, but I'm hovering between unranked and Bronze I because, quite frankly, I'm a bit ****.

I love the game but one small mistake and some playing partners start shouting "n00b" and "1v2" before you even have a chance to make amends.... I always give my team mate a lot of slack no matter how bad they are.

It's turning a great game into a horrible experience.
Sadly further proof that lots of people are dicks!

Finally picked this up last night, only had an hour to play but had immense fun! I guess my experience could change once I eventually try ranked...
I've just discovered this game (I got it free from Steam ages ago) and it's great fun.

Is there any way to do a private OCUK league/competition?

There is indeed. You just create private matches, and the commentator just streams from spectator mode with a nice HUD to keep everyone clued in. We did this in our community a while back. You can watch us get destroyed here3v3 Rocket League Tournament 2015: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOe0lyPunE8P1sRxOfImnt7vks1hMxwwK

The hardest part is getting teams on at the same time.
The community in this game is toxic.

I'm playing a lot of 2v2 ranked, which seems like the best format to play, but I'm hovering between unranked and Bronze I because, quite frankly, I'm a bit ****.

I love the game but one small mistake and some playing partners start shouting "n00b" and "1v2" before you even have a chance to make amends.... I always give my team mate a lot of slack no matter how bad they are.

It's turning a great game into a horrible experience.

Sadly further proof that lots of people are dicks!

Finally picked this up last night, only had an hour to play but had immense fun! I guess my experience could change once I eventually try ranked...

As new players just really try not to get discouraged - there are other decent players out there who won't be total asses to you. Sadly you just have to learn not to take any notice of it in the meantime. Or find a group to play with who get that it's just a game!

I think in general communities in games get progressively more awful as the importance of the members of the team goes up - in LoL, DOTA etc. a team member not playing well can sometimes make things a little difficult, and hence their communities are a bit horrible... in Rocket League a team member not playing well usually means a loss, so the community is even worse...
Might have to pick up the DLC on Steam for this, and also pick it up again as I think I might be a bit rusty. Feel free to add UberGinge on Steam if you're up for a couple of games :)
Sadly further proof that lots of people are dicks!

Finally picked this up last night, only had an hour to play but had immense fun! I guess my experience could change once I eventually try ranked...

I'll be honest, I find the unranked guys to be much bigger dicks than in ranked. They'll either bitch and whine at every little thing, or rage quit. Rage quitting is probably the funnier of the 2 :P
In ranked it's largely civil, at least that's my experience - but I don't suck :cool:
I'll be honest, I find the unranked guys to be much bigger ****s than in ranked. They'll either bitch and whine at every little thing, or rage quit. Rage quitting is probably the funnier of the 2 :P
In ranked it's largely civil, at least that's my experience - but I don't suck :cool:

I get a relatively mixed bag, i've not played any ranked stuff but in unranked last night i had two polar opposites:
First game(s), 5 other people who end up sticking around for 5-6 games. Every game is either overtime or one goal in it, and we were all nice to each other saying gg and praising play etc.
The game after leaving those lot: Make one mistake and some little snot bag decides to call me every name under the sun and thinks his veteran rank gives him some sort of power over me. I just ignored him of course, but it's still frustrating to hear it.

Ultimately though, i see more people like the first few games than i do of the last. It's quite a casual game that people seem to be quite easy going with, i would have imagined ranked to be worse due to people taking the game more seriously though.
I'll be honest, I find the unranked guys to be much bigger dicks than in ranked. They'll either bitch and whine at every little thing, or rage quit. Rage quitting is probably the funnier of the 2 :P
In ranked it's largely civil, at least that's my experience - but I don't suck :cool:

At least with unranked the little bitches just leave. I've had several games this week where a goal was scored in the first 10 seconds or so and they instantly try to forfeit. When I don't want to vote to forfeit, they then deliberately sabotage the game and score own goals to try and forcing me to quit. It's infuriating.
The problem with Ranked now that they have put the forfeit option in the rage quitters will suggests a forefeit after 1 or 2 goals, and then refuse to play until you agree.

I had one match (3v3) where I wouldn't forefeit so the other 2 guys on my team started playing against me. 5v1 is not fun.
Just tried out my first game of ranked, won 4-1, got a hat trick, everyone is SO SO BAD at the semi-pro level. It's absolutely shocking how easy that was. It's hard to not come off as a **** when giving advice.....but i had to tell them "don't hit the ball, just for the sake of hitting the ball" i thought i was really bad at the game but it seems I'm not quite THAT bad.
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