I wouldn't mind a few suggestions on potential colour schemes for the water cooling. I did initially want white but I may go for an all black. Not sure at all...
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quick question guys, do sleeves for cable tidying come with the X58 mobos? or do you have to buy them seperatly
Looking good dude, looking forward to you (finally ) getting this badboy built!
The heatkiller 3.0 is a very nice block, work of art imho!
Need to get some of those boxes as well, just another item on the to do list!
OI! Stop claiming to be halfway done with watercooling when there's no pics even!
Don't make me Slap ya, ya slacker!
That's easy m8! Get the missus the Sims and the kiddo leap frog and you're sorted.
Looking good! I still have to look forward to the joys of my first cable braiding session haha
Will look miles better when that stock CPU cooler is replaced with the Heatkiller
Looking real good! only thing I will say with your fans set to blow air through your rad like that you will end up exhausting a lot of hot air around the intake of your PSU, and as I found out it will cause the heat sensor on the PSU fan to ramp up.
In my case the TX750's 14cm became the loudest part of my system during gaming.
Thanks PaulyD! You've been a great help. Sorry for asking you 100's of questions but my brain is like a sponge..I need to adbsorb...Good update there mate, looking real nice
I see you obeyed. Goog good, not killing you..yet
Although looking very good, let's hope all my ideas also work out for you
but going very well there m8
That looks so awesome but the stock heatsink is ruining it at the moment
If it was sent yesterday it should arrive today mate, they don't hang around with delivery
No problem with help, just get it built with lots of pics and enjoy the silence you are after, espcially when your 4870x2 is under water!
Hopefully the RMA on mine will come back soon
Can imagine, the 4870x2 cooler is enough to drive you insane
Nothing says I love you, like shanking a person