*** Rogue One: A Star Wars Story *** (NOW WITH SPOILERS)

8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
Leia looked flawless and given the situation super cheesy but wow.... I was thinking are they gonna turn her to camera? Surely not... Then omg.... Tarkin worked but it was a little sketchy

What I love about it so much is as a fan, you know exactly how it's going to end but it's seeing how they do it that's the fun.

Scared to rewatch incase I start picking holes.

lots of footage from the trailers seemed to have not made it to the last cut.one example of many being that TIE fighter on the dish tower climb fight changed to an airspeeder variant and not the hovering one that looks so menacing, I wonder why they changed that so much?
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Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
It's a lot "darker" and more gritty than previous films, not any cutesey characters really like BB-8. But if your kid likes Star Wars for the action and cool space "stuff" then he'll love it
8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
It's impossible to say without spoilers but it's no fairy tale ending.

A kid in the audience at my showing said something at the end that made everyone laugh out loud... Because it was so nieve and innocent, remember it's a war film after all.
24 Oct 2002
By far the BEST Star Wars movie! Definitely up there with Empire Strikes Back. Will be going for a 2nd viewing and it makes sense to watch A New Hope afterwards. :)

Just come out of the 1230 showing, that's exactly how I felt, easily up there with Empire Strikes Back.

For the Star Wars fan an absolute must. Made TFA look like a Disney film, oh... :o

Bumping into Cornelius Evazan and Ponda Baba in the alley
14 Sep 2008
While I prefer the simpler times of the original trilogy, I find hard to kid myself that this isn't as good as it's going to get to tell a story in the universe.

It might not be all my thing, but it yanks my chain all the same. Much better than the force awakens, the film is far in a way more well constructed, it flows without all the gaff that was needed in the force awakens to drag it along.

Best of the space battles to boot, it does have it all. One last thought, I couldn't help but think to myself all the way through it, just how much better the prequels would have been if they had the direction of rogue one, such a solid fim!



18 Oct 2002
The Great Lines Of Defence
I think it works because it doesn't have to spend time trying to get the audience to like or cheer for the characters. You are just presented with the crew. The good, the bad, the ugly of it. And it works on the same level as war movie with real life characters - nobody cares if you like Jyn, Cassian or Bodhi. This is the crew and that was their mission. They don't need to develop chemistry or pickup lines, they don't need romance, there ain't going to be any daddy issues or cliff hangers. In fact, if anything - as the movie progresses you develop a distance to all those characters, as if you were watching Band of Brothers. And boy it works brilliantly.
12 Nov 2003
Devonia :)
Fantastic film!... I went in with lowish expectations, and I thought those expectations were going to be correct to start with, but then it got going and I settled into the story and the characters, and I have to say I was blown away. It really felt like 'Star Wars' but a lot more grown-up and all the better for it... much as I like the originals and TFA this feels like SW for our times, and I would take this over any of those right now.

The only downside, and its a huge shame...
is the quality of the CGI for Tarkin and Leia, which was slightly weird and noticeably fake. As a still image I'm sure they look good, but the animation was too stiff and inhuman... I wish they had kept them less revealed, or not had them at all..

The tone of the end was spot on for me... we are going again with the kids on Monday and I can't wait :D


Oh one other thing... we saw it in 3D but I thought it was quite poor, with little depth or pop. A lot of the time it was very flat and could have been a 2D presentation.
6 Jun 2005
redline - I completely agree about the spoiler, it was un-nerviing but imo obvious (but maybe thats my brain telling me that....)

Only saw it in 2D and it generally looked amazing - cinematography was fabulous.

Im umming and aaahing about seeing it again at the cinema, will no doubt get it on day of release on blu-ray (march -april some time?) - ending really DIDNT ring true for me
would have prefered them to TRY to escape even if they didnt manage to, it just felt "false" them just waiting on the beach to die
12 Nov 2003
Devonia :)
ending really DIDNT ring true for me

I was expecting a last moment escape or rescue, but I'm glad it didn't happen... with the speed of the shock wave I think they knew any attempt for escape was going to be in vein. It was brave to kill all the main characters and certainly not something that happens in many action blockbusters... if felt right, if sad, for me.
Man of Honour
29 Jun 2004
Ending was perfect for me, would have just been typical cheesy Hollywood if all the good guys escaped and lived happily ever after. This felt very fitting for what happened at the end, like they sacrificed themselves for something important

Plus, 3rd time I've mentioned it but that Vader scene. First time in any of the films he's actually seemed like a threatening bad guy. Was so epic
6 Jun 2005
dont mind them being killed off, that was fine - if a bit sad - but I still wish they had TRIED to escape like most soldiers / fighters would, it especially felt totally against her charachter imo
21 Jun 2016
My 5 year old was a bit nervous throughout the starting scene (he finds threat harder than what actually happens).
Other than that he really enjoyed it especially the final battle.

I found it very enjoyable they did a brilliant job

4 Aug 2011
A good film, 8/10 in my opinion.
Certainly one I'll add to my collection, but I still think I pre-fare A New Hope or The Empire Strikes back.

I felt they could have done more with the characters at the end.
I especially would have liked to seen, Jyn or Cassian meeting Darth Vader,
as an alternative ending to them just standing on the beach embracing...

It was great so see, even briefly a lot of the characters from A New Hope, making appearances. From Bail Organa, Mon Mantha, Tarkin and Leia even if the later two where CGI, and all the others, far to many to mention. :)

I did however enjoy the rivalry between Krennic and Tarkin,
two powerful members of the empire, both fighting for control of the Death Star, both ultimately fated to fail.
The Book Rogue One: Catalyst also introduced them very well, and there initial attempts to undermine each other before the emperor. :)

The other aspect of Rogue One's characters I liked, was that all major characters where so flawed, making them more real an believable in my opinion.
Jyn a survivor, Cassian and assassin, K2SO needing a diagnostic, Krennic consumed by ambition, time and again way over his head as an accomplished engineer.

The X-wing and Tie fighter combat over Scarif was great. Has to be the best in any Star Wars movie to date. Looked fabulous and the collisions where very physical and weighty. The impacts where spot on, with how heavy objects would interact in the void of space...
Especially liked Darth Vader's, super accurate Hyperdrive jump into the fray, smashing several escaping Rebel fighters of the hull of his Star Destroyer.
I do hope Hera + Chopper, made it out alive in their Ghost ship. :)

Very much an adult movie. One we all new had a low chance of success.
I thank Disney and Gareth Edwards, for making an exciting and visceral adult movie, showing the horrors of war.
For that, I will come to love this movie over time. :)
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29 Jan 2003
Just got back. Very, very good - the last 10-15 minutes was outstanding. I don't want to get carried away and will reserve judgement until I've seen it again but... it's right up there. If I was to be REALLY picky, the music wasn't quite right - it was like they trying to make it a bit like the original but then veered away into something else. Just made it sound like a cheap knock off.
12 Nov 2003
Devonia :)
[HB]Rugrat;30315149 said:
If I was to be REALLY picky, the music wasn't quite right - it was like they trying to make it a bit like the original but then veered away into something else. Just made it sound like a cheap knock off.

I agree... it was one of the reasons I was so unsure at the start (well, for the first half hour or so) ... the music seemed obtrusive and distracting, and a little bit naff at times. Whether it improved, or I didn't notice it as the film went on I'm not sure, but it became less of an issue.
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