*** Rogue One: A Star Wars Story *** (NOW WITH SPOILERS)

Home from the movie !!!

I give it 8.5/10, mainly due to the rather slow first act and they still can't do CGI people100% yet. It's 90% there but not quite. The music also is very flat, and forgettable, in fact, I don't remember any of it. One thing about Star Wars is the score lifts it, even the Phantom Menace did that, I came out humming the them with Darth Maul fight but I do not remember one score from this.

It didn't feel very Star Wars like, apart from Donny Yen keep repeating The Force is with me, it's basically a war film with space ships. I guess the music being off is a big part of it.

I do love the scale of the cinematic photography though, everything has a sense of scale. I thought all the characters were good too but weirdly, I think I like The Force Awakens more purely that one feels more Star Wars. Rogue One in a way is a better movie though.

The best bit is the last 2mins, very clever how it ties in with the New Hope.

I am going to go watch it again, it might get better with 2nd viewing.
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Just got back.. felt like i was watching star wars from the 80's as a kid but with a much more adult theme.. loved it..

Vader scene at the end was epic.. finally see him as a bad ass sith..
if I had one moment where i stopped and though that don't look right it was the first scene with Vader.. his cloak and draped over his shoulders didn't look right.. also something about his voice.. sounded a bit tinny..
Loved the tie in with a new hope.. could quite easily watch this and then straight into a new hope..
I think they deliberately killed them all off as they played no part in the rebellion after this.. would have been a bit strange for them to live then not be part of the rebels in the future movies.
Loved seeing the squadron leaders again.. what was the whole scene with'red 5' getting killed.. was emphasized a bit to much (seeing as this is who Luke becomes)
CGI on Tarkin and Leia was poor.
I am guessing Jeddah may well be part of episode 8? talking about Jedi and it being their sanctuary and all of the Kyber crystals I am guessing Luke may visit there.
Just got back, really really enjoyed it, was just fantastic. Obviously no film can be perfect but they did a very good job with this and better in many ways than Force Awakens (which I also enjoyed). This is not only a fans movie for the generation that grew up with original SW but a good film in its own merits and I think anyone unfamiliar with SW will enjoy it. (i think)

I liked the fact that there were small nods throughout for the fans but not too many and didn't dwell either. And the last 30mins was perhaps the best of any SW film just epic. And that final few mins with Vader, yes my life is now complete :D just pure gold. And the plot actually enhances Ep IV New Hope with the design fault built into the Death Star by its lead designer giving a new dimension to the film

Go and watch and enjoy. 9/10 Cannot wait to see it again :p
and regarding the CGI characters that some people are complaining about, come on get a grip they cannot be perfect. One actor died 20 years ago and the other has aged horribly and the CGI version in this looks better than what we saw in Ep VII.

I really loved them being in the film and being realistic to how we saw them in Ep IV and credit has to be given to the filmmaker for this as its a near impossible task to do it without someone somewhere whinging about it. For me they were an added bonus
and regarding the CGI characters that some people are complaining about, come on get a grip they cannot be perfect. One actor died 20 years ago and the other has aged horribly and the CGI version in this looks better than what we saw in Ep VII.
Its not a complaint its purely observation, imo they could have done better with latex face masks over a real person, rather than pure CGI - it would have felt /looked more lifelike in those particular scenes
Loved it, absolutely loved it.

Vader totally badass at the end

Unexpected cameo from 3PO and R2

Jyn at one stage bumps into the two creatures that try and start a fight with Luke in the cantina

K2 has some absolute gems "I'm ... err ... taking these two prisoners to the ... err ... prison facility ..." *cuffs Andor around the head* "... and there's a fresh one if you mouth off again!"

The head honcho from Holby City does Tarkin's voice

There's a bit which is pure Star Wars where the Star Destroyer hovering above Jedha City lights its engines and flies off - the sense of scale is awesome

During the attack on Scarif, some of the shots of X-wing pilots in their cockpits are what I can only assume were unused footage from ANH

Stunning stuff and definitely seeing it again over the Xmas holiday.
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Saw this last night. My thoughts are:


  • It felt much more like Star Wars than Force Awakens, back to the roots.
  • The story just felt overall more cohesive and believable than FA, with no glaring plot holes that jarred me out of the action.
  • Felicity Jones was excellent, she really can act.
  • The droid was VERY well written, they really got that character right and should be applauded for that.


  • Forrest Whittakers part of Saw Gerrera was just weirdly acted, strained and near-uncomfortable, the role didn't suit him at all.
  • The main bad guy Director Orson Krennic was very weak, there was no menace about him at all. He was more suited to a side-role.
  • The lead male hispanic guy who played Captain Cassian Andor also did not suit the role, he was lacking in likability and his Mexican accent was too thick. I just kept thinking: "Puss in boots".
  • The blind man Chirrut Imwe was imo not well written and his lines were very weak, with this "I am one with the force and the force is one with me" spiel falling a little flat. He felt a little superfluous. His partner was pretty cool though.
  • Moff Tarkins CGI was a little disconcerting, not helped by the fact that they didn't get his facial expressions and nuances right. No idea why they found that so difficult considering they had the source material right in front of them. I think they just overworked it a bit.

Overall I enjoyed it and it annoyed me much less than FA, it had a darker, more adult tone and it leads right into A New Hope in a way that makes it an essential view if you are on a Star Wars binge.

They did a good job, but I know they can still do better with the casting and writing. :)
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it's weird the CGI didn't phase me at all, I attribute this to the fact I've been watching rebels through and so much good starwars is in animated form too now.
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Echo others comments; immeasurably better than TFA, especially so considering it was a story where the outcome was already known. Would have preferred it to be a lot darker and I’m informed the reasoning behind some elements of the reshoots were around lightening it up after a few Disney execs were spooked after an early screening. Roll on episode VIII!
If this is the version re-shot to be lighter would love to see the original scenes!
Certainly moves along at a brisk old pace, especially at the start jumping from place to place and it took a little while to get into it's stride.
Music was a bit weird but I think the brain just kept waiting for the traditional star wars fanfare which kept threatening to appear but never does. Same with the intro and lack of scroll text.
Whole final act was brilliant and perfect lead into episode 4.
It's definitely got a lot more adult edge to it than than any of the other films, it'll work perfectly for kids too though as they just won't have the same in depth thoughts about the darker parts that adults will.

On first viewing I think I may have a new favourite Star Wars movie but only time and repeated viewing will confirm that.

It's a proper grown up movie set in the Star Wars universe what's not to like ;)
I'm going to watch it again just for the last quarter of the film and THAT SCENE!!

What scene ? (please either allude to it or put it in a spoiler, I don't want to ruins things for anyone who's not seen it yet)

I can't think of one specific scene but 4 hours after leaving the cinema I'm still in a kind of euphoric daze so I'm not thinking straight.
Welcome back Star Wars it's been a while.

I really enjoyed the movie, although it took about an hour to get into it's stride, the second half of the movie was simply great. It was about time we got to see what this rich universe can offer without Jedi taking centre stage.

It goes straight up there with Empire for me showing darker themed Star Wars movies deliver.
[*]The main bad guy Director Orson Krennic was very weak, there was no menace about him at all. He was more suited to a side-role.

I took that to be the point of him. He was given the role and position for his technical expertise in getting the weapon built, but when he tried to live in the cutthroat world of the Imperial system, he couldn't hack it. He kept being screwed over by more power-hungry characters.
Tarkin for example, once the death star was built, he took control. The engineers were done, time for the soldiers to take over.

Then he tried to flex his muscles against Vader, and.... well that was never going to go well.
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