*** Rogue One: A Star Wars Story *** (NOW WITH SPOILERS)

The only thing we've learnt about Luke is that he's a whiny farm boy who god only knows becomes one of the most powerful jedis of all time.

One of the biggest mistakes the empire made was killing his auntie and uncle. Had they not done that, Luke would have stayed behind on the farm for another year which would have suited his character a lot better.

He's an idiot through and through. Always has been, always will be. How Anakin produced that offspring I don't know! If I was Vader I'd have lied about him being my son. What an embarrassment.

To be fair Vader did try to rectify that with aborting Luke in his 23rd year with a lightsabre doubling up as a coat hanger.
As I was sitting there waiting for it to start, I was thinking if I made this film I would start straight into the film and have a sequence of some length before we had the be-da be-da kick in. I'm happy that they didn't have the be-da be-da (which would have jarred with the how the start went) and just the very quick ident. I hope and expect that this is what will happen in every non-saga film, as a kind of branding.
I thought the film was good. I didn't have any issue with the Tarkin, Leia etc. - I love a bit of Moff and I was well served with a good helping of Moff. I always thought there wasn't enough Moff in the original Star Wars. I felt well moffed.
I went at 22:35 on Thursday and I was one of only about 10 people in the screening, who were well behaved (expect for someone behind me kicking the back of the seats giving me unbargained-for haptic feedback) which was nice. Only one other person left when I did, all the others were staying for the credits, so a hit with my cohort it seems.
I liked having the Force enthusiast monks who could only do Force-lite.
I thought the planet ripping was done nicely with the big tectonic rumblings of the cinema sound system.
I thought it was better than episode 7 which I thought was let down by its re-hash of previously used scenarios.
Lots to get your eyes around, as is the strength of all the Star Wars films. I am looking forward to seeing it again.
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Why do I have to cut anything?

How about they weird octopus scene? How about cutting Tarkin stuff by half? How about the bit where the mum being stupid?

For the 3rd time, I am not after scene after scene of Shakespeare's level characterisation but merely a touch more than what we've got would be nice.

Haha. I know exactly what you mean.
It cannot hurt to add a little more attachment to the characters.

My favourite character was the one played by mads. Probably because I felt like he cared more than others.
Leia goes on about it being a diplomatic mission despite the fact her ship escaped from a larger vessel (the rebel flagship no less) in the middle of a rebel attack on an empire base. :confused:

Its pretty obvious going from this to episode 4 there's only a short amount of time difference [/SPOILER]

Maybe I missed something, but how is it obvious that the time difference is so small that she could not have transferred to a different ship? They would have gone into hyperspace, and a transfer could have been done within minutes. You always dump the getaway vehicle. Bear in mind the Empire did not know she was on the escape craft and therefore she can give a cover story - which we know it is in episode 4 - when encountered at a later time in episode 4.
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Maybe I missed something, but how is it obvious that time difference is so small that she could not have transferred to a different ship? Bear in mind the Empire did not know she was on the escape craft and therefore she can give a cover story - which we know it is in episode 4 - when encountered at a later time in episode 4.

Because the Star Destroyer with Vader is already on the scene and the ship shown escaping is identical to the one at the start of new hope. I kind of doubt Vader was just going to stand there and let that ship go on its merry way with the plans on it. If they wanted to put some time difference between them to imply she got onto a different ship then surely they would have went with a different design. Plus it still doesn't explain the "transmitted" plans to her ship being on a hard disk of sorts that was rushed through the corridors with Vader in hot pursuit. Just seems to me they never thought through that part properly.

And to quote Vader on meeting leia, "Several transmissions were beamed to this ship by rebel spies.
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Because the Star Destroyer with Vader is already on the scene and the ship shown escaping is identical to the one at the start of new hope. I kind of doubt Vader was just going to stand there and let that ship go on its merry way with the plans on it. If they wanted to put some time difference between them to imply she got onto a different ship then surely they would have went with a different design. Plus it still doesn't explain the "transmitted" plans to her ship being on a hard disk of sorts that was rushed through the corridors with Vader in hot pursuit. Just seems to me they never thought through that part properly.

There is every possibility that there are different ships of the same design.
In Star Wars Vader comes from a Star Destroyer. When he sees the escape vehicle go off he is not on a Star Destroyer.
Vader does not know for sure they have the plans. I think the clear implication in Rogue One is that he stands there pensively knowing that he cannot immediately capture that vessel.
The several transmissions may not have been the plans. The plans were sent in ONE transmission. The several transmissions may have mentioned the plans, hence Vader's confidence Leia had them in episode 4.
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There is every possibility that there are different ships of the same design.
In Star Wars Vader comes from a Star Destroyer. When he sees the escape vehicle go off he is not on a Star Destroyer.
Vader does not know for sure they have the plans. I think the clear implication in Rogue One is that he stands there pensively knowing that he cannot immediately capture that vessel.
The several transmissions may not have been the plans. The plans were sent in ONE transmission. The several transmissions may have mentioned the plans, hence Vader's confidence Leia had them in episode 4.

The different ships of the same design thing would be a cop out if anything. It was obvious that the intent of using that ship was so that it would match the start of episode 4, in which you see that ship and a Star Destroyer on its tail chasing it down. To say that its not the same ship would make zero sense considering this movie is the immediate prelude to episode 4.

The entire point of the corridor sequence was Vader chasing down carriers of the plans, so obviously he knew they had them. They only barely manage to get them onto the escape ship and you see Vader's sabre burning through a section of the airlock door at one point before they disengage.

The transmission thing could be an error by the film makers, or it also included other rebel transmissions.
The entire point of the corridor sequence was Vader chasing down carriers of the plans, so obviously he knew they had them. They only barely manage to get them onto the escape ship and you see Vader's sabre burning through a section of the airlock door at one point before they disengage.

The transmission thing could be an error by the film makers, or it also included other rebel transmissions.

Vader may have had a strong suspicion, or doesn't know the plans made their way on to the escape vessel. The plans were not transmitted to the escape vessel - they came to the main ship and were passed into the escape vessel.
And the fact is that Vader comes from a Star Destroyer in 4, and is just standing there in Rogue One giving the escape vessel plenty of chance to go into hyperspace.
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Vader may have had a strong suspicion, or doesn't know the plans made their way on to the escape vessel. The plans were not transmitted to the escape vessel - they came to the main ship and were passed into the escape vessel.
And the fact is that Vader comes from a Star Destroyer in 4, and is just standing there in Rogue One giving the escape vessel plenty of chance to go into hyperspace.

Well considering one of the guys that gets killed has Vader literally a couple of feet behind him as he's shoving the disk through the door, Vader might want to get his eyes checked. :p Pretty sure he's the one that gets the sabre put through him and it embeds itself into the door.

As for the escape vessel you never see it go into hyperspace, its just pootles away, if they had wanted to give the ship a clean escape why not show it entering hyperspace, 1 more effect is hardly going to bankrupt the studio. Again i think that's something else that implies that the end of this and the start of episode 4 are incredibly tight in terms of time.
I really enjoyed the film. Plenty of nerdy little bits for fans.
Link to SW Rebels: "Captain Syndulla to the briefing room" and The Ghost being part of the rebel fleet at Scarif.
Another: Vader's slightly ruby coloured lenses.
Link to SW Clone Wars: Saw Gerrera
A member of the same species as Pong Krell (Besalisk) at the council.
and on and on. :D
Of course it's some time later, but not long.
They have to pick up c3po and r2d2 from yavin4 and jump to tatooine....

I think this was a blatant over sight in the film showing the droids on yavin4 previously.
Why wouldn't she just leave the plans there?
To be fair Vader did try to rectify that with aborting Luke in his 23rd year with a lightsabre doubling up as a coat hanger.

What? Did you not see anakin? Its easy to see where luke got his whiny personality from lol. Now you have Kylo aswell, another whiny brat.
As for the escape vessel you never see it go into hyperspace, its just pootles away, if they had wanted to give the ship a clean escape why not show it entering hyperspace, 1 more effect is hardly going to bankrupt the studio. Again i think that's something else that implies that the end of this and the start of episode 4 are incredibly tight in terms of time.

As the IGN article reminds me, the nearest planet to Leia's craft when it is captured in 4 is Tatooine, which is nowhere near the location of the end of Rogue One. Clearly the craft has made a hyperspace jump.
Working link:

It is the same ship, the Tantive IV.
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Of course it's some time later, but not long.
They have to pick up c3po and r2d2 from yavin4 and jump to tatooine....

I think this was a blatant over sight in the film showing the droids on yavin4 previously.
Why wouldn't she just leave the plans there?

The entire rebel fleet came from Yavin IV when they got word of the attack taking place, that's when the plan to make use of Leia and the "Jedi friend" are put in place is it not? Surely going by that, C3PO and R2D2 went with the rebel fleet from Yavin IV to the battle, and were either already on Tantive IV or were transferred to it at some point during the battle.
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