*** Rogue One: A Star Wars Story *** (NOW WITH SPOILERS)

Just back from the movie theatre. Took my 11yr old. Absolutely loved it. Maybe even more than Force Awakens, which i thought was 9/10 excellent... Didn't like the prequels. I'm of that era where Star Wars was an amazing and important part of my growing up.

Cant wait to watch it again. Probably next weekend. :D

Felicity or Daisy ? Should do a poll on that one ;) My vote is for Felicity, especially in that Imperial outfit !
I was under the distinct impression that it was only a portion of the fleet that went to help because they voted against it. That is the entire rebel fleet? Vs 2 star destroyers? How unimpressive. It was 1 capital ship and a few frigates and Corvettes.
I also thought c3po and r2d2 were watching when the ships were launched? Or was it only when "rogue 1" took off. It certainly wasn't clear..
A good reason to go back and rewatch ��

With that in mind I think it was fudged a bit to be in continuity with a new hope. I do t care though because it was awesome.
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Went to see this last night and loved it, a proper star wars just without jedi stuff. Far better than force awakens rubbish imo. Cgi characters were a surprise and even tho done well they had a obvious fakeness to them but still it was nice. Vadar was awesome tho i dunno why his collar was a massive plastic curved sheet for it made him look really weird which was disappointing. Wished the emperor was in it tho.

Best not was when vadar went full force at the end i loved that bit. Proper bad ass vadar moment.

One thing tho is im not a fan of the hero being a girl in this and force awakens, i dunno why it just seems to suit a man i think as a hero than these female leads.
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I was under the distinct impression that it was only a portion of the fleet that went to help because they voted against it. That is the entire rebel fleet? Vs 2 star destroyers? How unimpressive. It was 1 capital ship and a few frigates and Corvettes.
I also thought c3po and r2d2 were watching when the ships were launched? Or was it only when "rogue 1" took off. It certainly wasn't clear..
A good reason to go back and rewatch ��

With that in mind I think it was fudged a bit to be in continuity with a new hope. I do t care though because it was awesome.

That's a good point. I don't really remember to be honest!
There is every possibility that there are different ships of the same design.
In Star Wars Vader comes from a Star Destroyer. When he sees the escape vehicle go off he is not on a Star Destroyer.
Vader does not know for sure they have the plans. I think the clear implication in Rogue One is that he stands there pensively knowing that he cannot immediately capture that vessel.
The several transmissions may not have been the plans. The plans were sent in ONE transmission. The several transmissions may have mentioned the plans, hence Vader's confidence Leia had them in episode 4.

Vader is on the 1/2 destroyed rebel ship when he sees the escaping vehicle, but it seemed blatantly obvious to me that the star destroyer had docked / somehow overcome energy shields to get all the storm troopers /etc aboard in the first place.

Wouldnt be that hard to jettison the ruined rebel ship to chase after the blockade runner Leia is now in.

I was also under the impression that Vader knows from earlier in Rogue One that they have lost the plans / they have already been transmitted. I think you see a shot of him being told while on a star destroyer that the signal got through to the rebels.

While Vader does say "plans were beamed aboard THIS ship" I think thats taking it a little too literally. Also just thinking about it normally - at the point the transmission is made the blockade runner from a New Hope is docked with the rebel flag ship - does it really matter whether its the flag ship or the blockade runner that recieved the transmission? Vader wouldnt know (wouldnt really care) which ship actually recieved the information, as he has already seen one of them destroyed.

To me that section runs in nicely to start of ANH, and is within 10-20 minutes of the start - there is no similar ship etc etc, it is that exact ship. Might have been nice during the attack for Tattoine to be mentioned in passing but maybe that would have been too obvious.

1/2 half of RO was a bit of a mess, but 2nd half was excellent. Still disappointed with the very end (on the beach) but meh

Disney are happy, film made back what it cost to make in its first weekend :D

I was under the distinct impression that it was only a portion of the fleet that went to help because they voted against it. That is the entire rebel fleet? Vs 2 star destroyers? How unimpressive. It was 1 capital ship and a few frigates and Corvettes.
I also thought c3po and r2d2 were watching when the ships were launched? Or was it only when "rogue 1" took off. It certainly wasn't clear..
A good reason to go back and rewatch ��

With that in mind I think it was fudged a bit to be in continuity with a new hope. I do t care though because it was awesome.
The way I remember it from Thursday is that it was just some of the RA fleet and not all of it.

Only a few people from the RA "council" decided to chase after Rogue One - so quite a lot was left back at base. Thats how I took it anyway
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Vadar arrives in a new Destroyer I think. Remember the Death Star just arrived and the Rebel fleet literally jumps to hyper space but is blocked, literally by a new Destroyer jumping out of Hyper Space.

If you watch it again the star destroyer doesn't dock. Vadar gets the report the Rebel command ship has been disabled so Vadar takes a Imperial Shuttle (one where we are all familar with- inverted Y) and travels to it escorted by a couple of Tie fighters.

I presume he then docks onto the Rebel Ship with a few soldiers.

Am I right to think that the ship escaping happens immediately in Episode 4 or is there some time for it to travel to somewhere before Vadar catches up again??
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I think the timeline is quite clear myself. RO takes off for Scarif. In the meantime, the Admiral assembles the rebel fleet (inc the Tantive IV with C3P0 and R2D2) and they head out slightly later. Remember that the RO ground team was already on the ground and laying explosives when the fleet appeared in orbit.
At the end, the Tantive IV goes into hyperspace but Vader is still on board the disabled Rebel Mon Calamari flagship so there is a delay while he re-boards his Star Destroyer. That's why the rebel ship gets ahead always but is caught up to at Tantooine.

One thing that did jar for me. When the rebel soldier hands the data disk to "young" Leia, she turns to the camera and smiles as she says "Hope". She smiles? After all the death and mayhem she's just seen? That doesn't quite work with Leia from the original trilogy. I'd have expected a grim determination but not a smile of happiness.
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That is how ANH starts, by a blockade runner coming from behind you , and then laser bolts before the much larger Star Destroyer comes overhead
I think the timeline is quite clear myself. RO takes off for Scarif. In the meantime, the Admiral assembles the rebel fleet (inc the Tantive IV with C3P0 and R2D2) and they head out slightly later. Remember that the RO ground team was already on the ground and laying explosives when the fleet appeared in orbit.
At the end, the Tantive IV goes into hyperspace but Vader is still on board the disabled Rebel Mon Calamari flagship so there is a delay while he re-boards his Star Destroyer. That's why the rebel ship gets ahead always but is caught up to at Tantooine.

This is how I interpreted the scene. I've got nothing to back it up but in my mind the beginning of ANH happens a couple of hours later with the intervening period being Vader's Star Destroyer stalking the Tantive IV and gradually making ground up until it manages to close the gap above Tatoine.

I almost have this image of it being not unlike old style naval warfare where it was a slow but inevitable chase down. I don't think Vader ever lost track of Leia's ship, I just think they had a bit of a head start.
Corelian t90 or something like that. It's made by Corellian shipyards. Same that make the yt1300 freighter, the millennium falcon being our famous one.
The Corellian designed starships feature heavily in the alliance along with moncalamri.
Went last night and just didn't enjoy it to be honest. It was a typical blockbuster movie with weak story line etc. Probably the worst Star Wars movie to date.
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