*** Rogue One: A Star Wars Story *** (NOW WITH SPOILERS)

The ending of this didn't really match up...

In Episode 4 when Vader is on Leia's ship he talks about transmissions of the plans being beamed to the ship, but at the end of this he's basically in pursuit of rebels in the Corridors with a hard copy of the plans on some kind of disc, yes plans were transmitted to the flagship but not the ship she's currently on. Leia goes on about it being a diplomatic mission despite the fact her ship escaped from a larger vessel (the rebel flagship no less) in the middle of a rebel attack on an empire base. :confused:

Its pretty obvious going from this to episode 4 there's only a short amount of time difference, minutes to hours at most so having her ship in the middle of a rebel attack and doing a runner with the plans with a Star Destroyer actively chasing the ship from the battle scene, with her claiming its a diplomatic mission really doesn't make any sense.

Not sure how they managed to mess up the ending in that way, would have been much easier for the plans to have been sent to a small ship then a handover occurs elsewhere far away from the battle, the Star Destroyer then shows up and chases down Leia's ship after it had monitored the smaller ship transmitting the plans.
Who sets the bar? I don't believe the standard is lower, I believe it's a different type of film. You say you "expect more from Star Wars", but this is a different type of Star Wars film, a one-off that is a prequel/sideways story to A New Hope that isn't part of the main characters' storylines. If this was book, it would be a novella covering the intro events to the main novel. It's not meant to be what you seem to think it should be, but that's a different judgement call made by the film makers, and Disney's need to rush a Star Wars movie out to fill the pre-Christmas slot.

Star Wars sets the bar.

It can be a different type of film but it isn't Transformers as we BOTH agree. So to say lack of characterisation (bar Jyn really), is a good thing is mind boggling. Being a different type of film shouldn't give it a free pass for lack of characterisation, that is never a reason to have 1 dimensional characters, especially when they all die in the end, if they had more depth, i would care more than they die for the cause and the movie would be better for it, not worse.

(and yes, the way to depict the characters and how they tell that back story is important without bogging it down but we currently don't have any of that, the point is if it the character was well drawn vs none at all) It's like reading some one who died on the news is meaningless vs someone you are close to that dies. One simply have more impact than the other.
If you think about it - maybe this is the message of the film, in the Vader scene, to succeed the rebels literary have to pass the message along one to the other and die continually to do so, they are all unknown soldiers who you learn nothing about, but they progress the mission, just as real soldiers die in war for just a few inches or minutes or whatever is needed

without the Jedi to save them, the only way they can win is for normal people to die to progress the cause, the main protagonists also each die to progress the mission one tiny more step forward each time - and its just enough to win in the end.

Maybe who they are or the character arc or whatever doesn't matter so much? its just their success we need to care about

Yeah I agree with this and that's why I love the film.

The characters are irrelevant as individuals but have to do whatever it takes for the benefit of the Alliance. They all collectively got the job done and got the plans out. They all died in mediocre/ordinary ways - no over-dramatisation or sob story. It felt grounded, low-key and totally immersive within the SW universe.
I wholeheartedly agree with those of you saying that the characters didn't need much developing by design. I don't think it was a mistake at all, I think it was very much on purpose.

For me, Rogue One developed one character - which just happens to be my favourite - more than any other movie has to date, and that is the Star Wars universe itself.

It was about the substance and character of the most well known time in the Star Wars universe, the galactic civil war. No lightsabres or Jedi doing backflips needed, it was telling it how it is for the little people, exactly what they need to focus more on going forward with their videogames IMO. I really hope Rogue One is mega successful so that more money is put in to developing things like the discontinued 1313, and pre-NGE SWG.

The biggest problem I have is with the music, I remember wishing it was better while watching it, and although it's difficult to know for certain before watching it multiple times, I feel that the music will most likely be much less memorable.
I agree with all of that - that's an excellent way of summing up this film, developing the SW universe itself. It was fantastic.

And yes the only disappointment was the music - it was largely forgettable. :(
I can't believe what I am reading, a lack of characterisation results in a better Star Wars movie. And that people not only are happy with that, it's actually what they want.

I really struggle to understand why you need more characterisation in this film, for what end? You didn't need an attachment for the characters specifically. The characters were going in to die for a cause they believed in, they knew that, we knew that. We didn't need deep back stories or for us to really care about them. There was more at stake than any character in this movie, that's what we were intended to care about. The start of the destruction of the empire, the start of a new hope for the rebellion.
I can't believe what I am reading, a lack of characterisation results in a better Star Wars movie. And that people not only are happy with that, it's actually what they want.

They have plenty of characterisation for a unit in a war movie, it's just not the type of characterisation that you want. As I said - technically we know more about Jyn than about Luke after one movie. Jyn as a warrior. Not Jyn as a farm dwelling orphan.
I really struggle to understand why you need more characterisation in this film, for what end? You didn't need an attachment for the characters specifically. The characters were going in to die for a cause they believed in, they knew that, we knew that. We didn't need deep back stories or for us to really care about them. There was more at stake than any character in this movie, that's what we were intended to care about. The start of the destruction of the empire, the start of a new hope for the rebellion.

Because when they die, oh okay. As opposed to, dammit, I like them, I wished they survived (even though I knew they wouldn't). Emotional impact.

It's that simple, it would be good to have more than than a pretty action movie. It's pretty self explanatory I'd thought.
Because when they die, oh okay. As opposed to, dammit, I like them, I wished they survived (even though I knew they wouldn't). Emotional impact.

It's that simple, it would be good to have more than than a pretty action movie. It's pretty self explanatory I'd thought.

Which scenes would you choose to cut and replace with these character developing scenes?
Which scenes would you choose to cut and replace with these character developing scenes?


Personally I thought it was enough. I had enough feels going on without feeling utterly devastated that some characters had died. It really didn't need it.
The only thing we've learnt about Luke is that he's a whiny farm boy who god only knows becomes one of the most powerful jedis of all time.

One of the biggest mistakes the empire made was killing his auntie and uncle. Had they not done that, Luke would have stayed behind on the farm for another year which would have suited his character a lot better.

He's an idiot through and through. Always has been, always will be. How Anakin produced that offspring I don't know! If I was Vader I'd have lied about him being my son. What an embarrassment.
The only thing we've learnt about Luke is that he's a whiny farm boy who god only knows becomes one of the most powerful jedis of all time.

One of the biggest mistakes the empire made was killing his auntie and uncle. Had they not done that, Luke would have stayed behind on the farm for another year which would have suited his character a lot better.

He's an idiot through and through. Always has been, always will be. How Anakin produced that offspring I don't know! If I was Vader I'd have lied about him being my son. What an embarrassment.

Good, good, let the hate flow through you!
The only thing we've learnt about Luke is that he's a whiny farm boy who god only knows becomes one of the most powerful jedis of all time.

One of the biggest mistakes the empire made was killing his auntie and uncle. Had they not done that, Luke would have stayed behind on the farm for another year which would have suited his character a lot better.

He's an idiot through and through. Always has been, always will be. How Anakin produced that offspring I don't know! If I was Vader I'd have lied about him being my son. What an embarrassment.

Which scenes would you choose to cut and replace with these character developing scenes?

Why do I have to cut anything?

How about they weird octopus scene? How about cutting Tarkin stuff by half? How about the bit where the mum being stupid?

For the 3rd time, I am not after scene after scene of Shakespeare's level characterisation but merely a touch more than what we've got would be nice.
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