Roll up roll up... OcUK Manchester (French Car) Meet No. 2

Hopefully will have my Turbo by then.

Today I was testing my limiter on the motorway and noticed a police car on the other side went flying fast bouncing off the limiter and his lights came on :eek:

I was scared :o
L0rdMike said:
If its raining and I come you will all 0wn me. :(
If its raining we will all be stacked on top of each other in a hedge at the corner of death. I swear I managed to get air mid corner off it last time. As a matter of fact I was swearing at the time quite a bit.
Worthy said:
Is the A666 St Peters way?

Yep, well that's around here anyway. Think it leads a bit further on towards Preston.

Marvt74, yes mate, that would be excellent. Hopefully, if the weight distribution is even on both sides, the car will have less chance of tipping ;)

Si, I don't get paid until the 10th of November and so might be a bit tight for cash if we have it on the earlier weekend. Although saying that, it's my birthday at the end of this month so I'll just put some of that to one side. Oh, guess what my mum is getting me for my birthday... AA cover :D

Trickle, lmao! Nice one about the corner of death. That was an awesome route! I must have been doing 60ish when I came over the hump and saw the junction :eek:

As for the weather, my car is shockingly bad in the wet. Had a couple of brown pants moments before now. In the dry though it handles pretty darn well. I'll outhandle those pieces of french poop anyday :p

Si, will update the first post now with a list of possible attendee's.

edit... I hope Coco can attend this one. It won't be the same without his witty comments ;)
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You 2 did gain some distance! I was just about keeping up with Deadly and Si. Only knew where I was going because I saw their cars in the distance.
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