Rome 2 : Total War

The 'Unmaking' of Carthage love it, any History grad will recognise the 'making' and the 'unmaking' of this that or the other.

Looks awesome and very demanding, this could be the excuse I need for a new GPU!

Does anyone have a rough idea of a release date?
End of 2013 they say.

I'm hoping for 8000 series cards by then. I still don't see the 7000s as a worthy upgrade to my 5850 lol.
(But then before that I had an X1950pro lmao)
End of 2013 they say.

I'm hoping for 8000 series cards by then. I still don't see the 7000s as a worthy upgrade to my 5850 lol.
(But then before that I had an X1950pro lmao)

You'll have 8000 cards by then, there doesn't seem much point getting a 7970 or 7950 from a 7850, I'll wait for next gen.

There are a worthy upgrade for you, but each to his own, and you do have a rather extended upgrade path, I was looking at a 1950 pro when I built my last rig in 2007, and they were mid-range back then!!!

I think it's just Rome that is split into mini families/factions? like the first.

I hope theres the options to do it with the Greek City States though. Having Sparta or Athens rise up to rule all the Greeks would be awesome!
I had high hopes but im really unsure... rome is my fav tw so far but this looks like they are going to experiment by making battles looks nicer and larger but skipping out on the map play.
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