I have a few niggles so far but nothing that cannot be fixed or missed too much and please do not take this as an outright gripe as I do enjoy the game even with them.
1)The AI seems a tad stupid at times which I'm sure can be fixed.
2)I'm sick of it telling me my populace is either content or unhappy with the situation but doesn't tell me if this is a good or a bad thing and what effects it has.
3)At the end of a turn if someone has a trait or something to assign it just says "so and so has something you need to sort out bla bla bla" Now While I have 2 agents 2 fleets and 3 generals its bad enough trying to find out who it is but I can imagine that getting frigging annoying.
4)It has stopped telling me when I am not researching
5) Diplomacy seems borked.... sick of people asking me for money each turn and people I am at war with or want to trade with will reject my proposals even with large amounts of money and then suggest the same thing come their turn but with lower or no cash incentive.
6) I did a mixed land/sea assault on a town yesterday with the enemy having massive sea back up. I landed all my ships and then the enemies ships proceeded to just spin around each other in the sea for 10 minutes before coming and attacking me.
7) Performance does not seem to be tied to graphics settings, the game handles the same for me on low as it does on extreme, all in all OK at best
8)This game needs a season per turn not a year, 20 turns in my general died from old age for christ sake.
9) Why not family tree
10) The amount of random things that have been removed such as Guard/Watchtowers etc
11) Mini cut scenes having being all but completely removed
I Loved watching my ninjas attempt to kill someone and falling over
12) Im not 100% sure on this whole capture point thing as plenty of times I should have outright lost a battle due to re-enforcements but I managed to capture the point before they got to me and won on a technicality.
Now things I have enjoyed about the game
1) I like the new city management and while it is dumbed down a fair bit the tech trees are nice and simple.
2) Garrisons in towns depending on tech and buildings, This is amazing, I hated having to have standing armies in towns just for defence in the older games
3) Provinces.... oh they are nice
4) I love the fact you cannot just have small stacks of units running around everywhere without a general
5)Reinforcing and resupplying in the field is very nice
6) Creating groups and group moves
This is a nice addition and it may have been in Shogun 2 but I missed it if it was.
The game isn't amazing in its current state but I wouldn't go as far as to say I would request my money back. It has some issues yeah but then what TW game didn't when it was released. They have no demo and do no active Beta testing that we are aware of. I am happy they are actively patching the game and we will get weekly content. But I think the reason this one is getting such negative reviews is the sheer volume of people who have this game over the others and lets face it, The game promised a lot and hasn't delivered all of it... that and people love to complain.