Ron Atkinson has quit ITV after rascist comment.

Originally posted by Deadly Ferret

No. McCoist! :D

Heresy! Dalgleish wins in both Football and Punditry. :D

As for Ron, it's a shame he's had to fall on his sword. The hand-wringers in the media can hardly contain their joy at 'outing' another 'racist'.

Actions speak louder than words and, as has already been mentioned, Ron's record is not that of a racist. He said a naughty word and got caught, big deal. He's 64 years old, for most of his life these terms have been acceptable.
Originally posted by daz
In the context of Ron Atkinson's usage of the word "******", it would be deemed offensive by most.

I can call my mate another word for a penis or whatever and he would know i was joking around. Call a stranger in a pub a synonym for penis and you would probably get a right hook to the jaw; or at least some stern words in reply.

Basically, the context was unacceptable and that's why he had to go.

spot on.
I know people get all offended and outraged when someone says ******, and Atkinison should have had the common sense to realize that PC has removed free speech to such an extent he wouldn't get away with saying what he said, but the comment isn't necessarily racist. ****** is just another word to describe black people, but one which has become taboo because of the way some people in times past used it in derogatory fashion. It wasn't all people that used it derogatorily though; many used it just as a descriptor.
There's a difference between political correctness and common decency.

If a large section of a population find a word offensive, then it isn't 'politically correct' to stop saying it, but polite.

Political correctness is when people avoid saying things because of an unjustified fear of offending people.

Too many people use the banner of 'anti-PC' to somehow justify the fact they are actually being rude and obnoxious.

Ron did the right thing IMO by apologising and resigning, for a start it will avoid all the media crap like the Kilroy situation. The man has got a bit of sense, I'm pretty sure he'll just lie low for a while till the media back off and then start working again, I'm sure he's got plenty of money anyway.
He didn't know he was being recorded though Rich, and there's a difference between being polite in front of lots of people and talking how you would normally when in a huff behind closed doors.

Besides, as said he was in a huff. In such short-lived and tumultuous moods, people don't really stop to think about which words they use.
Originally posted by Rich_L
There's a difference between political correctness and common decency.

If a large section of a population find a word offensive, then it isn't 'politically correct' to stop saying it, but polite.

Political correctness is when people avoid saying things because of an unjustified fear of offending people.
Too many people use the banner of 'anti-PC' to somehow justify the fact they are actually being rude and obnoxious.

Ron did the right thing IMO by apologising and resigning, for a start it will avoid all the media crap like the Kilroy situation. The man has got a bit of sense, I'm pretty sure he'll just lie low for a while till the media back off and then start working again, I'm sure he's got plenty of money anyway.

I agree with that ^

Yes he did the correct thing and resigned
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I dont think he did anything that bad tbh. He choice of words was just lacking, thats all. No one would care if he'd have called Scholes a lazy ginger. Would anyone have bothered if he'd have called him a lazy black man? Surely that's all he meant..
His choice of words were poor but i couldnt agree more with
him after watching the match....
would have been much more suitable:D

Not in this forum it wouldn't. Read the damn rules
To solve all of this controversy, he is a professional.
Doesnt matter if he is on or off air he of all people should know what comments like this seriously damage your career, and at 65 its unlikely that he will be seen in football again or for a very long time.
Originally posted by subxero
To solve all of this controversy, he is a professional.
Doesnt matter if he is on or off air he of all people should know what comments like this seriously damage your career, and at 65 its unlikely that he will be seen in football again or for a very long time.

Exactly. It was like that sending off of the Depor player last night. Fair enough it might have been a playful kick at his mate, but no one else knows that and it cant be seen happening.

Is he racist scum? No. Was he extremely unproffesional and stupid? Yes.
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Aye, silly mistake. Did the right thing to offer his resignation, but I think the papers are going way over the top.
Originally posted by andi
I dont think he did anything that bad tbh. He choice of words was just lacking, thats all. No one would care if he'd have called Scholes a lazy ginger. Would anyone have bothered if he'd have called him a lazy black man? Surely that's all he meant..

Ginger people have not a history of repression, slavery racism against them... as far as i know.

Therefore calling somebody "GINGER" has nowhere near the same connotations as "******".
Originally posted by daz
Ginger people have not a history of repression, slavery racism against them... as far as i know.

Therefore calling somebody "GINGER" has nowhere near the same connotations as "******".

Exactly, although i have never subscribed to the OMg slavery was so bad, white people are scum etc, etc. The vast majority of slaves if not all of them would have had far worse lives than they did as slaves to rich white folk in the Us and here. They were already slaves, the wild and unfounded oppinion that they were just plucked from africa is rubbish, they were sold as slaves by black people to the rich nations of the world. The slave trade is very much still alive, in Africa where it started and will never end.
Originally posted by daz
Ginger people have not a history of repression, slavery racism against them... as far as i know.

Therefore calling somebody "GINGER" has nowhere near the same connotations as "******".
personally i would be more offended if someone called me a ginger.
Originally posted by 1337_KR3W
personally i would be more offended if someone called me a ginger.

umm, is that because you are ginger ? or because you are black and ginger ?? as i don't think that combination exists.
Originally posted by Gooner14
Wes Brown?:p

Yes but he's special :)

Is he actually a ginger ? it's just i didn't think that black people could be gingers, because the genes that they have for other hair colours like black are more diminant than ginger.
Well while the media storm seems a bit OTT imo, i do think he was right to resign and it was a silly comment to make. To start calling him a bigot or claiming he is a racist is a bit silly as he has a proven record of introducing black player's into his teams at a time when racism truly was rife in football.
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