Here's what I calculated, presuming I've used the correct values
MPPT Calculator - Victron Energy
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Yes the bottoms of the cells are still covered.
All the cells are physically good, there is no damage, only thing I have noticed is the terminals are welded on slightly crooked, some are worse than others though. I don't think this will cause any issues, as there is some leeway in the supplied busbars, but I may well use these flexible busbars - need to check hole spacing.
I've measured the voltage, and every cell is 3.295v, can't carry out any other checks as I don't have the equipment yet.
BusBar Flexible M6 Connection Copper Plate LF280 DIY 3.2V 280Ah 12V 24V 48V LF280K LiFePO4 Battery Cell Connection Plate BusBars - AliExpress 44
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If you're on a capped rate you could switch to Bulb, they have an EV tariff (doesn't require an EV), I've just switched and I'm paying exactly the same rate, and when the time comes I'll switch to the EV tariff. Bulb may possibly be bought by Octopus. Unless changing to a fixed price contract most suppliers won't take you on.
I haven't tried yet, but my smart meters haven't worked since the end of July. I might try contacting Bulb to see if they will replace them.
Mine are actually faulty though, they were working.
Make your own cables if possible.
And don't go above 3.6V or your cells will die faster.
Hydraulic Wire Crimper, next on your list of stuff to buy, it never ends!, if you don't have one already.
I'd go the 16Ton version for the longer length handles, makes crimping a bit easier, you still have to use all your strength
A lot of crimping to do.
Are you designing the railing system/mounting solution yourself, or something you have seen elsewhere?