Ronski's Training Log

Bit of a rest day yesterday to give my shoulders a chance to recover following all the pull ups

Warm Up
Crossover Symmetry - Activation
Row 500m
10 Wall Squats
20 Good Mornings (with PVC Pipe)
10 Hip Extensions
6 Ring Rows
12 Push Ups
20 Shoulder Passes
wrist mobility
mid mobility
mid back mobility

8 x 1 Deadlift - fast pulls @50% 1RM
so Warm up
15 @20kg
10 @60kg
5 @90kg
Then 8 singles 1 every minute as fast as possible
1 x 8 @95kg - felt good

Accessory work
3 x 10 single leg deadlift with 16kg Kettlebell
3 x 15 Dimmels @40kg, 45kg and 50kg - these are tough

5 Rounds for Time
3 Power Snatch @80% (that means for me a feeble 40kg)
20 Hand Release Push Ups

Result - 7mins 49 secs
Pretty happy I was able to snatch - with the ongoing shoulder rehab I have avoided any snatching over the last few months and it felt fine. Sets 4 and 5 of the push ups were misery.

Cool Down
Crossover Symmetry Plyo program
Warm Up
Crossover Symmetry - activation
Row 500m
Ski 500m
2min Assault bike
25 hip extensions
20 Air Squats
10 Ring Rows
20 Shoulder passes
Then spent about 20mins on mobility - quads, hamstrings, glutes, shoulders

For the first time in months I went to try out where I was on Bench and test 1RM
Bench Press
Bar x 20
65lbs x 10
95lbs x 10
115lbs x 5
145lbs x 3
165lbs x 2
195lbs x 1
215lbs x 1 - flew up - so was confident to try for a bit more
225lbs x 1 - up no real drama - left it there as I was hoping for something over 100kg and it felt good. I will use this as my 1RM to base a strength cycle off
(sorry for the lbs - there were lots of lbs plates near the power rack so I just used them for convenience)

For Time
Cash In - 75 Barbell Thrusters (@20kg)
4 Rounds
8 Burpees
16 Box Jumps @24"
24 Kettlebell Swings @24kg
Cash Out - 75 Barbell Thrusters (@20kg)

TIme = 23min 45 secs and quite possibly one of the toughest workouts this year. The large volume of thrusters was brutal on the shoulder fatigue and I am glad that is over with

Cool Down
Crossover Symmetry - Recovery program
Good benching - I hope to get over 100kg bench by the end of my 5/3/1 cycle but we shall see as I expect to lose weight during it!
Warm Up
Crossover Symmetry - Activation
60 Double unders (of my feeble attempts)
15 Wall Squats
Hip Mobility
Overhead Squat Complex - PVC Pipe
5 - slow down
5 - 3 sec pause
5 - 3 sec pause bottom/top
Shoulder Passes

Box Squat - 10 x 2 @55%
So Warm Up
Bar x 10
50kg x 10
80kg x 5
Box Squats 10 x 2 @82.5kg
Tough work in last couple of sets

3 x 10 Walking Lunges @15kg plate over head
3 x 6 glute Ham Raise (very hard for me)

10min AMRAP
5 Overhead Squats @50kg (scaled to 40kg)
10 Burpees over bar

Result - 6 rounds = 90reps

Tried some over head squats at 50kg and this was about close to my max. I simply do not have the overhead shoulder stability at the moment (mobility is ok)
Had to change around my schedule a bit today and ended up doing a session with the coaches.

Warm Up
Crossover Symmetry
Hip and Shoulder Mobility

Bench Press - Start of a 531 cycle (the coaches were busy doing box squats which I had already done yesterday(
Warm Up
Bar x 20
40kg x 5
47.5kg x 5
57.5kg x 3
Working Sets
5 x 60kg - smooth
5 x 70kg - smooth
10 x 80kg - not the best set and felt I was running out of steam at rep 7. Actually ended up at 12 reps but was spotted for the last 2 - so those don't count. Great to be back under the bar

Big but Boring
5 x 10 reps @50kg - straightforward

I then joined in with some banded dynamic effort deadlift
8 singles @80kg with about 100kg of band tension - having never done this before was a lot of fun

21 -15 - 9
GHD Situps
American Kettlebell swings @24kg
Box Jumps 24"
Time = 7min 17 secs

Gave the guys a little fright when I was first off the GHDs but their consistency had me smoked by between 90secs to 20secs overall. Felt great to work out with the coaches and it made me push a bit harder.

Crossover Symmetry - Plyo program
For the first time in a couple of months managed to drag myself out bed early enough to catch the 6.30am class, Bit of DOMS in the abs following yesterday's GHD situps

Warm Up
60 Double Unders (or attempts)
Then 2 rounds of
10 Push Ups
10 Shoulder Passes
10 Squat Jumps
Hip Mobility
Wrist Mobility

Skill/Strength -
A) Push Jerk Technique
B) Strict Press 10 x 2 @65%
So that was 10 doubles for me at 40kg with about 45 secs between sets - no great shakes. Pushed out 8 reps on the last set for dat pump

5 Rounds for time
3 Ground to Overhead @80% - so 65kg for me
12 Thrusters @20kg
Time 7min 8 secs - a challenging bit of barbell conditioning to start the day off :)
Warm Up
2 rounds of :
Row 250m
10 GHD Situps
10 Hip Ext
- Hip Mobility
- Shoulder Passes

Sumo Deadlift - 8 x 2 @60%
So 8 x 2 @ 105kg - nice and explosive felt good


Row Max Effort
Rest 3mins
Rest 3min
Rest 3min

Results - Row 1 - 1min 35 sec (a PB), Row 2 - 1min 41sec, Row 3 - 1min 45 secs, Row 4 - 1min 45 sec
Ooof - painful

Cash out
100 Weighted Sit ups with 25lb dumbbell
Rowing is horrible - I do my best to avoid it at all costs!
I was like that for a while - but i actually look forward to the coach programming it now

Wasn't able to log yesterday - but here was the "Friday Frenzy" class

Warm Up
Crossover Symmetry - activation
2 rounds of
10 beat swings
10 push ups
10 air squats
15 broad jumps
- hip mobility
- shoulder mobility

7mins to establish a 1RM Thruster
20kg x 5 warm up
40kg x 1
50kg x 1
60kg x 1
70kg x 1 - ok
78kg x 1 - ok
80kg x f - couldn't quite get the lock out
80kg x 1 - extra bit of push and locked out for a new thruster PB

Rest 3 mins then

A. 5 Rounds of
5 Pull Ups
10 Hand Release Push Ups
15 Pistols (I scaled with pistols to a low box)
Completed in 7mins 18sec

Then rest 3 mins into

B. 4 Rounds @95lbs
15 Deadlifts
12 Back Squats
9 Push Press
Finished (with a running clock) at 18min45 sec

That light barbell got heavy fast - first round I managed unbroken after that tried to rest as little as possible and just go for it. Tough, but a rewarding workout.
start of the working week in Dubai and an early morning class to kick the week off

Warm Up
50 Double Unders (or attempts)
15 Wall Squats
Hip Mobility
OHS Squat Complex
20 Burpee Broad Jumps

Strength = 10 x 2 Box Squats @65%
Warm Up
Bar x 10
60kg x 8
Working Sets
10 x 2 Box Squats @100kg - one set every 45secs - tough work

B. Accessory Work
3 x 10 weighted box step ups @24" with 35lb dumbbell in each hand
3 x 15 Hip Extensions

3min AMRAP
Row 400m
Max Hang Power Cleans @50kg
Rest 1min
3min AMRAP
Ski 400m
Max American Kettlebell Swings @24kg
3min AMRAP
Row 400m
Max Hang Power Cleans @50kg
Rest 1min
3min AMRAP
Ski 400m
Max American Kettlebell Swings @24kg

Results - 17, 27, 12, 23 Total = 79 reps Rx

Fun workout - but a killer on the grip!
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Warm Up
Crossover Symmetry - activation
20m Bear Crawl
20m Bear Walk
10 Strict Ring Rows/Pull Ups
10 Plank Up Downs
Hip Mobility

Skill - Gymnastics
20minute AMRAP
30 sec hand stand hold
30 sec squat hold
30 sec hollow rock hold
30 sec chin over bar hold

Result - each 20 sec hold counts as one rep = my effort 22 reps (modified chin over bar to ring row hold)

I am really crap at this gymnastics stuff - so to make myself feel a bit better.

Bench press - 3 week of 531
Warm Up
Bar x 10
40kg x 5
48kg x 5
60kg x 3
Working Sets
67.5kg x 3 - ok
75kg x 3 - ok
85kg x 7 - easy first 4 then hung on for last 3. Wanted 8 but 7 will do. Just happy to be benching again

Cool Down
Crossover Symmetry - recovery program
Are you only running 5/3/1 for Bench at the moment?

Right now yes, squat wise we are doing an entry dynamic/box squat cycle (part of the crossfit class) and a similar dynamic cycle for deadlift. I have to admit that the box squatting while light is exhausting as the sets are only doubles but done in pretty quick succession (one set every 45sec)
Warm Up
Junk Yard Dog
- Hip Mobility
Burgener Warm Up

Skill - Clean and Jerk Technique
8 reps focused on technique of:
1 Hang Power Clean, 1 Push Press, 1 Push Jerk
4 reps @40kg 4 reps@50kg
Then 8 reps focused on technique of
2 squat cleans, 1 Push Jerk, 1 Split Jerk
5 reps @40kg , 3 reps @50kg

4 Rounds for Time
20 GHD Situps
10 Push Jerks @60kg
10 Sumo Dead High Pull @32kg Kettlebell

Time = 14min 07 secs - after round 1 my core was smoked from the GHDs making the push jerks quite a challenge, was able to do round 1 of the push jerks unbroken but rounds 2,3 and 4 I had to break then down into a set of 6 and 4. Overall a tough workout before heading off to Australia for a well deserved 10 day vacation :)
On Friday I was able to get into the gym with my brother-in-law after the long flight down to Perth to catch up on some bench press:

Warm up
Shoulder passes
Push Up x 10

Bench Press 1+ week of 531
Bar x 20
30kg x 10
40kg x 5
47kg x 5
57kg x 3

Working Sets
71kg x 5 - ok
80kg x 3 - ok
90kg x 5 - not too bad, bit of a fight with the fifth rep but very happy to be benching again

Big But Boring
50kg x 10 (5 sets) - straightforward - should move this up to 55kg next time

Finished off with some light (50kg) squat clean and jerks to try and fight off the jetlag. Was an enjoyable bro session to get me moving again after the flight.

The last two days I have been attending the Crossfit Kids seminar - which was an amazing eye opener and two days well invested in learning a vast amount about exercise for kids. I hope to be able to do some kids class coaching when I get back to Dubai - all exciting stuff.
Good job on the CF Kids Seminar - are you a level 1 trainer at all? Something I have been looking more and more into as an alternative route into fitness training
Good job on the CF Kids Seminar - are you a level 1 trainer at all? Something I have been looking more and more into as an alternative route into fitness training

Thanks mate. Yes I took and passed the L1 course in July - it is certainly a tough weekend with plenty of practicals and a WoD each day alongside a challenging exam. I am sure you would enjoy it.

Finally got back into the gym where I am staying in Perth (RFX Fitness)

Before class:
Warm Up
Cross Over Symmetry - activation
5mins Assault Bike
20 Air Squats
- Hip Mobility

Back Squat - build to heavy double
Bar x 20
40kg x 10
60kg x 8
70kg x 3
80kg x 2
100kg x 2
110kg x 2
120kg x 2
130kg x 2 - comfotable
wanted to go for a 140kg but the ran out of time as class was starting

CrossFit Class
Warm Up
2min Thoracic Mobility
Then 2 rounds of
30m Wheel Barrow
8 x Kettlebell Press Up
10 Band Pull Aparts

Strict Press - Build to a 3RM
Bar x 10
30kg x 8
40kg x 5
50kg x 3
55kg x 3
60kg x 3 - PB and smooth
65kg x 2 - PB and close on the 3rd rep (previous 1RM 62.5kg and last time I tested I only hit 60kg so a good improvement predominantly down to all the crossover symmetry)

Then 4 x 3 @90% of 3RM
so ended up at 4 sets of 3 @55kg - smooth

8min AMRAP
10 Push Press @50kg
8 Box Jumps @24"

Result = 5 rounds and 5 push presses - not super fast but shoulders feeling pretty shot after all the previous work

Cool down

Crossover Symmetry - Iron Scap program
Turns out it was squat day at RFX Crossfit this morning. Ah well - more squats...

Warm Up
Crossover Symmetry - activation
5min Assaut Bike
10 inch worms
15 Hip Extensions
20 Lunges
20 Air Squats
Hip Mobility

Squats - Find 3RM then 4 x 3 @90% of 3RM
Bar x 10
40kg x 10
60kg x 5
100kg x 3
110kg x 3
120kg x 3
130kg x 3 - that was enough - so settle on this for a 3RM for the day

4 x 3 @115kg - ok

10min AMRAP
5 Bulgarian Split Squats (per leg) 40kg
10 Burpees Over bar
Barbell Row @40kg

Result = 5 rounds - have to admit to doing the split squats unweighted - left knee feeling a little sore. Still a tough workout and I am sure I will be sore tomorrow.

Cool Down
Crossover Symmetry Plyo Program
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