Rooney - 2 B Sold

Daily fail link but I'd love to see the uncut interview...

Ferguson has been one of the greatest managers the game has ever seen. But he has also been one of its most unpleasant. And anyone who doubts that should have seen the extended version of his second emotional press conference last week, when he suddenly turned on some poor unsuspecting journalist and spat vile abuse in his direction.

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Is that a serious article. I reads like an idiot has been given a 10 minute low-down on manchester united and then asked to write a nice long piece.
Danny, you should drop your anti-Man Utd crusade now, its getting a bit boring :p

None of my posts have ever been anti united or any other club. All I've said in this thread is Ferguson is a bully and that tactic wouldn't work on a bigger thug.

Is that a serious article. I reads like an idiot has been given a 10 minute low-down on manchester united and then asked to write a nice long piece.

Of course it's by an idiot piers morgan, biggest **** on the planet. The only point of interest for me was the bit about the bits removed from fergies interview where he yet again tries his bullying and intimidation that should be left in the 80's. I would like to see it.
lol, what a tit.

It looks staged

Can't believe anyone would be that stupid.

A friend of mine called his dog - Campbell

A year later Sol Campbell moved to Arsenal

Yet the dog lives on with the traitors name
Well the writing doesn't even follow the curve of his back, even looks like he's been chopped into the photo of the tatoo shop.

Well spotted - Unless the tattoo artist messed up big time , and his tattoo is on the **** it should curve round his back.
He was honestly going to call his dog another name after that.

Then someone mentioned it would just confuse the dog, and it would not respond to anything different at first but the name - campbell

So he hesitantly kept the dogs name
So the latest thing is, Evra seems to want a pretty big deal and O'shea, 80k a week, laughable.

This is why Arsenal kept Henry on pretty low wages for a long time, and Fabregas is on an exceptionally low wage for his ability/level/position in the team. Because it makes it harder for Djourou to ask for 50k a week if Fabregas is only on 60-80k.

Honestly Utd could see losing two exceptional players(maybe not at the moment, but overall) in Scholes and Giggs, and rather than the wages being divided between 3-4 pretty freaking good new players, most of the wages will end up as wage bumps for everyone from top to bottom.

What happens when Rooney/if Rooney only scores 10 this year, plays 1/2 the season on 180-250k a week, whatever it is, and Berbatov is on 100k a week plays 3/4 of the season scores 20, sets up another 20, is by far the best player on the team.

I really don't know why they caved to a guy whose only once ever put in a top class strikers season, and he certainly doesn't look like he's going to score the same amount this year.
What happens when Rooney/if Rooney only scores 10 this year, plays 1/2 the season on 180-250k a week, whatever it is, and Berbatov is on 100k a week plays 3/4 of the season scores 20, sets up another 20, is by far the best player on the team.

I really don't know why they caved to a guy whose only once ever put in a top class strikers season, and he certainly doesn't look like he's going to score the same amount this year.

Because Rooney's commercial worth to the club is far more important than his actual performances, unfortunately.
I really don't know why they caved to a guy whose only once ever put in a top class strikers season, and he certainly doesn't look like he's going to score the same amount this year.

Because he's the face of the team, and not just that team but the national team too. It didn't kick up so much fuss in the press because he was a nobody. Rooney leaving United, regardless of current form, would have looked like a monumental loss to not just the squad but the brand.. Even if technically they're playing better without him. No-one cares that Berbatov is playing far better, it would have had the appearance of a great loss.

That or they've decided they would rather pay him high short term and offload him in summer for good money rather than peanuts, hoping that it will be a shot across the bow to anyone else thinking of trying the same tactic. This way they may even get another good season out of him.
The 30 goals last season probably helped too. To be fair to Rooney, when he's playing well he is United. As said, how many Rooney shirts do you see compared to Evra shirts? A lot more. He brings in a lot more money and interest and so as annoying as it is, he technically does deserve a higher wage, even though the only thing that matters to most fans is what he does on the field, football is a business and things like wages are calculated in a business fashion
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