RRS takes out Bikers in NYC!

18 Jan 2004
Read this on the daily fail but the footage is crazy. Have to admit (as an ex-biker even) that if my family were in the car and 100 bikers were looking to exact some revenge id have done exactly the same.

reports coming out that 1 biker was killed and the driver was later beaten into a coma. Where were the police!

There's been some clarification from the daily mail, apparently the driver was treated for minor lacerations and there were no other injuries. It's also been reported that he had his wife and 5 year old in the car.
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So bikers surround a car and 1 biker tried brake testing the RRS and the RRS knocks him off. All the bikers go bat**** crazy at the RRS driver. So the RRS, to protect his family he drives off and the bikers go on pursuit.

They catch up with him and smash in the windows when they should clearly see that there is a women and child in the car.

Not sure on what to think about this video....
Biker should have called the police at the very beginning.

They deserved to get run over imo.

RR vs 100 bikes? RR will run them all over every time.
I like how the video ends just as the guy on the bike is about to get into the RRS, nothing like good editing that..

Without knowing what the altercation was to start with its hard to say whats gone off and who was right or wrong, but given the level of intimidation and the number of bikers, I'd of driven off/over them to get away as well, especially if the bit about the wife/kid in the car is true.
I've got relatives in NYC I'll ask them if theres any news/updates.
You'd have to be pretty stupid to brake test a Ranger Rover Sport in the first places. There's something about getting on a bike/in a car that turns some people into blithering idiots.
Some crafty editing by the camera owner there, would be good to see the full footage from the start so we could see how it led to the bike brake testing the car...
So bike tests RRS, gets hit. Doesn't like it. Then 100 bikes don't like it. So they all surround him in a threatening manner. I'd have done the same and ran them over in fear of the safety of my family.

Don't care what the RRS did to antagonise the bikers, he didn't deserve that!
Curious as to what caused the initial hassle, but have to agree that with that many bikers and having a family in the car, would have done the same thing.
Thanks for posting that YT video and not directing traffic to the Daily Fail.

The daily fail vid had some stupid ads for 30s at the start so i posted the original on YT. Whats the issue? not like DM is adding a load of actual journalism is it.

What caused the bikers to surround the RR in the first place? :confused:

looks like that biker in blue jeans/ white jacket at 24 seconds to me. He starts decelerating and the car runs into him by the looks of it.

I was half expecting the guy in the RRS to come out shooting. If you had a concealed carry permit he could have been locked and loaded once they started to bash his windows in!
Idiot bikers what kind of moron tries to argue with 2 tons of ranges on a bike

Ruddy bikers deserved anything They got in terms of injuries

Thought the guy in the RR showed great composure not to sideswipe them tbh at a number of points
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