RRS takes out Bikers in NYC!

Yeah even the most sophisticated gangs you're probably thinking of will fall into the "basic newbie" category. The "properly formed and structured" gangs I speak of, you certainly will never bump into or have any experience with them.

but you have?

and most "big sophisticated" gangs are world known, because well they're big and it's hard to hide your actions when you're moving hundreds of millions of pounds worth of illicit material a year.

The Zetas being one of the more widely known.
Nooo. There is reaction and over reaction. His driving over the bikes went a long way toward the over reaction though

So you're in a car surrounded by ****ed off bikers, knocking bits off your car and your wife and child are screaming, you just sit there like a tool and do nothing?

Are you getting "gang" and "military intelligence" mixed up? :confused:

I just read the article on Military Intelligence on wikipedia, and I do not see any correlation between it and any description of my post.

So the short answer to your question is, no. :)

The longer answer; The fact that some gangs have military-like operational standards does not literally mean they operate under or according to "military intelligence". :)

The Conservative party?

Hmm... I think you're having a laugh ;). However political parties could be likened to a gang, where the seats they strive for could be considered a metaphorical "territory".

but you have?

and most "big sophisticated" gangs are world known, because well they're big and it's hard to hide your actions when you're moving hundreds of millions of pounds worth of illicit material a year.

The Zetas being one of the more widely known.

I have first hand exposure to "gang" activity, both unstructured small-time rats and highly organised factions, yes.

I never said big sophisticated gangs aren't known. You don't need to be part of the Medellin Cartel to know how exceptionally organised some gangs can be. But it would be an advantage if one trying to gain and share knowledge on gang culture resides in a gang infested city like London rather than live in a secluded village or something. ;)

So you're in a car surrounded by ****ed off bikers, knocking bits off your car and your wife and child are screaming, you just sit there like a tool and do nothing?


Exactly. The RR driver should be commended for his patience if anything. I can imagine some people wouldn't have hesitated to side-swipe them into the central reservation, further backing up that he was genuinely only just trying to get away from harm, self defence.

Anyway sorry for evolving this thread into literal criminal gang discussion. I was merely pointing out a simple fact that a gang without a ring leader leads to deindividuation. It should be stressed that the outcome does depend on the sanity of the leader. Yes, according to the group dynamics the situation would most probably descend to chaos and aggression, and this is what happened; but if a 'sane' leader was present the situation could be controlled...

At 5:05, It was the choice of the person who decided to run up to the car. He could have easily portrayed himself in "reasoning mode" by using simple body language. Instead he went straight for the door handle. He could have walked over slowly and waved to roll the window down. Remember the RR stopped at this point he was willing to talk. This is what my posts are talking about; why didn't a reasonable person be the one to walk to the car at that specific moment at time and what are the chances of any of them being reasonable.

It is clear there was no control in this gang. This is evident merely from the way they were using public highways.

I'm only agreeing with most people, this parade was a free for all shambles and they are 100% at fault, if they were riding properly this simply wouldn't have happened. 30 abreast on a public road :rolleyes: put em all in a line and throw the book at them.
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It's pretty obvious what happened? The bikers didn't like the RR being where it was. They messed on brake testing him and surprise, surprise, a RR can't stop as quick as a bike. You can then clearly see the RR stops in the video, someone then walks up to the left side of the vehicle (driver side there) and swings at it. He then panics as he has his wife and 2 year old daughter in the car so drives off.

Later on in the video he gets stuck behind another car in traffic, multiple bikers walk over to the RR so he speeds off again. Then at the end they smash his windows in and beat/cut him up.

How anyone here can think the RR driver was in the wrong is beyond me. If it was me I'd have been firing pistol rounds through the window the moment they tried to smash it.

EDIT: Watch some of the other videos, these guys are clearly massive **********.
Although not from the day, just look at this one and the car driver at the start particularly. Could you imagine those people surrounding your car!

i notice most of the guys on the proper big sports bikes are happy enough to just trundle along (and seem to have leather jackets at least) it's all the little **** on their dirt bikes (with very few license plates it seems :/) being the main twonks.

Thats because they are only riding motocross bikes. Somebody on a KX100cc passed him on the left.

possibly because all the sports bikes are on the verge of over heating going that slow and they don't want to risk revving it about the place and having to pull over :p

What I don't get is how any of that was allowed. The majority riding motocross bikes and quads that are off-road only.

What I also thought was frightening was the resemblance to that 2003 film Biker Boyz. Wheeling in the streets? quads as well... really?
Exactly. The RR driver should be commended for his patience if anything. I can imagine some people wouldn't have hesitated to side-swipe them into the central reservation, further backing up that he was genuinely only just trying to get away from harm, self defence.

Pretty much. You never know what will happen until you are actually in that situation, it isn't called fight or flight for nothing. Except Matt82, who'd either talk them down or teleport his 4x4 through the crowd...

I can imagine it would be very easy to self justify side swiping the chasing bikers in the heat of the moment
Pretty much. You never know what will happen until you are actually in that situation, it isn't called fight or flight for nothing. Except Matt82, who'd either talk them down or teleport his 4x4 through the crowd...

No way, all of thats way too much work, i just wouldnt have wound up a whole crowd of bikers like he did and avoid the cause of the problem rather than try and worm out of the effect.
No way, all of thats way too much work, i just wouldnt have wound up a whole crowd of bikers like he did and avoid the cause of the problem rather than try and worm out of the effect.

Matt82, tell me exactly how the RRS driver "wound up a whole crowd of bikers like he did"? From what that video shows and the group of bikes were travelling faster than the RRS driver and caught him up, it appears he was minding his own business, and the group of bikers didn't like him being there. There was certainly no cause for the biker to slow directly infront of the RRS like he did... Unless the biker wanted to provoke a reaction
No way, all of thats way too much work, i just wouldnt have wound up a whole crowd of bikers like he did and avoid the cause of the problem rather than try and worm out of the effect.
Guess what? Sometimes stuff happens that's out of your control. I know! Crazy, isn't it?
Guess what? Sometimes stuff happens that's out of your control. I know! Crazy, isn't it?

But i find it very very highly unlikely that a group of bikers out of a hoon will just suddenly pass an RR and decide to victimise him and put him in hospital.

Its not really likely is it?
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