To quote my comment on Hardware Unboxed's new video
"You completely glossed over the details of why the capacitor thing blew up (instead just blaming Jay), fact that partners, especially EVGA, made announcements that SP-CAPs weren't good enough / failed testing. And many partners had changed the configuration of capacitors very close to release. A few brands sent pre-release cards to reviewers which they are now replacing and many of the images found online of the capacitor configurations differed on the actual cards (because they were changed). Its hardly surprising people were blaming the capacitors when partners were outright saying they were making/showing they were replacing or changing last minute the SP-CAPs to MLCCs. Of course people are going to think its the capacitors.
Although there was plenty of evidence showing various configurations were affected, the Zotac trinity (with stock spec SP-CAPs) were one of the worst cards affected by this issue. Although I agree there wasn't enough level-headed thought and people were too quick to grab their pitch forks (especially those cancelling their order) there was enough factual information present that suggested capacitors were an issue."
As for Jays update video, he reiterates in the new one how its only part of the system and was just theory and speculation, although he does it a bit too passive aggressively. Clearly thinks his viewers just misunderstood and not so much he did a **** job of making it clear it wasn't fact even if that was his intention originally. I don't deny Jay added fuel to the fire but he wasn't the only one, partners didn't help with the whole changing configurations business.