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RTX 3080 worth it over RTX 3070?

1 Dec 2005
Stoke on Trent
Looking on ocuk the cheapest 3080 is £170 more expensive than the cheapest 3070. Both are Inno3D make.

So is it worth the extra money? I game at 1440p and i have a 165Hz monitor. CPU is a ryzen 3600.

Will the 3600 bottleneck the cards? And im assuming my 650W corsair psu will be ok? It was fine when i temporarily tried a 3070ti for my dad and that had 3x 8 pin power connetions and drew a max of 420w from the wall.
21 Jul 2005
Officially least sunny location -Ronskistats
If your not wanting to upgrade the PSU the 3070 should be the ideal unit. Its up to you if (3080) its worth the extra money.

The FE editions are much much easier to snag right now so £470 isn't so bad on the face of it. Although the 650w is ample for the main, you should view the Gamers Nexus transient spikes video to see how much cards can pull.

If you plan on upgrading the PSU down the road and can afford the 3080 then there's that. Also bear in mind in just over 3 months Ada will release so the equivalent of todays 3070 might be quite superior for similar amounts of money.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
3070 is fairly comfortable at 1440p - only game I've found it marginal for performance at that res is Cyberpunk 2077 with all ultra inc. ray tracing. Quite a few games you'd want the 3080 above 1440p though.
14 Aug 2018
If you check towards the end of the Hardware Unboxed original review on the 3080 you will see him mention the technical reasons why the 3080 doesn't really stretch it's legs at 1440p so I wouldn't be recommending over the 3070 at that resolution, only 4K.

The extra 2Gb may come in handy in the odd instance like using the HD pack in Far Cry 6 but apart these rare instances 8Gb should suffice for the majority of games at 1440p.
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13 Mar 2008
Greater London
If you check towards the end of the Hardware Unboxed original review on the 3080 you will see him mention the technical reasons why the 3080 doesn't really stretch it's legs at 1440p so I wouldn't be recommending over the 3070 at that resolution, only 4K.

The extra 2Gb may come in handy in the odd instance like using the HD pack in Far Cry 6 but apart these rare instances 8Gb should suffice for the majority of games at 1440p.

Yep. I would go 3070 and upgrade to a 4070 when that is out. Saying that, the extra money you spend on a 3080 FE you probably will be able to get back when you sell it. Only thing you lose is efficiency which you can manually tune for the most part.

People went on and on about vram, but honestly as I expected hardly anything needs the extra vram. That said that is likely to change slowly going forward and in 2022 you will ideally want more than 8gb if you plan on keeping it for a long time. My advice wait for 4070 or AMD’s equivalent if you can while enjoying summer or get the 3070 now and upgrade to a 4070 when that is out.

As for the 3600, it may bottleneck it a bit in certain games. All depends on how high fps you need. I am personally happy with 60fps even though my monitor does 175hz. 120fps for example is more than enough for me and I am sure a 3600 would hit that without much issues. If you don’t want the CPU to be a bottleneck at all then just wait for next gen CPU’s to come out and wait for the current 5000 series to drop in price and upgrade then. Maybe even go to the new platform as those will have a lot more cache probably which will stop bottlenecks.

I plan on keeping my 5900X for a very long time. It may bottleneck games, but only at very high fps which I have no interest in anyways. Waste of energy as far as I am concerned. Like right now I could be playing Final Fantasy 7 Remake at 60, 90 or 120fps as my system handles them all. Sure 120fps feels smoother, but that more than doubles the energy being used and my 3070 fans end up ramping up to deliver the extra grunt needed. As I play with a PS5 controller anyway, 60fps feels plenty smooth and I benefit from cool and quiet system that uses around 160w (excluding monitor) :)
30 Dec 2013
Snag a 3070 FE direct from nvidia for £469.. I had a 3070 a while last year and sold after only a month or so of ownership.. since picking up the 2080 Ti yesterday which are similar in performance it has reminded me just how powerful these cards are! :)
8 Jan 2004
Personally at 1440P UW I found a 3070 a bit anaemic so went to a 3090, if you want to hit 165FPS regularly a 3070 might not be enough.

For £170 more a 3080 offers a really decent performance increase, around 25-50% more FPS.
15 Oct 2019
I've been very happy gaming with a 3080 @1440p so if you can stretch to it you won't be disappointed also I found the difference was minimal in most games when going from a 3600 to 5800X with newer AAA titles seeing almost no improvement while some older games saw around a 10% uplift.

I also upgraded from a 1070ti and the improvement was over 100%.
14 Aug 2018
I could certainly stretch to the 3080 and if my CPU is enough to keep pace with it i could get a new PSU instead of the CPU i was thinking of.
I've got a 3080 and 3070, and also a 2560x1440p monitor. What games do you play? I might be able to tell you the exact difference and it might help you decide if it's worth it for you.

I suspect non will come near 50% or even make the 25% quoted above.
8 Jan 2004
I've got a 3080 and 3070, and also a 2560x1440p monitor. What games do you play? I might be able to tell you the exact difference and it might help you decide if it's worth it for you.

I suspect non will come near 50% or even make the 25% quoted above.
Average FPS at 1440P is about 20-25% higher on a 3080 looking at Techspots multigame numbers:

Best case is just over 50% when heavily GPU bound at 4K.
14 Aug 2018
...Best case is just over 50% when heavily GPU bound at 4K.

It has been made abundantly clear from several people including the OP that we are only talking about 1440p and not even 1440p UW either as the OP has a standard 27" 1440p. Why you are talking about 4K is beyond me. Even I, along with others said that at 4K it would be worth it.

Also thanks for proving my point for me as at 1440p you are quoting 20-25% improvement, so not the 25%-50% you originally mentioned!

Here is the explanation why the 3080 isn't as great at 1440p as it is at 4k

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8 Jan 2004
It has been made abundantly clear from several people including the OP that we are only talking about 1440p and not even 1440p UW either as the OP has a standard 27" 1440p. Why you are talking about 4K is beyond me. Even I, along with others said that at 4K it would be worth it.

Also thanks for proving my point for me as at 1440p you are quoting 20-25% improvement, so not the 25%-50% you originally mentioned!

Here is the explanation why the 3080 isn't as great at 1440p as it is at 4k

Chill dude, keep you knickers on.

You need to understand the difference between average improvement (20-25%) across all games and best case of 50% which is most evident at 4k but not exclusive to 4k (the Assasins Creed figures show this at 1440P).

25-50% is about right for the improvement you'll see going from a 3070 to 3080 in typical 1440P. The techspot figures are for 1440P not 1440P UW.

His CPU will be a limiting factor but if he's aiming for high refresh rates at 1440P it's easy to find a 3070 a little lacking.

PSU may be an issue too. 650W should be OK for a 3080 if a high quality one.
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14 Aug 2018
Chill dude, keep you knickers on.

You need to understand the difference between average improvement (20-25%) across all games and best case a our 50% which is most evident at 4k but not exclusive to 4k.

25-50% is about right for the improvement you'll see going from a 3070 to 3080 in typical 1440P. The techspot figures are for 1440P not 1440P UW.
How did you know I was wearing knickers! ;) (Damn my secrets out!)
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