So recently my RTX3090ti died on me, I sent it back for RMA. Today I received a confirmation email that they have detected a fault with the GPU.
The issue is that due to low stock on RTX 3090ti's, Overlockers support has advised that they are unable to provide me a 1:1 replacement, and have instead offered me a B Grade RTX 4070ti.
My initial purchase of the 3090ti was decided due to the fact I heavily rely on the 24GB of VRAM for my work. The 4070ti has half the VRAM of the 3090ti, and is also half the price I paid for the RTX 3090ti. The lack of VRAM would make this card almost unusable for me.
As the VRAM is essential for me, is there any chance of a 3090ti being restocked, or an identical VRAM card being supplied as the replacement?
So recently my RTX3090ti died on me, I sent it back for RMA. Today I received a confirmation email that they have detected a fault with the GPU.
The issue is that due to low stock on RTX 3090ti's, Overlockers support has advised that they are unable to provide me a 1:1 replacement, and have instead offered me a B Grade RTX 4070ti.
My initial purchase of the 3090ti was decided due to the fact I heavily rely on the 24GB of VRAM for my work. The 4070ti has half the VRAM of the 3090ti, and is also half the price I paid for the RTX 3090ti. The lack of VRAM would make this card almost unusable for me.
As the VRAM is essential for me, is there any chance of a 3090ti being restocked, or an identical VRAM card being supplied as the replacement?