Ruddy inconsiderate cat owners...

iCraig said:
Feral cats? Gonna shoot all the unowned cats because they have a crap?

Good idea, end the lives of animals because they take a dump.

LOL :) Why do we kill off rats and mice? Why do councils control pigeon populations in town centres?
Why shouldn't feral cats be shot or captured or poisoned?
What elevates feral cats above rats?
ScarySquirrel said:
I find it hard to believe that there a 7 pages arguing about the pro's and con's of cats.

Whereever you see the word "cat" substitute muslims, asylum seekers, polish immigrants, the PCLE, Guardian readers and so on.
VIRII said:
Whereever you see the word "cat" substitute muslims, asylum seekers, polish immigrants, the PCLE, Guardian readers and so on.

Feral Muslims? Gonna shoot all the unowned Muslims because they have a crap?

Good idea, end the lives of animals because they take a dump.

VIRII said:
Because I am inconsiderate and had never given it much thought before.

OK, in light of your new thinking, what are you going to do? Which of your earlier suggestions are you going to follow? :)
Whilst you are being considerate VIRII, don't forget to ensure everything you do has no negative impact on anybody else.
iCraig said:
OK, in light of your new thinking, what are you going to do? Which of your earlier suggestions are you going to follow? :)
Technically it is my wifes cat as both of mine are dead.
So I'll be giving her a piece of my mind about her inconsiderate cat owning habits when I get home.
VIRII said:
Perhaps airsoft would have the same effect with less chance of injury.

His exact words were, "wheres the fun in that!?!"

Skully said:
Anyone using an airsoft gun as a cat deterrent has serious issues, as well as a firearms offence.

He doesn't have issues, he's the most down to earth person i know. Firing a toy bb gun in private is not an offence ;)

a.hay said:
I have 2 cats. They crap where they want. I cant stop them, no one can.

If my neighbours complain to me that they are finding crap everywhere then we would try to have an area that they used in our garden (fact of the matter there is a place in our garden that they use and we don't mind).

I'd rather they said to me that it was really ******* them off, rather than them taking matters into their own hands and shooting my cats. Ive seen pictures of cats that have been shot with BB guns and air rifles, it's horrible. They are defenseless creatures that like to dump a lot, chase after them all you want but don't bust cap's in their asses. If someone shot my cat, I have always said eye for an eye so they'd get shot back.

My grandad told them, they told him to **** off. They own 10 or more cats, he's seen 8 together before and there was a couple missing. The majority of them come on his garden and crap all over the lawn/path/flower bed and they lay down in his flowers which crushes them (he enjoys gardening). They climb on the car and leave marks on the car which really annoys him. Those cats are in no means "defenseless", compared to humans they have increased hearing, eyesight and smell. So they are far more aware of us than we are of them, making them hard to catch off guard. They also have claws and sharp teeth for catching prey. These things are in absolutely no way "defenseless".

Fact of the matter is the cats get shot with the bb gun and they get a bruise and a limp for a day or so. It deters them for a week or two tops then they're back. The neighbours don't care, the police can't really do anything and the animals are well loked after so animal social worker type people can't do anything. Who is going to sort it out for him? His stuff is getting ruined so why shouldn't he?

I don't think you'd actually shoot anyone at all, another keyboard warrior so it seems.
VIRII said:
So I'll be giving her a piece of my mind about her inconsiderate cat owning habits when I get home.

What will result from that? Will the cats overhear and cease pooping in neighbour gardens?

Or will she lock them inside, from now until they die.

You see, these points you make about cat owners being inconsiderate is true. However the OP is not correct in thinking that the cat owners can realistically do something about it. If you believe otherwise, can you tell me what you or your Wife shall be doing to ensure your cats never poo on a neighbours garden ever again?
WoZZeR said:
Whilst you are being considerate VIRII, don't forget to ensure everything you do has no negative impact on anybody else.
I'll try :) Most importantly I won't try and pretend that a steaming pile in the middle of someones lawn is just a minor inconvenience.
The OP accused cat owners of being inconsiderate. He is right. What is worse is some are trying desperately to pretend that they have every right to be inconsiderate and no-one has a legitimate grievance.

I'm going to start training my cat to use the toilet and to flush.
iCraig said:
What will result from that? Will the cats overhear and cease pooping in neighbour gardens?

Or will she lock them inside, from now until they die.

You see, these points you make about cat owners being inconsiderate is true
I don't know. It'll be down to her, afterall she is the cat owner not me. I have washed my hands of the responsibility.
I said we HAD 3 cats, 2 of which (both mine) are dead. So there is only 1 cat which is my wifes cat. So it is down to her to deal with it :)

iCraig said:
However the OP is not correct in thinking that the cat owners can realistically do something about it. If you believe otherwise, can you tell me what you or your Wife shall be doing to ensure your cats never poo on a neighbours garden ever again?

Realistically the owners of the cats could give them away, have them put down, move to a place with much more land and so on.
Realistically the owners of said cats *could* do plenty IF they weren't so selfish. The owners *could* offer to pay for cat deterrents for all the neighbours in say 1/4 mile radius.
The truth is cat owners cba to do anything about it and just leave it down to other people to clean it up.
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VIRII said:
LOL. Roll out the strawman arguments.
Crapping on a lawn is not the same as "anything at all".

Not that long ago smokers just assumed they could smoke anywhere, cinema, buses, london underground (might be 22 years ago technically) and so on.
The fact that non smokers had to put up with the smoke and smell was simply ignored.
Attitudes have changed.
Why should your neighbour have to spend money to protect his garden from your cat, why should you assume that he should find it no more than a minor inconvenience to scoop poop from your cat from his lawn? Why should the pleasure you derive from catownership inconvenience someone else in any way at all? You don't *have* to have a cat. You'll be fine without one. You certainly do not have the right to let your pet treat someone elses lawn as its toilet.
If you can't provide enough space for your cat to roam without inconveniencing other people then maybe you should not have a cat.

That is an impraticle thing to suggest, a cats territoy can be massive, way more than any garden you may have. Plus they roam because they are curious creatures, it is not unknown for a house cat to roam over 1km away, I don't know many people with gardens that big, do you?
VIRII said:
I don't know. It'll be down to her, afterall she is the cat owner not me. I have washed my hands of the responsibility.
I said we HAD 3 cats, 2 of which (both mine) are dead. So there is only 1 cat which is my wifes cat. So it is down to her to deal with it :)

OK, hypothetically if you owned a cat, or your wife handed over further responsibility, what would you do to address the grievance outlined by the OP?
Baz said:
That is an impraticle thing to suggest, a cats territoy can be massive, way more than any garden you may have. Plus they roam because they are curious creatures, it is not unknown for a house cat to roam over 1km away, I don't know many people with gardens that big, do you?

Ever heard of a farm?
If your cat is bothering your neighbours then either provide it with the roaming land it requires, keep it locked up, give it away or have it put down.
You've brought the cat into the area, why should other people suffer as a result?
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