Ruddy inconsiderate cat owners...

iCraig said:
OK, hypothetically if you owned a cat, or your wife handed over further responsibility, what would you do to address the grievance outlined by the OP?
I'd get rid of the cat. However I don't fit into the OP's grievance:
the-void said:
Following on from my dog thread, I also have a grievance with ruddy cat owners as well. You know the type, little old bats with about 20 of the scrag ends and closet homosexuals.

Maybe cat owners should pay an ownership fee of £250 per cat then from that fund local councils could install anti cat devices to any property that asked for them.
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VIRII said:
I'd get rid of the cat. However I don't fit into the OP's grievance:

OK. :)

Are you going to get rid of your mobile phone, if I create a rant about how much peoples' ringtones annoy me? :p
iCraig said:
OK. :)

Are you going to get rid of your mobile phone, if I create a rant about how much peoples' ringtones annoy me? :p

Mine is on silent ring. It doesn't leave a brown smelly residue full of diseases in your garden either.
VIRII said:
Ever heard of a farm?
If your cat is bothering your neighbours then either provide it with the roaming land it requires, keep it locked up, give it away or have it put down.
You've brought the cat into the area, why should other people suffer as a result?

Unless they complain there isn't a problem... And if the morons next door did, I would encourage our cats to poop in their garden....
iCraig said:
The concept of annoyance is the same.
Good job it is on silent ring then. :)
The concept of a physical item that carries diseases that you have to physically remove from your garden is the same as a ringing phone........

When you see a cat pooh do you pick it up and wonder who is ringing you? It causes brain damage you know :)
iCraig said:
Is that why you never answer my calls?

Bah see my edit. If you ring it'll leave me a little message saying "the lad with the cat dump at his ear rang you". I'll then choose if I wish to ring you back :p
a.hay said:
If you don't want crap on your lawn just throw it over the fence into the owners garden.
Baz said:
That is an impraticle thing to suggest, a cats territoy can be massive, way more than any garden you may have. Plus they roam because they are curious creatures, it is not unknown for a house cat to roam over 1km away, I don't know many people with gardens that big, do you?

Good throw you have there!!! ;)

Hey why not eat it instead? Or rub it all over your body? Surely you must like having cat faeces in your garden? Who wouldn't?

Back in the olden days sailing ships had cats. Poor cats. Stuck at sea with not very far to roam :( How they must have suffered..... Swab the decks lads the cat's been on the poop deck.
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VIRII said:
The concept of a physical item that carries diseases that you have to physically remove from your garden is the same as a ringing phone........

You're stretching there. You won't catch diseases off it unless you decide to have it for dinner, and physically removing it infers it's of great effort to kick a lump of **** off the grass. Faeces breaks down quickly, it doesn't need to be totally removed. It can be flicked into the soil or whatever.

The concept is the same because it's annoying to have to keep flinging poo of your lawn in the same way you have to keep listening to The Saints Go Marching in every time someone's phone goes off.
krisboats said:
His exact words were, "wheres the fun in that!?!"

He doesn't have issues, he's the most down to earth person i know. Firing a toy bb gun in private is not an offence ;)

My grandad told them, they told him to **** off. They own 10 or more cats, he's seen 8 together before and there was a couple missing. The majority of them come on his garden and crap all over the lawn/path/flower bed and they lay down in his flowers which crushes them (he enjoys gardening). They climb on the car and leave marks on the car which really annoys him. Those cats are in no means "defenseless", compared to humans they have increased hearing, eyesight and smell. So they are far more aware of us than we are of them, making them hard to catch off guard. They also have claws and sharp teeth for catching prey. These things are in absolutely no way "defenseless".

Fact of the matter is the cats get shot with the bb gun and they get a bruise and a limp for a day or so. It deters them for a week or two tops then they're back. The neighbours don't care, the police can't really do anything and the animals are well loked after so animal social worker type people can't do anything. Who is going to sort it out for him? His stuff is getting ruined so why shouldn't he?

I don't think you'd actually shoot anyone at all, another keyboard warrior so it seems.

My sister is a Vet, she has lost count of the number cats that she has had to put down because of BB pellets. Air rifles and the like kill cats, it is as simple as that.

Anyone who shoots at animals like that should have shotguns fired at them from point blank range. It is sick and twisted, whoever does this has serious mental issues and should be committed for life, or preferably given the death sentence to save money.
iCraig said:
You're stretching there.
No really I am not. A ring tone and a cat pooh. One is physical and one is not. One carries diseases and one does not. One you have to scoop up and remove so that you can allow your kids to play in the garden and one you do not.
iCraig said:
You won't catch diseases off it unless you decide to have it for dinner, and physically removing it infers it's of great effort to kick a lump of **** off the grass.
I don't want to kick cat pooh thanks :) I don't want it on my shoes, I don't want to tread it around my house. Where do i kick it to exactly? No I have to get a garden trowel and scoop it up and then stick it in a bag and then stick it in the bin.
iCraig said:
Faeces breaks down quickly, it doesn't need to be totally removed. It can be flicked into the soil or whatever.
Nah I should just let my 10 month old daughter crawl around in it and rub her hands and face in it instead right? Or I shouldn't let her use the garden becaue other people need my garden for their cat crap?
iCraig said:
The concept is the same because it's annoying to have to keep flinging poo of your lawn in the same way you have to keep listening to The Saints Go Marching in every time someone's phone goes off.
No... you're stretching here and I have never had a ringtone like that :) However 5 seconds of ringtone or cat pooh.... i'll take the ringtone everytime. I'd prefer neither of course.
Cuchulain said:
Would you mind awfully demonstrating that on yourself first?
Why yes I would. Maybe i'll practice on some catholics instead. However if you catch me crapping on your front lawn feel free to try it on me yourself :D
VIRII said:
Why yes I would. Maybe i'll practice on some catholics instead. However if you catch me crapping on your front lawn feel free to try it on me yourself :D

It'd be far better if they offered cats abortions wouldn't it?
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