
I haven't even got a fire cape on RS3. :(
10 years I've had my account. :p

Is anyone going to Runefest next weekend?

It's actually hard in RS3 though, you can't protect Jad's hits fully, in OSRS I got through the entire thing using 4 super restores and a sara brew at 70 range and 50 prayer :s

Swear people say OSRS is way harder than 3 but so far it's just been easier in every way except things taking longer. :p
My account must be getting on for twelve years old now! It's currently combat level 136 with a total level of 2154. It also has eight 99s which include Herblore and Prayer, and a 750M bank.
So got a little bored of OSRS and started up an Ironman on it... After a few hours I was just like NOPE so tried out an Ironman on RS3 and enjoying it a lot. Couple days in and I got INSANELY lucky at Dagganoth Kings, got a Berserker ring and Dragon hatchet after 12 kills on Rex! LOL!
I've decided to revisit Runescape again after a long hiatus. My account still has VIP gold membership until December. I'm currently combat 138, with a total of nine 99s. I'm hoping to achieve 99 slayer for my tenth. My bank sits at around 500M+.

Is anyone here still playing?
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Ha, not looked at this for years.

Combat 126, twenty five level 99s. Genuinely no idea what is good, bad, great anymore etc. 250M in the bank. The interface is all different as well
is this game any good never played it

I have derived a lot of enjoyment out of it over the years, but it's not for everyone. Even with the recent graphical overhaul, it still doesn't compare to other games in the genre. It's free to play though, so why not give it a try?

I've recently acquired my tenth 99 in a skill. Even after all of these years, I've scarcely got any quests done though!
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