
I played it on/off for 9 years..had a maxed 120 dung 45 def berserker pure *sigh* silly EOC made me quit, and legacy still didn't bring back the feeling...i once had for the game, past its expiry date
I'm looking to achieve 99 attack. What's the best method from 90-99? Previously I trained on Hellhounds in Taverley Dungeon. Is there a more efficient method to date? My combat gear currently consists of Armadyl, Gano and Guthans. Is it worth ditching the Guthans in favour of Bandos and an SGS? How does the latter fare on Legacy Mode?
My rather modest stats:
shoulda done slayer buddy. Getting 99 slayer gets you basically maxed combat. I maxed combat then got 99 slayer and basically now have like 40m attack exp and 30m strength or something stupid.
Yeah do Slayer to train combat stats, also make a fair bit of money to doing it.

Anyone else doing an Ironman. Find myself enjoying it much more than a normal account, the sense of achievement you get is heightened so much.

Quite happy with my progress. I caned in in the first 2-3 weeks then stopped playing until about a week ago. Can't believe some people's ironmen accounts!
Anyone still playing? Got this on my Ironman tonight :D

So, what's your opinion on the new skill?

I've yet to meet the requirements, because Divination is one of my least trained skills, however I have been privy to much of the controversy on the Runescape subreddit.

Firstly, it took less than 48 hours for the current leading player to achieve 120 Invention, at a cost of over 10B.
Many players have made bank on Hand cannons, which skyrocketed in price. One player lost a potential 41B after prematurely selling his stash.
Jagex have tweaked the experience rates, leading to an 1800% increase for disassembly and siphoning of Augmented Gear.
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I haven't even got the requirements to start doing it.

I've switched over to old school because I can't be doing with all the shenanigans of RS3. Hard work starting over again.
Haven't even started the new skill purely because I despise Divination, and have no interest in wasting more hours into RS siphoning a floating ball of essense. :p

But, the new skill has potential, however is just a way to revamp the market, it will and has caused chaos to thousands of items which is what the intended point of the skill is, too many items were worth a few GP more than their alch price!

Will be interesting to see what happens in a few weeks/months.

Outside of Invention: I'm still mining in priff, which I'd rather do than Divination (albeit the same thing!) as I actually gain something and it's super quick to 99.

Need to Max this year so I can finally drop the game for good.
Invention looks like a complete mess. Expensive and it looks like it'll take a lifetime for Ironmen to train.

Haven't even started the new skill purely because I despise Divination, and have no interest in wasting more hours into RS siphoning a floating ball of essense. :p

Just do the Caches. I'm level 88 from pretty much just those. You should also look into the quests that give XP and the Mahjarrat Memories mini-quest, though that involves a few hours of siphoning balls :p.
I still play from time to time :D. New account now though that i've been playing the past few months. Got my old account banned so that's long gone :(. Gutted.

I played it a few years after it first came out, and really ever since after. Must be the first multiplayer game I ever played, loved it. Seems to come in waves where i'll play it for like a week then leave it for a while to come back to it again.

Still in the process of trying to match my old stats. A way off yet. Username: TylerJRB

Just downloaded the new NXT launcher. Looks fantastic.
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