Russell Brand.

She's pretty average though.

And she dumped him, let's not forget that. She even aluded to that the whole thing was a very big mistake once she realised what a complete nob head he was. She's not average through, face maybe without make up but she has one hell of a cracking body.
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He's not my cup of tea but the jealousy in here is brilliant.

Let's be honest he's more famous, wealthier, has more influence on people than anyone in this thread.

While he's helping himself to plenty of women each night we are stuck on a computer forum.

So no one is allowed to comment on people more successful or wealthier than they are without it all being down to jealously? By your own logic then Brand must really be jealous of successful bankers.
Really not a fan, for a start astrology is a load of rubbish and there's something about him that just creeps me out!

Riddle me this.

Russell has publicly stated he is willing to die for revolution and that ""There’s no point doing it if you’re not."

He also (apparently) wants a redistribution of wealth. Why then, does he not lead by example and redistribute his wealth to every person in the United Kingdom, or perhaps more beneficially, to those who are starving, ill and cold this Christmas?

He is willing to die for his revolution, yet he still rents a property in a trendy part of London for 76k a year.

How many lives could he potentially save and improve by moving outside of London and renting somewhere for £600 a month and giving the difference to those in need?

He is willing to die for revolution (ie a revolution that he claims will improve the lives of the people of the United Kingdom and make our society more fair), but not give up his wealth and cushy lifestyle to lead by example?

It is utter, utter crap and anyone who actually believes a word that comes out of his mouth is deluded.
Riddle me this.

Russell has publicly stated he is willing to die for revolution and that ""There’s no point doing it if you’re not."

He also (apparently) wants a redistribution of wealth. Why then, does he not lead by example and redistribute his wealth to every person in the United Kingdom, or perhaps more beneficially, to those who are starving, ill and cold this Christmas?

He is willing to die for his revolution, yet he still rents a property in a trendy part of London for 76k a year.

How many lives could he potentially save and improve by moving outside of London and renting somewhere for £600 a month and giving the difference to those in need?

He is willing to die for revolution (ie a revolution that he claims will improve the lives of the people of the United Kingdom and make our society more fair), but not give up his wealth and cushy lifestyle to lead by example?

It is utter, utter crap and anyone who actually believes a word that comes out of his mouth is deluded.


You don't understand do you?

Well I'm not going to explain it...If you're not intelligent enough to "Get it"
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