perhaps you should think before you write - try dealing with points raised by posters instead of popping in here to make generalisations and straw man arguments
more irrelevant generalisations... try dealing with the posts/arguments
Not at all sarcastic - you seem to be one of these people obsessed with the man himself, RATHER THAN what he is saying - what do you think about his points?
If you have any form of logic, using common sense and clear thinking, you would have to tend towards agreeing with his points.
No he isnt the 1st person to say it, but he is rapidly becoming heard by everyone, this is the change here.
SO, the banking system in bed with the government and all this 'terrorist' rubbish the leaders are shoving down our throats for their own purposes you think isn't true and you have no thoughts on it?
AGAIN THINK BEFORE YOU WRITE, I am asking you about the points brand is bringing up, I don't care how much money he has, or his hair style, the points he brings up ?
Logic says I have to agree with his points, what say you ?
I have come to accept a huge percentage of humanity does mostly pointless stuff (such as your 'point') and avoids the real issues, I am obviously curious why - its willful ignorance mixed in with a bunch of people who have become so socially programmed, they dare not think of anything else and mock those that think outside the box.
Ironically I just posted dealing this point, you would rather bleat on about Brand and I am not seeing any discussion on the worlds real issues.
Quite few contradictions in that post, nice work.
who spouts the same garbage in the manner that he does. He may have valid points
Decide already...You're coming across as an ****![]()
You don't need to be a fan or non fan to see positive stuff with RB...
Most of the negative stuff posted in this thread has nothing to do with what he says but all to do with his persona and appearance...