Russell Brand.

You talk like the man is seeking a full on communism, and that he is one of the richest men/company on planet 1%.

A better spread of wealth would help the very people you are talking about. It does not mean everyone having the same and there being no rich and no poor... it means no super rich and no super poor.

The gap between the 1% and the 99% is getting wider and wider... have you seen this presentation about wealth inequality? (american but hey)

Have you heard of the NASA funded study about where this will most likely lead? <<< link

I'm going to hazard a guess and say that a personal net worth of £15,000,000+ puts you within the 1%.

There is a fundamental hypocrisy in his words and his (in)actions.
The trouble with brands absolutisms is that people start debating them in exactly the same way as he pronounces them, which all ends up as a load of hot air.

He may have a point but it comes over as a somewhat cynical hijacking of some real problems in our society to further his own media profile - this is what russell brand does, it's his thing now.
He's on The Big Fat Anniversary Quiz on C4 right now. He just tries too hard to sound intelligent, it sounds false, and has a perpetual smug smile on his face.
Personally, I hope his anus grows taste buds. Then he'd know exactly how we feel having to listen to the grimy ****'s constant stream of eschrolalia.
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Wh...?? Have any of you looked up the distinction between net worth and earnings?

The net worth for the top 1% in UK is around £3 Billion.
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Wh...?? Have any of you looked up the distinction between net worth and earnings?

The net worth for the top 1% in UK is around £3 Billion.

WTF are you smoking?

1 in 100 people in the UK are worth £3 billion? :D

Are you trolling or just really really inumerate? :confused:
I'm absolutely wrong and will eat some serious humble pie. Very sorry.

I read billion instead of million in a recent Telegraph article, which seemed a sensible recollection after watching that US Wealth video but there's quite a massive separation of wealth in US compared to UK. Given that the top 1% always earns around half of the entire country (lowest half), I also couldn't believe that almost 50% of the net worth in UK is worth less than 3 Million.


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Millionaire comedian and self-styled anarchist Russell Brand has blamed the disgraced Chelsea fans’ racist thuggery in Paris on football’s recent £5 billion TV rights deal.

‘If you treat fans like they don’t matter, like they’re not worthy of grace, then it isn’t surprising that some behave disgracefully,’ writes Brand on his blog, under the heading ‘£5.1bn a high price for racism?’

Of course we never saw any racism at football before Sky came on the scene.
Man up and give him one then. Strange that you think violence solves problems though. :eek:

Nah, it's his face is just so smackable, i'm not going to go looking for him, i'm not a psycho but if he's right in my face i think i'd just punch him
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