'Russia is seriously running out of cash'

19 May 2004
Nordfriesland, Germany
I wonder how many generations it'll take for Russians and the West to forget about World War 2 and the Cold War

To some extent I think we already have. The Russians did more than anyone else to win World War 2; how often do you hear that? While the value of the EU in bringing peace across Europe was casually dismissed in the run up to Brexit.
Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
I wonder how many generations it'll take for Russians and the West to forget about World War 2 and the Cold War

It pretty much has. I recall at primary school in the early 1970's my classmates had hate and vitriol for the fact I'd been to Germany for a holiday. Obviously they were too young to form their own opinion but it shows how much their parents cared at the time. Yet nowadays you wouldn't find anything like that kind of opinion in this country or in any across Europe. I suspect that's the same in Russia too. Today's conflicts are because of more recent actions since then.
10 May 2012
It pretty much has. I recall at primary school in the early 1970's my classmates had hate and vitriol for the fact I'd been to Germany for a holiday. Obviously they were too young to form their own opinion but it shows how much their parents cared at the time. Yet nowadays you wouldn't find anything like that kind of opinion in this country or in any across Europe. I suspect that's the same in Russia too. Today's conflicts are because of more recent actions since then.

It's not really the general public, it's more governments and leaders and how the distrust affects how they deal with countries around each other. For instance how Russia and the US are supporting seperate regimes in Syria, how Russia views Ukraines desire to form closer ties with Europe, how the US obviously forms close ties with countries that surround Russia and China. This huge geopolitical game of chess that's constantly being played is what causes all the distrust. The general public barely know any of the details of WW2 or the Cold War.
19 Feb 2015
Tosno, I'm so hungry...


I brought the gift of Yorkshire pudding to Russia, now their siege holdout time is x2 if they freeze them in the snow :D
27 Apr 2013
To some extent I think we already have. The Russians did more than anyone else to win World War 2; how often do you hear that? While the value of the EU in bringing peace across Europe was casually dismissed in the run up to Brexit.

1. NATO and Pax Americana brought peace to Europe, not the EU.
2. The Russians did a lot of dying and killing, but strategically their contribution was no greater than the Western allies. In fact they'd probably have been out of the war were it not for the West supplying them, cutting the Germans off from oil etc.
5 Oct 2016
As anyone given any thought why Russia spends so much money on armaments?
Could it be something to do with NATO.s aggressive and provocative policies in the Baltic and elsewhere.

5 Oct 2016
1. NATO and Pax Americana brought peace to Europe, not the EU.
2. The Russians did a lot of dying and killing, but strategically their contribution was no greater than the Western allies. In fact they'd probably have been out of the war were it not for the West supplying them, cutting the Germans off from oil etc.

The fact is this. If Germany had not been so tied up in Eastern Europe they would have kicked America and Britain back across the Channel toot suite.
Thank the Lord for the Russkis.

26 Jun 2016
1. NATO and Pax Americana brought peace to Europe, not the EU.
2. The Russians did a lot of dying and killing, but strategically their contribution was no greater than the Western allies. In fact they'd probably have been out of the war were it not for the West supplying them, cutting the Germans off from oil etc.

I'm all up to bashing Russia but your second statement is just incorrect and ignorant.

If it wasnt for Soviets, WW2 would be lost in Europe. Study battle of France that lasted pathetic sligtly over a month.

There is no way in hell that Allies stood any chance without Soviets in Europe. At best UK would be defended miracolously from Invasion. Counter offensive would be impossible, we wouldnt be able to ship so much armour and personel across water and land them to fight Germans. Imagine a million of German soldiers that were in Stalingrad stationed accross Coast. With battle armour amount of Kursk battle along with them.
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