Rust - multiplayer survival from the creator of Garry's Mod

Going to give this a break for a bit, just gone past a 1000hrs on it, only ever done that with 1 game before (Football Manager 12). Going to to give Ark another try, couldn't get into last time i tried
Binned Ark off already, missed Rust too much, the 3 or 4 updates since have been brilliant too
Delayed update, hoping with the unity update we're going to get better animal AI very soon.

Been flying solo recently and living in a simple non honey combed 1x2 with ladder hatch for roof access, really enjoying it, I know I'm going to get offline raided as I'm really getting under the skin of a big(ish) clan base near me, I have even put a Turret close to there base in the bushes near there base haha! Going run around the map asking other biggish groups if they want to raid them for me!
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Just picked this up last week, got two colleagues on now so we're making some progress at last.

We are however being bullied by a clan haha.

I'm finding community solo/duo/trio servers, preferably with active admins. The best way to play Rust if your not in a Zerg clan, that way your not getting overrun and there's no huge bases dominating the landscape
Early acces with regular updates, tons of fun!

Best game I have ever played tbh, though I am getting an unhealthy addiction to the skins...
We have a group of 6 on our own server now but we are struggling to get it populated, we managed to get a few on but since the force wipe/update didn't happen they haven't been back.
Hard to keep a lesser known new(ish) server populated, I have been playing on very low populated server on and off for 3 years, I just go on there to try out new base designs nowadays. Unless your server has is very well known or has had a well known Twitch or Youtuber play on it, it's going to struggle to stay populated whilst it's has regular wipes
Quite enjoying this, but i really need to git gud as I seem to just get killed no matter what. I think its partly due to the fact i mainly play PVE coop games, so there's always a slight hesitation before firing in case they are a friendly (they never are :( ).

I didnt see the point of the game at all when i first started as a friend always got the base started, but when I set off solo one night it was a really cool experience. It was a few days after wipe so there were bases everywhere, I had to run miles to find a good spot to build a base. Found a nice hidden spot inside some rocks and set about building a little wooden hut. Sat inside the base with a camp fire going during the night was really cool, just needed the saferoom music from Resident Evil and it would have been perfect :D.

The best experience was a few days later when I just popped on for a few mins to check the base hadn't been raided and heard an airdrop as soon as I spawned in so thought I may as well go for it. Managed to get it and headed back to my base when I heard 2 people jumping up the rocks to get to the top of my base (flawed base design). So I hid under a shadow of the rock and waited for them to drop down and shot one of them, but the other got me. Then they appeared at the windows and a massive firefight broke out.

It all went quiet so I messaged my brother to come online and they came back with C4. Unfortunately they got the better of us and we were trapped in the bedroom while they were fully armed in our base hacking away at the storage rooms. My brother started grovelling and asked if they could spare us some stuff and they turned out to be really cool and just took a bit of sulphur and even left us some rocket launchers :).

The community can be pretty toxic, but there are some decent guys about as well. I have found a lot of kids play this game. Bit weird having some naked black dude with a 12 year olds voice asking you for tools and trying to jump on your head lol.
Has anyone been playing since the last update? You can now build twig structures and ladders within TC privilege areas. Clearly the clan who offline raided me had no idea of the change since I was able to build over their walls, up the side of their base and take it over :D
the changes are massive.being able to do ladders and such and raid how it is now has been a game changer.

I just wonder how long it will last as it seems a bit op. I only play on a quiet server but I imagine that the official ones are complete carnage at the moment.
It really does change the game up, i usually didn't bother putting a roof on a honeycombed 2 high 2x2 if I was playing as a solo player, needless to say that's out of the window now! I think it's a great update, it really forces the player to put some thought into the base design, currently I'm solo playing on 300 pop Rusty Moose server and I'm living in a single square foundation of a huge raided base as I was late to the wipe, honestly, unless someone sees me leaving or entering the base I don't think I'll be raided. I have a few ideas for the next wipe now.

I hope all the winging on the Reddit forum doesn't force facepunch to revert the update, it really has freshened up the game, also the scrap is really cool, it's like a throw back to the BP system, I can see scrap being used as currency in Vending machines
I think its a bad change personally as its pretty much impossible to build a base to stand up to an offline raid now. Honeycombing is pointless as they will just build up to the roof and a couple of c4s and they are in. It was already easy enough to raid people as can be seen by the endless half blown up bases littering the map half way through the wipe. Not sure it needed a buff.

Then again I am a new player and haven't seen all the changes taking shape.

Also renders my mates base design useless now. He builds a small honeycombed tower with a hatch that you have to jump off a chest to reach. Now they can just build steps up to it and 1 c4 and they are into the main bit.

Just glad I play on a 3x loot server. If i'd spent like 20 hours building a base and collecting materials/airdrops etc and some 12yo griefer offline raided my base and despawned everything, I think i'd just quit lol. At least on the 3x servers you can get into a good position in a single night.
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There are ways around it, I've built a base in a cave now and there is no way to get on the roof. Also high external walls, overhangs, roofs, and even signs attached to the wall can block foundations against the base and ladders.
I think its a bad change personally as its pretty much impossible to build a base to stand up to an offline raid now. Honeycombing is pointless as they will just build up to the roof and a couple of c4s and they are in. It was already easy enough to raid people as can be seen by the endless half blown up bases littering the map half way through the wipe. Not sure it needed a buff.

Then again I am a new player and haven't seen all the changes taking shape.

Also renders my mates base design useless now. He builds a small honeycombed tower with a hatch that you have to jump off a chest to reach. Now they can just build steps up to it and 1 c4 and they are into the main bit.

Just glad I play on a 3x loot server. If i'd spent like 20 hours building a base and collecting materials/airdrops etc and some 12yo griefer offline raided my base and despawned everything, I think i'd just quit lol. At least on the 3x servers you can get into a good position in a single night.
The twig update is genius, I have been playing for a few years now, all the bases were pretty much the same, mine included. We're getting to the stage of development where traps are starting to be a huge factor, also think outside the box, leave your main loot scattered around the map in hidden stashes, raided bases, I built a 1x1 with triangle airlock close to my main base and left the roof off the 'loot room' and put twig foundations and steps going up to the hole in roof to give the appearance of a raided base, however I put 2 small boxes in the air lock of it full of my most precious loot, RPG's, Rockets, C4, sulfar and a few guns. If some raises my 'main base' a they will get is clothes, cloth, bows, fat and and few Revolvers etc, hardly worth the c4 and rockets it would require to hit the loot room. Really looking forward to seeing where the development is heading, I remember there was talk about NPC's patrolling rad towns and drones you can craft to check out the landscape and scout out bases, in this kind out game there's pretty much an endless scope on what the devs could add!
Anyone play this on the regular and want to team up? I love Rust but generally play solo as my friends aren't really that into survival/base building. Drop me your steam ID and I'll add you and we can have a game.

Really enjoying the recent and regular updates and performance seems to have been improved a lot.
Rust is the best Survival Sandbox game, but it also has the most toxic community I've ever experienced.

The chat last night consisted of blaming black people for existing, wanting to kill all Europeans, i got killed by HitlerWasRight who screamed "I'm going to rape your mother" before he finished me off.

The community really drags the game down.
Rust is the best Survival Sandbox game, but it also has the most toxic community I've ever experienced.

The chat last night consisted of blaming black people for existing, wanting to kill all Europeans, i got killed by HitlerWasRight who screamed "I'm going to rape your mother" before he finished me off.

The community really drags the game down.

I take it there is no player reporting facility?
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