Rust - multiplayer survival from the creator of Garry's Mod

yes our lot just left that server after we spent last month dominating server then one night all our armoured bases raided one go by base alone would have needed 50 plus c4.never minded the rest of our bases.

thats why will go official server next for no admin abuse posibility.if someone knows of a good busy one maybe we all join up in a big group.

The 400 slot Rustafied server looks great but a little laggy every now and again, just tried it out now and well over 200 people on there. Will be giving it a go for sure on the next wipe. Would be cool to join up with a group though, let me know what server you decide on, i have about 200 hours or so in game so not the most experienced.
Awesome, thanks for the tip. I'm far too nice in the game at the minute ;)

Want to raid some bases but not sure how to go about it solo, looks like the easiest way might be 8 satchel charges, but that's a lot of bean cans!

Satchels are great for small bases with sheet metal doors, but for bigger bases Rockets are the way to go, they cause splash damage and if you aim for the middle of 4 walls you will take them all out, a small group, even a solo player, can do a LOT of damage to even the biggest bases with enough Rockets, it's also a great way to wipe out clans and pesky roof campers, destroy there base and wipe them of the server
Yea, solo raiding is always best to start out with flamethrower raiding wooden bases, noobs keep a lot of good loot in wooden door bases and now that you can get low grade from oil drums its even easier. Just need to find those metal pipes.
Yea, solo raiding is always best to start out with flamethrower raiding wooden bases, noobs keep a lot of good loot in wooden door bases and now that you can get low grade from oil drums its even easier. Just need to find those metal pipes.

Great tip thanks. This was pretty much my mindset, just chasing dem pipes now!
I played a few months back, but gave up after spending 3 weeks of evenings building up my perfect little shelter only for it to get blown to bits haha! I'd be up for chumming up with some one :)
I played a few months back, but gave up after spending 3 weeks of evenings building up my perfect little shelter only for it to get blown to bits haha! I'd be up for chumming up with some one :)

More than happy to buddy up mate. It really takes a sneaky play style to solo, fancy a game tonight? Got a mic?
The server I play on went down, I was in the water rad town at the recycler, had 5 tech trash and 2 rifle bodies, and components. BOOM server down, been down 3 hours now. I'm assuming I'll be dead by radiation in my sleep won't I?
The server I play on went down, I was in the water rad town at the recycler, had 5 tech trash and 2 rifle bodies, and components. BOOM server down, been down 3 hours now. I'm assuming I'll be dead by radiation in my sleep won't I?

You should be ok, ive seen people log out on top of the dome and log back in when they think boxes have respawned
Going to give this a break for a bit, just gone past a 1000hrs on it, only ever done that with 1 game before (Football Manager 12). Going to to give Ark another try, couldn't get into last time i tried
Human laptop and now, are you both up for joint up?

I've found it very difficult (not to mention toxic) trying to solo this game. I've only ever managed small bases before being destroyed and geared teams of 3 or 4 wipe me out even if I'm hitting a tree with a rock.

That said I love the mechanics and the game itself, I just really need to ally.

So if you're up for it, my Steam name is Basher. Neo you on soon mate?
add me on steam come join ts. we are a bit rawkus but if you fancy teaming up we will be on later as a group.

wanton joined us last night was a great laugh.i fear billy maybe dead :p also the base was raided :(

so i think we maybe going to london 1 when everyone is on.:D
Yep had a proper laugh last night thanks gents. I might be on today but I have to commit to some time with the mrs, fingers crossed!
I still consider myself new to the game but your best bet as a solo player is finding a solo/duo only server. Even the low population ones will have several groups running around raiding people with rockets and C4 halfway through the first week. Building small and hidden is effective to a point; eventually someone will follow you home or stumble across your base, bringing their friends along for a little visit.

There's a pretty decent server I know of but I've been plagued with memory crashes since the new update and I've missed my opportunity to get a good start. I'm literally buying some more Ram for this game as despite how excruciating it is for a solo player I'm completely hooked.
This game worth buying? Toying with the idea after I quit dayz years ago. Base building looks fun.

How grindy is it? and is solo play possible?
Solo play is definitely possible, just play lower pop community servers, I won't touch official now too many clans and considering I play solo or with 2 others max, makes things difficult. It's grindy to an extent, but incredibly rewarding, it's one of the hardest yet most satisfying games I have ever played. Replacing a wooden door and a key lock for a sheet metal door and a code lock sounds simple, but you feel a hell of a lot safer! Buy it, and get a friend to buy it too
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