Rust - multiplayer survival from the creator of Garry's Mod

Started playing this again with a clan mate. It's so fun and silly :p we jumped on a server and played for about 2hours and had a hilarious time.

The first hour and half was exploring, gathering and then building a 5 story, cylindrical tower.... Which looked pretty good.

Then hilarity ensued. We saw a random guy hitting a rock a good distance from our observation deck, so we took a few pot shots. Didn't even hit and he ran off. Then about 20 seconds later we were taking shots from this.... Maybe 20 story tower? That was also part of this huge medieval complex. Guard towers, central complex, multiple tier walls with machinery and wire all around.

We kept peeking and saw one guy on the roof.... Being so high up he had a massive advantage as he could see right into our top floor and also suffer less bullet drop corrections. We took a few shots but he killed us both at least twice.

Then there were footsteps outside. So we played possum. We just stayed completely still not too make a sound but could hear two outside then. Then it went quiet.

I ran outside as my mate went to the look out floor and spotted a guy on an elevated rock close by. I ran out and got insta gibbet the moment the guy saw me. I was naked and unarmed at this point :p

Spawning back inside my friend got killed again on the look out floor. With the fire raining in it was hard to get to the body..... So we took out the floor and the body dropped xD.

We then jumped to see if the guy was on the rock. And sure enough he was..... With a friend too. We kept jumping and they kept taking shots.... Then a third showed up and they started a human pyramid to get a better angle. This went on and after 5 mins there was 7 of them out there. Then they built a ghetto tower set of stairs and going look down into the floor we were on.

We kept peeking and then the fog rolled in and they vanished. Logged off for the night.

Came back next day. Dead. And all traces of our tower had been wiped from existence and so had theirs.

Must have been a super butthurt to go to the trouble to destroy absolutely everything. We barely had any supplies :p asked in chat about our tower and and people said it's against server rules to completely destroy, only allowed to raid and gain entrance not complete destruction. So they must really have been annoyed :p

Then had offers of 400k stone and such from friendly players xD so tonight..... We rebuild!
Started playing this again with a clan mate. It's so fun and silly :p we jumped on a server and played for about 2hours and had a hilarious time.

The first hour and half was exploring, gathering and then building a 5 story, cylindrical tower.... Which looked pretty good.

Then hilarity ensued. We saw a random guy hitting a rock a good distance from our observation deck, so we took a few pot shots. Didn't even hit and he ran off. Then about 20 seconds later we were taking shots from this.... Maybe 20 story tower? That was also part of this huge medieval complex. Guard towers, central complex, multiple tier walls with machinery and wire all around.

We kept peeking and saw one guy on the roof.... Being so high up he had a massive advantage as he could see right into our top floor and also suffer less bullet drop corrections. We took a few shots but he killed us both at least twice.

Then there were footsteps outside. So we played possum. We just stayed completely still not too make a sound but could hear two outside then. Then it went quiet.

I ran outside as my mate went to the look out floor and spotted a guy on an elevated rock close by. I ran out and got insta gibbet the moment the guy saw me. I was naked and unarmed at this point :p

Spawning back inside my friend got killed again on the look out floor. With the fire raining in it was hard to get to the body..... So we took out the floor and the body dropped xD.

We then jumped to see if the guy was on the rock. And sure enough he was..... With a friend too. We kept jumping and they kept taking shots.... Then a third showed up and they started a human pyramid to get a better angle. This went on and after 5 mins there was 7 of them out there. Then they built a ghetto tower set of stairs and going look down into the floor we were on.

We kept peeking and then the fog rolled in and they vanished. Logged off for the night.

Came back next day. Dead. And all traces of our tower had been wiped from existence and so had theirs.

Must have been a super butthurt to go to the trouble to destroy absolutely everything. We barely had any supplies :p asked in chat about our tower and and people said it's against server rules to completely destroy, only allowed to raid and gain entrance not complete destruction. So they must really have been annoyed :p

Then had offers of 400k stone and such from friendly players xD so tonight..... We rebuild!

then we log in today and get totally smashed before even finishing a base :(
Anybody know any decent servers? Me and a friend played on two servers last which had 28 and 33 ping for me but there was noticeable lag (in the seconds) for most of the play.
if we get a decent server up would play.still a great game and progressing nicely.

our sever went down after the main guy we started it with couldnt handle the maintenance and decided to opt out.

we were going to continue with it but it was in his details and he wouldn't give them over :(
i've been pretty addicted to rust the past few months. me and my mate joined a clan last night and we're playing on a server with some mods. Server is wiped weekly. lots of players on all the time and is pretty aggressive. The bases we make are pretty impenetrable. 5 layer thick high external stone walls, inside the compound is littered with auto turrets. then its a pure maze to make your way through our base to our storage/sleeping area. Usually takes 2 days to rebuild at each wipe but its good fun.
i've been pretty addicted to rust the past few months. me and my mate joined a clan last night and we're playing on a server with some mods. Server is wiped weekly. lots of players on all the time and is pretty aggressive. The bases we make are pretty impenetrable. 5 layer thick high external stone walls, inside the compound is littered with auto turrets. then its a pure maze to make your way through our base to our storage/sleeping area. Usually takes 2 days to rebuild at each wipe but its good fun.

How many are you? There was only 3 of us playing and regaining bps after each wipe became a grind.
How many are you? There was only 3 of us playing and regaining bps after each wipe became a grind.

last night there were 5 of us on, theres 7 or 8 in total in our clan. There was about 60 people online in the server last night. The blueprints don't get wiped on the server we're on thankfully. But they do start us off with 5 libraries, 5 books, 10 sheets and 1000 bp frags. So i got BP's for 2 auto turrets and C4 as soon as i got into the game from the libraries. 1st time i've got auto turret bp's playing rust.
Just got this in the sale, was doing alright, took over an abandoned house with a furnace, then got killed when someone found me, lol. If anyone from here wants to play or would let me join in, I'd be up for that.
Managed a bit better last night, managed to build a stone shack, and some doors, inadvertanly took someone prisoner. Glad I had 2 airlocks, went to check this morning, my first two doors are gone, I think the attackers probably thought I was trolling them, as first door was wooden, second was sheet metal, and third was armoured with sheet metal walls around it, lol.
How is it now with the leveling up system that replaces blueprints?

I quite like it, its a bit of a grind but works well imo. Still enjoying it as now my friends have all bought it and we're having a blast getting all the resources for charges and what not

Just started up a server if anyone's interested:

RustyScratcher [UK] Noobs Welcome [Wiped 12/08]
Oxide Plugins installed: PlayerCounter, StackSizeController, ZLevelsRemastered, Notifier, Night Lantern, Enhanced Hammer
Nice update yesterday, anyone still playing this? Looking for a decent server to play on, maybe low pop as I usually just solo.
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