Ryan's Headphone Review Thread

Just wondering, what sort of size the cups on the akgs are?

They seem to be the same sort of design as my superlux hd681s, and the cups on them are a little small for them to be completely comfortable
I don't think I've ever chosen anything over the Annie.

I was just having a friendly dig because it seems that whenever you get something you really like, you never seem to be able to hang on to it. :D

As for the Annies, I thought the later ones weren't as good because they changed to the same pads as the K712.
Haha there's too many different flavours out there! Had a go on some newer Annie's and they sound great. Not as good as the original Annie's though, they were magical.
My personal favourite is the Sennheiser HD 650 which would have to be pried out of my stiff dead fingers before I'd give them up - Ask Ryan, he tried :D

I also have bass port modded AKG K702's (very close to the Q701s) but they sound brash and treble happy compared with the sennheisers, though they are brilliant for gaming.
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I'm sure I would prefer a pair of Audeze LCD3 or HiFiMan HE6 but I can't afford them, so no, it's not out of any headphones available.

I'm happy that I've got the headphones that best suit my listening tastes at a cost that I was able to afford.
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Hopefully they should be fine then :)

would the q701s be worth the £70 difference to the k612 pros?

I think the 612 is the better buy. It's more balanced, warmer and more musical. The Q701 is good, it's smoother than the K701 but still isn't what I'd call fully warm, it's close though. It's refined and detailed and is in a different league but it's genre specific IMO.

Out of all the AKGs the Q701 has the best base(not bass) because it's smoother nature gives you more room to adjust the sound in a pleasing way. Some Annie pads plus the Annie foams will get you a sound close to the Annie if you fancy modding.
Talk to me about the Senn HD700. I'm open to explore another headphone now and compare with the modded Q701. I want to keep trying out new phones to see where the natural upgrade lies beyond the Q701. The Fidelio X2 was great but I didn't find it as as sonically enjoyable as the Q701 even if the build quality is superior. I wonder if the HD700 @ <£500 could be a viable option without having to resort to the HD800.

FTR I do find the Q701 a nice and warm headphone but that's with them being powered by the NAD amp which has a typically NAD sound character which is warm but very very detailed high and low.
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The HD700 is warm, quite detailed but I don't really care for them much. They are a different signature to the Q701 and are going in the other direction. The Q is more detailed than the HD700. If you like the Q a lot then you are going to find it hard to upgrade.

The AKG 501 might be worth a look if you want the AKG 701 signature but smoother and much better mids.

AD2000x also is a good headphone but more of a side grade with again, better mids.

HD800 is the only real upgrade being brighter, more resolving and more spacious. The HD800 and HD598 are the only Sennheisers that don't have that typical Senn sound if that makes sense.
Hehe figured that would be the answer :o
I've had the HD598 and didn't really consider them a big upgrade from the Hd595 and actually enjoyed the X1 more than them though the Q I found to beat them both for resolution and spacious sound.

Looks like I'll save a bit longer and make the logical upgrade then!
I find the HD 700 to be pretty mediocre considering it's price point and competition. Now I know there are probably members here who own a pair (I've only demoed it on a few occasions) so feel free to call me out.

Sound wise, it ranks pretty low for me due to it's horrible (insert expletives) treble spike around 6kHz. Timbre sounds off due to the over emphasis on treble and weird upper mid range. It's like Sennheisers engineers took a day off and Jon Grado snuck into the office and 'designed something by ear'.

With a bit of EQ you can get it to sound pretty decent but I don't consider it much of an upgrade in terms of technicalities over say the HD 6xx range. It certainly doesn't come close to say the HD 800 or other flagship products.

It is fairly comfortable though, so there is that.
Sony MDR-Z7 do you plan to test these? :)

Not sure about Ryan but I might pick them up if the price drops a bit. Current feedback on the Chang and HF seem to be mixed (which is usually not a good sign). Measurements seem to be so so, not terrible but not as good as I was hoping for considering this is meant to be Sony's flagship.
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